
Alistar Bumblebee

A man from our world reincarnates as a simple peasant in a new world. In a world that soon will be flooded with bloody war. What can he do? Well, he is lucky because he was familiar with this world. This is a World of Warcraft were fine warriors clash and mighty wizards fight, where heroes are born!

alchoz · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

War never changes

For several weeks I got used to myself again. Medivh would not allow me to relax and plunge into the abyss of meditation or attempts to recapture the magic. Every day was a leap in development for me. Soon, the magic began to obey me again. At first, in small portions, completely invisible, but they were there. When I realized this, I began to develop my newfound powers myself. Medivh only helped me with this.

But his help did not make me lose my guard. Oh no, I saw that he very often disappeared from the tower and returned very tired, as if he had been moving hard rocks for days. At this time, Morrows received not very good news. The orcs realized that they could no longer hide and slowly but surely began to seize the surrounding lands. They knew no fear and also showed no pity. They killed everyone, took them into slavery, and made them flee.

The refugees moved in large crowds towards Stormwind, hoping to find salvation there. I also learned that most of the allied states refused to help or even listen to requests for help. According to Morrows, this was the result of king Adamant's isolationist policies. Most of his attention was directed towards the interior of the state. I will not say that this is bad, but still ... According to Morrows, other rulers took this as a sign of superiority, and now they refuse to help.

I began to work even more vigorously with new forces. I gradually began to feel how my source, together with the reservoir, was slowly awakening. It was surprising, but Medivh said there was nothing strange about it. If I could not achieve this myself, Medivh would have performed a special ritual that would return my magic. But he was glad that I did it without his help.

It took me two weeks to fully awaken my source. It was impossible to describe what joy I felt from this. Magic again entered my life, and at the same time, it became stronger. I began to understand it better, and it just so happened that it was much easier to control. My mind was ready to work with magic without weaving or casting spells. My soul - that crystal, continued to glow with soft light, slowly absorbing my source. As soon as I noticed this, I immediately turned to the teacher for advice.

He told me not to worry about it. When the source is absorbed by my soul, I do not need to worry about losing my own magic. It caused me to remember from myself from a vision that I needed to develop my soul. Now I'm starting to understand why.

According to some unknown laws, the soul turned out to be the formation that helps the real body exist and allows it to influence the surrounding space. These laws are unknown to me, and I do not even try to understand them, since very 'high matters' are involved. As it turned out, the source is just a bad copy of the soul. From historical records and some ancient laboratory journals, I learned that ancient beings did not have a source. This immediately led to the conclusion that it was the soul that produced magic for them. Very interesting, I can tell you.

"Alistar," Medivh called to me one day. This was not a face-to-face communication, but a small spell that can transmit sound over long distances. This spell was derived from Sound Resonance. It was developed by Medivh mother. She was definitely an amazing woman. "Come down to the dining room."

"Okay," I told him. Putting my book aside, I quickly went to the teacher. If he called me to him, then it means that the event is not ordinary and should be important for the entire tower's existence. In the dining room, I sensed another different aura that was definitely not human. I wonder who it is?

Going inside, I froze. An orc woman was sitting at the table. I realized this immediately as soon as I could see her visually and with a magical feeling. She, too, stared at me, and her nostrils flared with inhalation. What is the orc doing here? No, I know that Medivh is working with them and helping them to get inside, but it is so stupid to drag the orc to his tower ... Although this is not a normal orc I saw before, but a female orc.

"Apprentice, let me introduce you to an old friend of mine named Garona," Medivh said.

I examined her carefully. Something unkind smelled from her—some kind of demonic spirit and not a very pleasant magical smell. Squinting, I noticed two daggers on her belt, which disgusted me. The amount of real dark magic that was used to create them was overwhelming.

"Garona, this is my talented student, Alistar," the magician said, pointing at me. "Disciple, take a seat."

I walked over to the table and sat down opposite this orc. Garona carefully examined me and smiled, as if it should somehow affect me. I have no fear of her, but I don't really want to conflict with her yet. Better to wait a bit and see what she does.

