
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 29

After they left, Pria stood up from her sit still as expressionless as she was throughout dinner, without saying a word to Tia, made her way to her room. Tia followed her as she didn't even know what to do now after Pria's father basically gave her to Pria like an object.

Getting into her room and Tia entering behind her, Pria turned back to the door and closed it shut. She knew she was being watched by her fathers men, being friendly to Tia would be suspicious. So she stood up saying nothing to Tia , hoping that the girl would follow her.

Just like she expected her father pushed Tia to her and since Tia was new and timid, she would let her guard down around Tia. Even though he was right about how easily Tia would be able to break her defenses, she already had Tia on her side and knew for a fact that the girl was anything but timid and controllable.

She was a unknown factor that could easily betray anyone anytime and get away with it fully unharmed. Even if Tia betrays her and she still ends up killing her father and brother, Pria knew for a fact that she couldn't bear to hurt Tia as much as she would want to.

And if it was her that lost and Prian and Tom finds out about Tia double crossing them, Prian wouldn't let anything happen to Tia even if it meant fighting against Tom.

Either way she wins, well at least her life, without her, Tia might never see her family again. But then again Tia had proven herself to be incredibly smart and cunny at the same time. She seems like one who would be able to put Prian on a leash without anyone noticing and get her way.

"Do I leave here now? Not gonna lie, I quite like the aesthetics, it's way better than mine. Like if you're gonna paint everything pink, might as well make it look nice..."

After the doors closed, Tia started taking which was a little different from normal, it was like she saw Pria as one of her friends, she could rant to about her frustrations.

"What are you doing? You're talking to me casually, that's weird."

Voicing out her opinion only to be given the heartbroken expression by Tia. "How could you say that, I thought we were friends." The only reaction Tia got was a weird look.

"What, gosh do you not have friends, like without mafia level relations." .... "Okay then, anyways as you're new and first official friend, get used to this and stop giving me that look, it's a little scary. You look like your dad and that is not a compliment."

Tia eventually slept off on the couch in Pria's study after ransacking every nook and cranny in the name of curiosity, glancing through Pria's work documents, playing games with her computer, even playing dress up with her clothes. It was like the girl completely saw her presence as void and just did whatever she wanted, if they didn't have dinner together, Pria might suspect she was high on something or maybe sugar rush.

What Pria would find out in the future is that Tia now knew from every hidden spot in her room and study to information about their family business that could bring the entire empire to ruins within minutes. Letting Tia play with her computer was a big mistake.

The moment she stopped paying attention to the girl focused on a shooting game on her laptop, said girl hacked not only the entire family devices but also that of their company, after all she did have a mainframe connection at her disposal, sent an encrypted message to her sister, Marie about her wellbeing, also giving her access to their mainframe and installed a virus just to be careful, incase they get close to finding out what she'd done.

It would look like there was never a break-in and just some simple computer problem that could easily be fixed. There were a lot of what if's in Tia's situation that she did not like one bit, like what if Pria fails, she had to leave here somehow even if it meant bringing the entire empire down, the only reason she was holding back now was for Pria.

She also found some evidence on Tom's computer that could put him and his son in serious trouble if released to the outside world, no money and power would be able to save them. Intrigued by why on earth he would leave such information existing, although their security team was good, they weren't perfect, like how she just broke it without them even noticing.

Whenever Pria looks up from her work at Tia she would see the girl smiling foolishly at the screen, it unconsciously put a smile on her face. It was nice to see how a silly videogame could make Tia soo happy.

After skimming through things she found interesting and beneficial, Tia thought of how her and Marie were struggling financially and how whomever wins between this family would be making bank and she would be making, 'Nothing'. She was working for all of them and she would not even get a cent, that didn't feel right.

Out of self indignation, she righteously moved to Tom's illegal account and transferred out five billion out of it into a few burner accounts before transferring it into her account, making sure it cannot be traced in any way. In a way it was justice, at least that's what she thought after all the money was made from trafficking, she was trafficked and sold too.

Deleted every bit of trace that the money was ever at his account in the first place, if he ever finds out he can go fight with his henchmen, the ones whom are in charge of the trafficking and selling of humans, they probably deserve whatever they get.