
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs


Tia has always been what you'd call an Omnivert.

She never knew how to balance her… basically anything, surprise people don't see her as a complete mess because to her she couldn't even decide what she wants to be in the future.

All she knew was that she wanted to be rich and powerful, never want to bow her head to anyone, be at the pinnacle of strength.

Always living in her imagination could describe her as a person but maybe sometimes your imagination is the best way to get ahead.

Born from a middle class family in an economy that's not exactly favourable to the middle or lower class, yeah, the government was kinda plaguy.

Tia wasn't exactly born on the best days or in the best condition. She was born in the kitchen.

Her mom, Baity, was going to her room from the kitchen at night and of course there was no electricity, before she went into labour which resulted to Tia falling on the ground.

Tia's skin was caramel, soft and could be described as cute. She wasn't the most beautiful but she was definitely a type of beauty.

Her nose wasn't tiny, it was a little big but pointed, pretty eyes with nice lashes that fits just perfectly, nice two toned lips.

Everything together made her look a little unique, the kind that if she told you she wasn't a citizen of country Z but from other countries paired with the right accent, you wouldn't doubt it.

Looks resembled that of a rich kid, she even acted like one, talked like one, seemed like one, not that she was trying to deceive anyone, she never lied about being rich.

Something about her just made people feel like she was rich even if she told you she was broke except you knew her family condition all too well but she would never tell you that, getting things out of her is like hitting a hard rock.

After graduating high school at the age of sixteen, Tia had a year to spend at home, she did fail her college entrance exam after-all which made her sad because it was the first time she failed a major exam in her life.

So she decided to learn programing, python, more precisely online. Of course it wasn't easy, especially for someone with a moderate attention span to anything but she has been learning for a week and she had the basics under control.

At noon of a very boring Monday, Tia went to a pastry shop, she knew she shouldn't be wasting money like this especially on expensive pastries but she was craving it so she did it anyways.

What she didn't expect was this was the day her life would change.

After buying it she was feeling quite optimistic about everything until she stumbled on a hit and run of a girl dressed in rags, well not rags but there was a lot of patching and it looked worn out.

Normally she would have ignored it like everyone else but this time she just couldn't walk away while the poor girl bleeds to death.

Tia decided to help her to a hospital which meant withdrawing almost half her life savings for her medical fee's which also resulted to silent tears from her while siting at the bedside of the girl.

"Maybe I should have just left her"

She muttered before calling her mum and telling her about being in a hospital to accompany a friend.

Not that she could tell her mum that she saved a girl she didn't know and is now with her in the hospital, that would be stupid and now that she thinks about it, she does feel stupid.

POV : Tia

After three hours of glaring at the unconscious girl on the bed, guess the girl felt it was time to wake up.

And like every scene in a movie, the question " who are you" is asked and before I could answer like the magnanimous, innocent white rose that I am.

The chick asked me who she was and then it hit me, "I am definitely not going to get my money back and came back the tears".

I knew there was only a slim chance that I would get it back but I still held hope and now it's gone.

She is soo lucky that I didn't lose my cool and go all UFC on her because it felt like I should.

At least my anger and pain would be reduced.

But like the coolheaded, calm, nice, human being that I am, I decided to hold my shit in.

While she looked at me weirdly and then she closed her eyes like she was in pain, probably remembering who she was so I let her take her time as I stare at her.

Came to the conclusion that she's really pretty, with her jade like skin, pretty eyes, thin nose and lips.

Only problem is that she looks malnutritioned and she is dressed in literal rags, she could pass as a model though.

Looks a little older than me with a weird level of resemblance, not to the level that I'd believe we were related but if I was told we were, I wouldn't doubt it.

She finally opened her eyes and asked for my name which I told her, said her name was Marie and kept quite after that, looking very lost.

It made me feel bad for her... and myself for what I was about to do.

I told her I'll be taking my leave, throwing away all my plans to get my money back.

As I was about to leave she grabbed my arm and asked if she could come with me, of course I was going to say no but before I could she told me she doesn't know where to go.

"Curse my kind heartedness"

I thought well and hard before I said she could stay with me but not for long and if anyone asks she's my friend that I met at a tutorial and her parents are missing.

My brain is quite quick-witted when it comes to cooking up lies to save myself from my parents.

She agreed to what I said and we went to get her discharged.

I know in movies this is how serial killers are let into someone's house but I couldn't help but want to help her.

Ugh pathetic.

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