"Now greet each other," Medivh said.

She held out her hand to shake hands. I answered her in kind. The orch tried to squeeze my palm harder, thereby showing who was in charge. But I'm not made of cotton candy either. For me, her handshake was like a mosquito bite - completely imperceptible. And all because I let my magic flow freely through my body.

"Garona was once a member of the Horde, but seeing what her brothers and sisters have become, she turned her back on them," Medivh said. "She is here because she wanted to tell some important information."

"Horde?" I played a man who has never heard this name.

"This is an orc formation when everyone goes to seize new territories," said Garona in a chest voice. Simultaneously, it was clearly noticeable that she was not yet accustomed to the human language. She makes a little wrong stress and stretches vowel sounds. The growl, too, betrayed her speech.

"I see," I said. Morrows put a plate of food in front of me. Today we had potatoes with some meat for lunch. Amazing. I don't remember eating something like that before.

Further, the conversation did not go particularly well. I just had no desire to communicate with this orc. Garona looks very suspicious. Medivh, on the contrary, communicated with her rather freely.

"Thanks for the food," I said in a calm tone. After that, I pushed the plate aside and stood up. "If you need me, I'll be in the library."

Medivh didn't even pay attention to what I said. He was absorbed in communication with this 'lady.' After muttering a little to myself, I headed towards the library. There, I was engaged in the recalculation of one interesting spell that would create the same time swirls in many castle halls. Before any result appears, a lot of work still needs to be done. Now I don't even have the skeleton of a spell.

When I discovered a still unexplored area of ​​magic, I immediately plunged into its study. Garona was in the castle all the time and very often tried to get in touch with me. In some moments, she wanted to quarrel; in others, she just wanted to talk, but I ignored her completely, using some magic tricks to escape from her. I'm just not interested in communicating with her. Medivh still disappeared, and once he came back very tired and even a little shabby. He smelled of magic and dangerous spells.

Time kept running. I trained and studied. Garona just lived there and studied the tower. The orcs outside the walls of Karazhan attacked more and more villages and towns. Brights Grove, Southern Redridgelands, and Westfall were completely under Orcish control. People began to feel desperate. The attack on Stormwind was a matter of time. But everyone understood that if nothing was done, they would seize the surrounding lands like a wave.

Anduin Lothar was the most productive commander who held back the Orc advance. This knight kept himself so well that he even received the title of Chief Knight from the king. Now he received the right to command a large number of soldiers and give advice to other generals. This immediately paid off as human warriors began to contain the orcs. Although holding back would be an exaggeration. They slow down the Horde. They stalled the orcs' progress, thus forcing them to learn from their mistakes, turning them into an increasingly fearsome adversary.

There were rumors that part of the Horde pushed towards the trolls' territories, but there they were kicked out very hard, and they had to retreat from those lands, leaving them for later. They were now entirely focused on humans and slowly moved towards Stormwind.

This war brought not only fear, pain, and blood. It also brought new heroes. These were ordinary commanders of mercenary teams, knights, and even ordinary peasants. The clerics were the greatest hope for survival in the skirmishes with the Horde. They were not good warriors, but they are excellent healers. Every battle, every campaign, they risked their lives trying to save the lives of wounded soldiers. Renowned for their healers, the Holy Order of Northshire Clerics supported the Stormwind warriors as best they could.

These clerics appeared at the Church of the Light of Heaven in Lordaeron. They were based in Northshire Abbey and have become an important part of the Stormwind army. But before, their help was not so important. In the past, they were known to heal not only allies but also enemies. But not right now. In this war, they departed from this tradition and healed only the allies, finishing off the orcs when they could. The orcs hated these clerics and destroyed them first when they met in battle. Only in this way could they be sure that a seriously wounded person would not return to fight with even greater rage and hatred.

I was quite interested in this religion, and I devoted some time to studying this topic.

