
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs


POV : Marie

I can't believe I'm alive and I can see with my eyes closed, well at least when I concentrate.

What other weird powerful thing can I do? I'd ask Tia but how would she know, she doesn't seem like she even knows me also who takes a stranger they save casually to their house.

She's a little too nice, going to have to work on that, she can't be too nice to other people like this in the future, except me of course.

I'm pretty sure this Marie girl that I'm in her body died after that car hit her, guess my soul jumped into her body, not that I'm complaining.

I have all her memories. Poor girl is an orphan, parents died in a fire when she was 5 and she's been alone on the streets since then.

Doing odd jobs to survive, living under a bridge and escaping from various kidnapping and rape attempts.

Damn, that's tragic, 13 years of living like that would drive me insane.

She doesn't even seem to have any friends, anytime she thinks she made one, they end up beating her up and taking away the little things she has.

Forget her for now, this is me, I mean I'm her now so my issues are a priority.

And of course it's to make my dad's life a living hell, death will be an easy way out for him but for that I need power.

Lots of it, if I want to surpass him and take away everything that makes him happy.

Wait, am I even in the same world. It looks the same, I guess.

Ugh, I'll find out later.

Right now sticking to this Tia girl is the goal.

She definitely can't dump me after saving me.

Okay I know I sound ungrateful but she's stuck with me now and unless she betrays me she's mine, yeah I know, possessive, whatever.

POV : Tia

Just don't panic, it's not like she's crazy.

She's obviously just thinking about things and the way her expression changes faster than I blink isn't scary at all.

I'll just ask more things about her when we get home.

After we got to my place I told Marie to wait outside.

I mean if I'm going to give my mum a heart attack for bringing home a girl, might as well do it in private.

"Hi mum, I'm back, how are you?

So what do you say to letting my friend crash here for a while like a few months or less, we definitely won't make too much trouble."

I said as fast as I could talk with the most fawning smile I could produce.

She stars at me for about 15 seconds before saying okay which shocked me to the core.

Many may not know this but I definitely wasn't given the kind of privileges other kids my age had.

Meaning no sleepovers, no parties, even being out late like right now.

It's 8pm and she didn't even complain.

Before I could even finish my thoughts, she started listing a set of conditions like how she can't support all our expenses but our meals and a few other things are okay.

Because of the family condition, and I of course knew that.

For as long as I can remember our family has always been in the same condition, one moment were comfortable without debt and the next second we are in debt.

That's one of the reasons why I want to be rich, other than that I want my own personal space to grow as a person without my annoying family members constant nagging.

And that's the nice way of saying they annoying me soo much I've dreamed of moving out since I knew the meaning of moving out.

Yeah, I literally begged them to let me attend boarding school for high school but I got a NO even before I could fight for my case.

I went to get Marie from outside and took her to my room.

A little part of me was hoping she tells me about herself before I even ask.

For someone wearing tattered clothes that are a little dirty right now, you'd assume she was homeless but nothing about her seems homeless.

Her mannerism, way of talking, everything, not that I'm saying homeless people shouldn't be able to speak properly or anything.

She suddenly asked me if she can take a bath so I took her to the bathroom where I gave her a new brush and towel and left.

I want to watch her take her bath, I'm not a pervert.

Went to my room and started arranging and damn, it needed it.

I'm not trying to impress Marie or anything but the room should at least be clean.

Took out a pair of night clothes, a top and shorts and held it as she came out of the bathroom, gave it to her to change into as I go to take a shower.


After changing into the comfortable clothes Tia gave me which are probably hers because they have her scent.

I went on the bed to wait for to come back and wow, she took her time. 40 minutes to shower, not like she needed it.

She looked clean throughout the time we have spent together.

Tia finally came out, dressed in similar clothing as me.

She sat next to me on the bed, quietly almost like she couldn't bear to make a sound and honestly, it was amusing.

I know I should say something to break the silence but watching her turn more red by the second gave me a sense of relief and power.

She couldn't take it anymore when she decided to break the silence asking me about myself.

This actually troubled me a little, I didn't know what to tell her.

A part of me wanted to tell her the truth but another part of me was scared of her thinking I'm crazy and sending me away.

I really didn't care if I had to sleep under a bridge.

Just wanted her to be there with me, didn't realize when I started to rely on her.

It's not a good sign for someone I know almost nothing about but I still want to be close to her even though I might get hurt.

I finally decided to tell her about Marie, the girl who owns the body I'm in.

Don't know if it is a coincidence but my actual name is also Marie.

After telling her about her life, I looked up at Tia only to see doubt written all over her face like she didn't believe a word that came out of my mouth.

And like I said, she did not.

Saying she can't put her finger on it but she feels like I'm not telling her everything about myself.

That's a good thing though, she has good intuition which I can use, after all she will be my partner in crime forever.

At least till death and if we happen to come back to life again together, we will be partners again.

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