
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs

Pictures and videos

On their way home they stumbled upon a store that sells clothes and a pretty dress attracted Tia's since she kept staring at it.

They ended up in the store as Tia took the dress and went to try it on.

In the shop, there was a suspicious looking man which was browsing through clothes as he kept his eyes on the changing room where Tia went to.

Marie noticed this as soon as she felt bad intentions from the man toward Tia.

The more she stared at the man she started hearing voices of different people.

Like everyone in the store decided to say their thoughts out loud enough for her to hear, including both the normal and inappropriate ones.

Everything suddenly became overbearing for her as felt the sounds get louder and louder before Tia taped on her shoulder.

"Are you okay, you look a little pale."

The sounds disappeared as and her attention went to Tia and she started hearing the girl talk about getting her water and worrying about her.

Without her lips moving like she wasn't even saying a word.

It felt like she could hear her thoughts.

She immediately faced the man she was staring at before, concentrating on only him trying to read his mind.

"When those two girls leave, I'll follow them and use my chloroform handkerchiefs to knock both of them out."

The more she heard his thoughts, the darker her face went.

Tia couldn't help but nudge Marie as she stared at a man as if she could kill him in any moment.

"Do I look pretty and should I get it, there is a 60% discount on it so it's definitely a steal!"

"Yeah, it's really pretty and the price is good, let's buy it."

Marie said barely keeping the expression on her face normal.

They bought the dress and left the shop.

Marie watched the man follow them as they went home.

When they were passing an empty alley, Marie suddenly told Tia to slowdown and be prepared.

Then all of a sudden the man grabbed the both of them from behind and used two handkerchiefs to cover their noses and mouths.

As Marie expected this man was very inexperienced since he didn't realize he will need to hold the both of them for minutes before the chloroform would knock them out and that was next to impossible with his strength and both of them struggling.

Within 3 seconds of struggling both the girls already removed his hand from their faces and twisted his arms behind his back.

Marie proceeded to punching him on the face and they both heard the sound of his nose bones breaking instantly.

But she didn't stop there and broke the bones in his knee and elbows with one hit each and beat him up till he lost consciousness became unrecognizable.

The both of them left the scene running before someone sees them.

When they got home, they both laid on the floor in Tia's room before Tia turned to look at Maria.

"You want to explain what just happened to me?"

"I can read peoples minds."

Tia tilted her head as she stared at her.

"I realized it in the clothes shop,

that time you taped me, and I focused on you, I could hear your thoughts.

That man was staring at you while you were in the shop and I felt bad intentions from him so I read his mind and knew what he was going to do."

"Oh, so you can read minds, see through things, excellent physique, superfast and really strong.

What else can you do?"

Tia stared at Marie with an amused smile.

"Also, try not to violate my privacy by reading my mind without permission."

"I would never! Should we take the pictures and videos first or make food?"

"Pictures and videos! I'm starving but we might as well get this over with."

Tia chuckled as she went to a take a shower.

"Can you go through my clothes and help me choose what to wear."

After taking pictures and videos of Tia, Marie edited it and posted it on the popular social media app, Timber.

She contacted various buzz marketers to help with promoting the post.

By the time she was done, Tia made her way to the room with two bowls of noodles for both of them.

There wasn't anything special about the noodles, it was average at best knowing that Tia couldn't cook much.

Within an hour of posting, Tia's phone has started to buzz non-stop.

Marie saw that a lot of her friends have reposted, liked and even left various comments on the post that Tia could already be regarded as a little celebrity with her over 3000 followers.

In the next 2 hours Tia already gained extra 12000 followers which was way out of Marie's expectations for a first day.

Before they knew it Tia started to receive direct messages from small brands about endorsing their products.

But at this moment what annoyed Marie way a specific contact, Cathy, that have been sending messages and calling Tia's number nonstop.

She finally decided to give the phone to Tia so she can answer the annoying person that won't take a hint.

Only to find out that she was Tia's best friend, though it made the Cathy girl more annoying to her.

"Hey you, I know I'm sorry I wasn't with my phone, okay.

Come on you can't be mad at me for this!

Fine, I'll come but I might bring a friend with me though."

Tia sighed as she cut the call.

"Do you want to come with me?

I'm going to meet a couple of my close friends at the mall."


At the mall...

A girl was running towards us like her life depended on it, for a moment Marie felt like running too.

Maybe something or someone was chasing the girl before she jumped in right in time for Tia to catch her.

The both of them fell down laughing.

Tia introduced Marie to Cathy as they walked to where a group of two boys and a girl was waiting for them.

Their names were Jared, Ramsey and Jessie.

The first thing Marie noticed was how they were all dressed in designer clothes with accessories and the way they carried themselves.

Obviously they were from well off families, not that Tia did not wear nice clothes, it was just that her elegance looked more embedded in her bones.

And they look like elegant preppy rich second generational kids.

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy his novel. Do add it to your library, post reviews and comment, thanks!

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