The main principles of this church were sacrifice and courage. The church originated about two thousand years ago, during the wars with the Trolls. A human general named Lordarin voluntarily gave his life to save the departing people, among whom was his sister, who, in the future, became the high priest of the nascent church. This church was interesting because it never got into politics. They were open to anyone seeking salvation, healing, or wisdom. Rumors say that the library is quite extensive there.

At the end of the first year of bloody and debilitating battles, news emerged that an ancient evil had awakened. There were rumors about the appearance of some completely pale orcs. I wish I could remember anything that could help me understand the secret of these orcs. Garona, too, had never seen one like that in the Horde when she was still part of it. Medivh received an image of them but did nothing. I also got access to these images and started looking for detailed information about them. The result of my research was that these signs turned out to be symbols of the Old Gods.

Time passed, and Medivh did not let me out of his tower but forced me to study. He talked about magic, made me read books. My skills grew pretty quickly. News from the war came worse and worse. The orcs were not going to stop. They brought only devastation to the people. The country's economy was in a deplorable state. But that was not important, no ... King Adamant died during one of the battles. Then Llane Rin became king. He was very young, but he is a pretty smart commander and ruler. He slowly began to try to somehow rebuild the country, even during the war and ordered all the mages who were in his service and did not go on campaigns to grow food, create artifacts or build fortifications around Stormwind.

Rare orc scouts also began to appear near the valley, but they quickly left, finding nothing. Medivh seemed not to see or feel anything. I understand why ... He is at the same time with the orcs, but the others did not know any of this and could not say what was happening. The magician only kept silent by saying that he was looking for the source. But that was not the case.

But all the same, I could not sit in the tower for so long. And Medivh thought so too. It looks like he needed to do something to divert attention from his actions.

"Alistar," he said as we sat at a small table. "I want to send you to help Lothar," he said. "I don't know what he's planning, but I'm sure he'll need your help."

"Of course," I replied. I think I'm ready for this fight. My skills have grown, and I have become much stronger. So I can help Lothar.

"Then I will send you," Medivh said. "I don't like to use the teleport, but not this time. You go straight to Lothar."


Signs lit up around me, and in the next instant, I felt myself being transported to a completely different place. Closing my eyes for a moment, I felt a light breeze on my face, as well as directed weapons along with ready magic to attack. Raising my hands, I showed that I was completely unarmed.

"Stop the attack!" said Lothar. "It's a friend."

He walked over to me and raised his visor. A somewhat tired look looked at me, which could nail anyone who dared to oppose him. I nodded in greeting and extended my hand to shake hands. The knight responded in kind.

"Medivh sent me to help you," I told him. "He doesn't know what you are up to, but he senses that you will need help."

"Of course," Lothar said. "We need any help."

"And who is it?" a short wizard approached us. He was not a member of the Kirin Tor, but a free mage in Stormwind's service. "Another snotty dropout?"

"Belisarius, stop it," said Lothar. "This is Alistar, Medivh's apprentice."

"And how will he help us?" The magician asked, straightening the cufflinks on his robe. "For three years now they have been hiding in their tower, and here we are fighting, shedding blood ... Eh."

"I understand that," I answered the magician. "But Medivh is looking for a way through which the orcs have managed to get into our world. And it seems to me that he is already close to finding out."

"Close to a find out," the mage snorted. "He'd rather be on the battlefield, not in his tower."

I didn't answer, as I somewhat understood his anger. Medivh really did nothing to help people. That should have made them suspicious by now. But, the Guardian put 'noodles' on their ears, and they believed him. I'm going to help these people.

"Stop arguing," said Lothar, interrupting the magician, who was about to say something. "We have a goal. Are you ready to help us, Alistair?"

"Of course," I said with a half-smile. "Why, then, am I here with you?"

"Then, I will assign you to the mages," said Lothar. "Let them determine your place. Belisarius, take him."

"Follow me, chap," the magician nodded and measured me with an attentive look. "And look, if you do something stupid, then I will incinerate you."

I was silent, assessing the strength of the magicians who were here. It turned out that I was not the weakest among them. Some magicians have bigger reservoirs than mine, but this does not mean that their skills will be as excellent as mine. But, I'm not going to fight them.

Belisarius quickly assigned me to a group of mages who should be in the first line of attack in a future attack. When I was brought there, I met my comrades. They were already exhausted by this war and therefore accepted the replenishment quite calmly and without any negative emotions. All of them were people, perhaps not with the best skills. Still, they had already gone far enough to be considered experienced veterans. The interesting thing was that I had a bigger reservoir than them. This is not surprising. I am learning from the strongest magician on the planet, and this has a positive effect.

We quickly began to move, and I recognized the Redridge Mountains in this place. It had not yet been fully occupied by the orcs, which meant they would move here to attack. Additionally, capturing the Redridge Mountains will mean a direct route to Stormwind. When the orcs conquer these territories, it will be necessary to prepare for the battle for this state's capital. I already anticipate what kind of bloodshed will be around.

For several days we took up our positions. My group's mages were not particularly talkative, and I was in no hurry to make acquaintances with them. Lothar never came to talk to me anymore. I felt that his attitude towards me was rather negative. It didn't really bother me, because I don't need to live in the same room with him.

Redridge was quickly taken over by the orcs, and the people sat in ambush, waiting for the right moment to attack. Several times we barely managed to miss the orcs-bloodhounds who were looking for something or someone. Once, we almost met them nose to nose, but fortunately, we managed to hide.

I will say that at such moments it seemed to me as if my heart would jump out. Other people reacted differently to this, but they all kept themselves together. They did not attack these monsters yet, although it was evident that many of them want to thrust their weapons deeper into the orc bodies'.

As our scouts reported, we were advancing towards Lakeshire and that the leader of the Horde himself would lead this campaign. It was a great opportunity for us to deliver a big blow to the orcs that would throw them back. And if their leader dies, it will be even better.

The orcs on their mounts slowly moved towards the almost empty village. Most people have already left it. There remained only those who hoped that they would be carried away from the fate of being attacked by the orcs—foolish hopes.

The trap that Lothar set up I can call a genius one. The battlefield was almost perfect for us. Orcs moved in a small gorge and could not do anything on their animals, since the rocks would interfere with them very much. On the contrary, they will help us.

"Attack!" transmitted Lothar's quiet voice over the magical artifact. After exchanging glances with my comrades, I relaxed, preparing for a future fight. It should be decisive here. If we achieve our goal, then the warriors of Stormwind can begin to recapture the lost territories.

Exhaling, I followed the other mages. Before us was a fairly large squad of warriors, which was to go in the orcs' first attack. Our task will be to destroy as many of these green-skinned monsters as possible and enable large forces to break forward like a wedge.

The orcs did not expect this attack and fell into a trap. As soon as they were in the ravine, a hail of arrows and powerful spells fell upon them. I was not ashamed to use my power and happily destroyed them. But a few menacing roars forced the orcs to take up defensive positions and launch a counterattack.

"Protection formation!" shouted the commander of the soldiers. They immediately stood in an even formation, folded their shields into a large wall, and put their spears through special slots.

The orcs launched a counterattack. The riders were brandishing their battle axes and growling. Their animals were also eager to fight.

Without thinking twice, I quickly created a spell, and it fell towards the orcs, creating obstacles in front of their animals. They did not expect this and broke their legs, throwing off the orcs. Other magicians also began to help me, but still most of them were engaged in creating magical protection in front of the warriors.

Other groups of men led by Lothar arrived just in time. They cut into the orc formation at high speed, almost breaking it. A bloody battle ensued there. Many soldiers died in the very first battle with the enemy. The wounded tried to retreat, while rare clerics tried to heal them.

Our detachment began to slowly move towards the orcs, finishing off the wounded. Everything was done without pity and without any hesitation. I saw Lothar fighting the orcs with a frenzy. From his slashing, a sword broke into pieces. He was also not going to get hit by them and therefore ducked at the right moments or even skipped between his enemies' legs.

"Careful!" shouted one of the people, and then ugly creatures began to jump out of the green whirlwinds at us. They bumped into people and cut them to pieces. Damn, these are demons. Is there some powerful warlock here that can summon them so quickly?

The mages were not at a loss and began to cast exorcism spells. But the problem is that while the spell takes effect, the demons can kill too many. This battle can quickly turn into defeat.

"Close ranks!" I shouted loudly. The warriors reflexively obeyed my order. "Do not a step back!"

Jumping forward, I began to approach one of the demons, preparing to engage him in battle. He was not powerful. So, its a demon of average ranks, but this may be enough for warriors. Moreover, it was not a simple demon, but a well-fed demon, to whom good sacrifices were brought.

In a second, a sickle formed around my hand, which I sent at the demon. He folded his arms in a cross in front of him, creating a protective sphere.

"A-ah!" growled I, and released another very powerful spell. It swept through the nearest demons and orcs in a wave, drawing their attention to me. "Attack all together!"

I was ready to fight. My soul desires this battle. I'm not going to just retreat and destroy these demons. As soon as they give them slack, I will devour them. The staff appeared in my hand. I spun it around, reflecting a powerful blow from one of the enemies. The next second, I dodge the green fireball. This gave me enough time to create my spell.

With a sharp blow, I released a wave of fire across the ground. The earthly firmament splits, and in the next second, it turns into hell for demons. Orcs also fell under this wave. A quick spell and a broad shield appear in front of me, reflecting the demon's attack. When will the magicians finish casting out demons?

These void creatures themselves weren't stupid either. They immediately began to switch to other goals. The wedge of warriors, led by Lothar, moved very quickly towards the most massive orc with jet-black hair and black hands. Small shards were woven into his hair. The demons decided to attack Lothar.

A blow to the ground and a relatively thick wall rises between them, into which one of the demons crashes, not having time to jump over it. Other demons were able to dodge and were now approaching Lothar's wedge.

Two quick steps and I, too, jump over the wall. After that, the Chain Lightning struck both the orcs and some demons. The excitement of the battle was such that I was not even going to hold back. Attack after attack, I tried to contain the demons. And then a whitish wave passed from the magicians, and the demons simply disappeared in green flashes. But it's too early to rejoice; the orcs are still alive. Jumping off the wall, I hit it with my staff and made it crumble. In the next second, fire rained down on Lothar from two warlocks. The magicians managed to protect him by creating a barrier that reflected the warlocks' fire in them.

The orc yelled something at them and rushed forward. The orc warlocks instantly switched to another goal, namely protecting their leader from the human mages. I began to move closer, deflecting some of the warlocks', particularly powerful blows. My energy has already started to run out. Without thinking twice, I pulled out a mana restoration potion and drank it in one gulp. A pleasant chill ran through my body, and the reserve was replenished. Very well.

One of the warlocks cut his arm, then shouted something and looked up into the sky. In the next second, small comets of green fire began to fall from the sky. They hit the ground with force, breaking it and burning it. I made a shield around me and felt that it sank immediately by half of the first hit. Everything was covered with green fog.

Dispersing the shield, I swirled the air to drive away from the fog. I directly feel how dangerous he is. I again create a shield with a jerk, but this "comet" falls right next to me, and I am thrown back a few meters.

I see Lothar was knocked by the orc off his feet, but he managed to take enemies arm off with his blade. The orc looked at his wound and howled in pain.

"Retreat!" shouted Lothar. In the next second, the signal horn indicated a retreat.

Only the warlocks weren't going to let us go so easily. One surrounded himself with green fire, which began to flare up stronger and stronger around him.

"We're leaving," I called to Anduin. He looked at the warlock and prepared to cover the retreat. Here ... I hit the ground with my staff, and sparks spread to the sides. After another second, there was a crash, and rocks exploded, blocking the ravine just between Lothar and the warlocks. The next second, green flames lit up behind the man-made stone wall.

Grabbing Lothar, I pulled him with me. He quickly came to his senses, and we began to catch up with the retreating squads. I felt weak and decided to drink another potion. I need to be ready for battle. With a sharp movement, I tried to grope the surrounding mana and transfer to it half of my reserve, thereby forcing it to grow. This is my maximum in this situation, but I think that at least it will delay the pursuers for a while.

When we had retreated a sufficient distance, Lothar began to gather the troops that survived. There were very few of them. The meteor shower created by the warlocks took a lot of lives. I didn't expect them to do that. Yes, it seems that no one expected this.

"We fought well," Lothar said during the meeting. "But now we need to retreat to Stormwind to regroup."

I looked at people and understood that this battle was initially in our favor, even though it turned out to be victorious, but this victory was only insight. Yes, we killed more warriors than they did, but ... we did not achieve the main goal. Now the orcs will be even more vicious in their desire to take over Stormwind. But, this fight gave time for people to rebuild and prepare for defense.

"Alistar," Lothar said to me. "Thank you."

"It's my job," I told him. "Maybe our relationship did not work out from the very beginning, but you are a good person."

"Thank you," he said, and then said. "We will need your help in Stormwind. I hope you can get Medivh to come to our aid as you once did."

"I don't advise counting on him," I told him. "He has a very difficult time now."

"What do you mean?" The knight asked.

"I can't say anything with certainty yet," I answered him. "I may have to visit Karazhan before I can help you more."

"Well, we will see."

After that, I took an artifact that was supposed to bring me back to the tower. Without thinking twice, I used it. Flash and I ended up in the tower. Medivh walked over to me and looked around carefully.

"You're safe," he said calmly and confidently as if he had no doubts about it.

"The battle was very hard," I told him.

Garona also came out from behind and examined me carefully. After that, she quickly turned away and went about her business. I just kept looking at her back. Suspicions about her began to grow. I have to be very careful.

In my room, I managed to rest after a hard battle. I had to mentally clean myself up. The corpses of humans and orcs appeared in my dreams. It took me two weeks to restore mentally from the battle. Rumors that crawled through the lands of people became darker and darker.

The Horde began to gather its own forces to attack Stormwind. This battle should be the culmination of this war. People were preparing to defend themselves, and the orcs were preparing to attack. And I kept looking for answers to my questions. I began to feel a severe lack of time. I started to reduce the sleep time I had, but that wasn't enough either. Not enough until a new vision struck me down. It was in the library.

The vision slowly filled my mind and began to alter the surrounding reality. Two figures appeared in front of me. One was familiar. It was Medivh. The second figure was unfamiliar. It was the figure of an elderly woman. They were so strong that I could hardly stand.

"You dare to raise your hand against your own mother?" shouted a woman's voice. She was furious. The woman's face frowned.

"I thought you were getting hysterical, Mom," Medivh said with a grin. "I needed to calm you down."

"And you decided to hit me with the Mystic Blow," she said, shaking her gray hair. "All right," Aegwynn said, "now answer my question."

I know Medivh's mother's name because he told me it himself during one of our conversations about magic.

"Mom, you are looking at this situation in a wrong way," Medivh said.

Perhaps this is a conversation about the orcs and the fact that Medivh let them here.

"Answer me," Aegwynn ordered sternly. "Why did you bring the orcs to Azeroth?"

She frowned—lines formed around her eyes, making her look more dangerous. The woman's eyes were burning with fire. She never heard the answer, which angered her even more.

"You have nothing to answer, do you?" said Aegwynn. "It's just a game for you, isn't it? But you must remember that the power of Trisfal is not fun at all. More and more orcs are arriving in the world, and I have already heard about the raids on caravans near the Black Marsh. A beginner could follow their path back to your gate, but only your mother can recognize the power that envelops them. I ask again, my child, how do you explain your actions? "

She looked furious. But she is angry not as an enemy, but as a mother on her child, who did the wrong thing, broke a toy.

"You even decided to use that young man in your games!"

But Medivh only smiled at that and didn't say anything, making Aegwynn even angrier.

"Does this mean that your mother's disapproval amuses you, my child?" she asked dryly. I don't really like the way she speaks, but what else can you expect from a woman who has lived for more than eight hundred years. I would be surprised if she spoke using modern words.

"No," Medivh replied, flashing a predatory smile. I have never seen such a smile from him. "I am amused by your stupidity."

"How dare you!" boiled Aegwynn, raising her hand. A ball of blinding white light burst from her palm, rushing towards Medivh. But he, playingly, beat this spell aside.

"I dare," he said. The next second, reddish lightning flashed from his hand. For a moment, the entire space was covered with a red, blinding light. "I have the strength for this. The strength you put into me from the very beginning; a power that I did not want and did not ask for."

I felt a cold breath on me. Looking away, I saw the real Medivh, who was also looking at this memory. With all his appearance, he showed that he was waiting for my reaction.

Aegwynn managed to hold back the blow, but for this, she had to work hard. It was evident that it was challenging for her. Sweat covered her forehead.

"But still, why did you let the orcs into Azeroth? The woman hissed, trying to recover as quickly as possible. "There was no need for that. You put the whole world in jeopardy, and for what, tell me?"

"To break the circle, of course," Medivh said in the vision. The real Medivh only chuckled at that. "To destroy this mechanical universe that you built for me. Everything is in its place - including your son! If you couldn't continue to play the role of the Guardian, the successor born and raised by you can do it, and at the same time, he will be chained to his role as securely as any other of your pawns!

The real Medivh folded his hands in front of him and just continued to stare at the vision. It was evident that it did not evoke any feeling in him. Just a vision. But for me ... For me, it was a sign that very soon I would have to run.

"But such a risk, my child…" Aegwynn began.

"Risk?" The illusory Medivh interrupted his mother with a question. "Risk for whom? Not for me, wielding all the power of Tirisfal. For the rest of the order? They are more concerned with internal political games than demons. For races living in the world? These fat happy idiots, well protected from all the dangers they don't even know about? Is there a risk here for someone who really should be protected?"

Wait, the Order of Tirisfal still exists? I didn't think about it somehow. Of course, I understand why Medivh doesn't like politicians, and I can understand his actions. If only he was a real Medivh, not a demon.

"You are playing with forces far more powerful than you, son," Aegwynn sighed. She was preparing for the fact that she would have to punish her son. But this is only she who thinks so. It is a pity that this is not true. And it seems that soon she will experience it on herself.

"Oh, of course!" with a sarcastic grin, said Medivh. The real Medivh just chuckled at this and nodded in agreement. "It would be too selfish to think that I can handle such forces! No less than the thought that you can face off against the demon lord and emerge victoriously. Sure!"

"What will happen if the orcs win?" The woman asked. It was clearly seen from her that she had abruptly lost the faith that she could guide her son back on the right path. "What will happen then?"

"Then?" The illusory Medivh asked with a smirk. "Then, the orcs will recognize me as their ruler, and I can finally destroy this world. He deserves it more than anyone else."

"You are not my son," Aegwynn concluded.

"No. And I was never your son - at least not really yours," said Medivh and laughed madly. "Ahahaha!"

His appearance began to blur a little. But then he came together sharply. But the laugh gave him away.

"Sargeras," said Aegwynn, already understanding where this was going. Magic boiled around her, preparing to charge forward, and then she added. "I killed you."

"You only killed the avatar, sorceress," Medivh roared. His second form, like a shadow, began to appear. "You killed only a fraction of my power!"

The creature with horns and a fiery beard became more and more visible. You know, it looks terrifying. Besides, I felt the familiar emanations that I have felt from him more than once.

You killed me and hid in a grave at the bottom of the sea. But I was not averse to sacrifice my body for a better reward!"

Medivh, no Sargeras laughed. Aegwynn looked at this in amazement and reflexively reached for her stomach as if remembering something.

"Oh yes, now you understand," Medivh said with a grin.

Aegwynn screamed furiously, and white light erupted from her hand. Without thinking twice, Medivh created a shield of green fire around him, which deflected this powerful attack. In the next second, Medivh attacked. A green arrow fell from his hand and plunged into the artifact protection that appeared in front of the sorceress. The impact knocked her back, and she crashed into the wall.

"I will torture you!" roared the voice. "I will torture until I break your will, and until you howl for mercy. Don't think you will die easy!"

"No, no," Aegwynn screamed, "I will do everything so that you can no longer send nightmares to these lands."

In the next second, she tried to attack, but Sargeras just grunted at that and parried the spell. It spread like a flash throughout the room. After that, Medivh attacked again.

The spell hit the woman, and she crumpled in pain.

"That's it!" The demon growled, "You will know what pain is!"

"Not so fast," said another voice. A third person appeared in the tower. It looked menacing and disfigured. Medivh was thrown against the wall by a bluish flash. He punched it and rolled across the floor. "Go away, Aegwynn, I'll hold him."

The woman looked at the man and slowly melted in the light of the teleport. The man turned to Sargeras, and slowly began to cast a very dangerous spell.

"Blue dragon," Medivh said, and then his horns glowed even more, along with his beard. "Silly blue dragon. If I couldn't kill Aegwynn, then you ... You will die here."

"I've trained a lot," the man growled in an inhuman voice.

"This is not enough to kill me," said Medivh-Sargeras. "Die!"

In the next second, a green light escaped from his hand, which hit the man's body, and he flashed. Flared up with a familiar flame. The griffin burned the same way. That's who killed that griffin. I was thinking.

"Oh!" the man shrieked in pain and began to transform. But it did not help. As soon as he turned into a dragon, he immediately caught fire and almost instantly turned into a charred skeleton. It was fast and impressive.

After that, the vision quickly disintegrated, leaving me alone with the real Medivh. He looked at me closely, and then slowly began to exfoliate, revealing his real essence.

"You saw too much, my apprentice," he said, finally transforming into Sargeras. "And now you must die."

I quickly turned around and saw Garona, who was standing with a prepared weapon. Her eyes glowed with green fire, which indicated that she was completely under the control of the demon.

"Honey, kill him!"

Garona lunged at me. The staff appeared in my hand, and I created a spell. It was the fastest casting of magic in my life. The orc woman flew several meters away, tumbled in the air, and landed on her feet. Without thinking twice, I pulled out my Resonance Wave ring.

I threw the Resonance Wave ring at Medivh to win some time. After that, I rushed forward. I'm not going to die so stupidly here. With a jerk, I hit Garona on the knee with my staff, breaking it. The blow was strong enough for this. She screamed in pain.

There was an explosion from behind, which shook everything around. I was pushed in the back, and flew through the doors, crashing into Morrows.

"What is it?" He asked. But I pushed him away, and just in time. A dagger flashed in his hand, which nearly cut me in two pieces. "What's going on?"

Pushing him away with my magic, I ran forward. An aura of anger and danger grew from behind. As soon as I felt it, I destroyed one of the walls, punching my way through. Behind me, I sensed the danger slowly gaining momentum. I ran out onto the veranda and whistled for the griffin.

He was not long in coming. But he was slow.

"Cmon, faster," I said with impatience. The griffin landed, and I jumped onto its back.

After that, as if sensing my excitement, he jumped and took off. We started to climb very quickly. Without hesitation, I created a protective dome around us. Only then did I turn back and saw a giant, ghostly figure that was rising above the tower. She looked directly at me. And the next second, my shield just burst.

The griffin screamed and accelerated even faster. My artifacts broke down almost instantly. But that was enough to get out of the field of attack. I tried to spur the griffin, but he was already flying at maximum speed. We flew to Stormwind ...

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So, this is a new chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

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alchozcreators' thoughts