
Alistar Bumblebee

A man from our world reincarnates as a simple peasant in a new world. In a world that soon will be flooded with bloody war. What can he do? Well, he is lucky because he was familiar with this world. This is a World of Warcraft were fine warriors clash and mighty wizards fight, where heroes are born!

alchoz · Book&Literature
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27 Chs

Meeting with the Council

Time steadily ran forward. The kings continued to negotiate, sometimes arguing until dry thoughts and dark at night. Several times, these arguments almost turned into a fight at the table. But the work proceeded slowly but surely as if a rhino was moving towards its target.

The Alliance, so to speak, has been created. A lot of things had to be done to unite the armies of different kingdoms into one organization. In addition to command, many other equally important issues had to be resolved. First of all, the military is a large crowd of people that wants to eat, drink, sleep, go to the toilet, and do other things. Also, it was necessary to train them to resist the orcs. The experience that the warriors possessed from Stormwind was brought to the spotlight. They gave training lectures to the high command. Lothar found himself in his role here and disappeared for days talking about the orcs when there was no king gathering. He had enough material to write several thick books about warfare against monsters from another world.

This training left me to myself. This was exactly what I needed after arriving in the capital of Lordaeron. I was able to do my own development. Training with the mages of Lordaeron allowed me to broaden my horizons a little more. They told me about their tricks. In response, I had to talk about dark magic. At this point, I really worked my brains, trying to remember what I had heard about the orcs' black magicians. Oddly enough, there was a lot of information, but not so much about the orcs' battles themselves.

Exhaling, I pushed aside my thoughts and put aside the book that talked about the magic of space. It was not easy material, but I was slowly moving towards my goal, which was teleportation. I wanted to get mobility to easily move to different places in Azeroth with a snap of my fingers, not on horseback or on foot.

I pulled out the crystal that the cook from Karazhan handed me and plunged into memories for a few seconds. Learning from Medivh was not in vain for me. I got too much from him to just throw it back and forget. The crystal continued to glow with a light bluish light, sometimes changing its intensity.

My soul, as I felt, wanted to absorb the energy from it. Taking a comfortable position, I began to slowly sink into meditation. I also searched the Lordaeron library for information on this subject. But, as it turned out, most of the information they possessed dates back to ancient times and had a lot in common with shamanic practices. I have never practiced them, but it was interesting to get more information on this topic.

Immersed deep enough in meditation, I prepared to jerk my way into even deeper layers of my soul. In my mind, I harmonized my thoughts, and then jerked down even "lower", as if plunging into cold water. I still can't get used to this feeling, although I have been practicing such meditations for quite some time. Exhaling, I continued my way down. The already familiar flashes happily led me deeper into my soul, and I froze, looking at it. Well, I never get tired of looking at it. This crystal seemed to sparkle with power, invisible rays bounced off it, and turned into a rainbow and hundreds of colors that I cannot even name.

And what should I do ... Looking at my "hands," I saw a great star there, which attracted me like some kind of moth. Well, this is strange and beautiful. Having counted to ten, I mentally agreed that it was time to do the job, and not just think about it. With a jerk, I began to absorb the energy. My soul started to absorb energy from crystal and became deeper and with new facets. It was amazing because I could never imagine such a thing. My soul seemed to move, and it was slightly enlarged in size, reflecting more and more rays. When the energy from the crystal ran out, my soul slowly finished transforming. And I felt a sharp surge of strength, which I had never felt before—what a fantastic feeling.

Slowly I came out of the state of meditation and looked around my room. Breathing air into full lungs, I exhaled it. For a second, it seemed to me that even the surrounding reality itself slowly parted to the sides with my breath. My strength was really hammered. This increase was not tremendous, but it was also not small. My magical energy became of a higher quality and waited for me to use it in spells.

Standing up, I shook my stiff body and shook my head. Well, I sat here for a long time. Time flew by like lightning. It is already a deep night outside, and I started meditation only in the morning.

"Very nice," I said quietly and decided to take a walk.

The streets were empty. Only occasionally could one see rare drunks trying to find their way through various channels. I am sure that they mentally give themselves a medal of courage after they manage to get home. Sometimes I met local patrols, but they did not stop me, since I was not hiding from anyone and even was dressed in a magician's robe. No one other than a magician can wear this robe. This is a very strict law that even representatives of criminals are afraid to break. They know that as soon as the magicians find out that it was not the magician who decided to use their robes, then all the troubles of this world will fall on him. Several criminal organizations have ceased to exist because of such a trifle.

Exhaling, I walked a little more around the city, since there was no sleep in either eye. Climbing up to the house, I saw another guard archer who looked around, sometimes yawning. Deciding not to disturb him, I went down to the ground and returned to the palace. The guards let me in without question, although I felt several mages checking me.

After that, I can begin the actual teleportation training. To be completely sure of myself, I paid a few silver mages of Lordaeron to teach me this skill.

For successful teleportation, you need to know the coordinates of this place or see it. The coordinates can be taken by a magic spell, which is not difficult. Even very weak magicians can master it. When I was ready, I began to train within the small distance like a hall, and then the distance increased to the city's size. After I got at least some experience, I immediately bought about a hundred different coordinates for Azeroth teleportation.

There are two types of teleportation spells. One was just for beginners and used the coordinates of some place to move there precisely. The second was much more difficult and allowed teleporting to more dangerous places having only very approximate coordinates. But I decided to immediately train in the second one, as it gives much more freedom in movement. I had to study how coordinates work in space. There were three points to know. One played the role of longitude, the second latitude, and the third height relative to the world's core.

When I could teleport without much difficulty, I received a letter signed by the Council of Six from Daralan. It seems that they will still want to see me and talk about something. I cannot dodge this conversation any longer, so I have to go there.

"Lothar," I said to the knight during one of our meals. "I will need to leave for Dalaran for a while. The Council wants to talk to me."

"Do you need my help?" asked me the knight, putting his fork aside.

"No," I nodded to him and then added: "But thank you for the offer."

He smiled, and we went back to eating. Here in Lordaeron, food was quite tasty. When everything was over, I went to my room and took all the necessary things to look more representative.

Striking with the staff, I felt the space around me shrink, and I find myself on a special platform in the Kirin Tor, which is used by the magicians of our organization to move. Several mages looked at me, but I rolled up my sleeve and showed the Kirin Tor sign. They just nodded to me with smiles and let me in.

This site was located inside the Violet Citadel, and from it, anyone could very quickly get to the place where they can meet with other mages. When I went inside to the top of the tower. The Council was ready. The wizarding community leaders were elected in secret to avoid any possibility of bribery, blackmail, or pressure. The members of the Council knew each other by sight, but nobody else. The disguise guaranteed this. But it also gave a sense of mystery. Most of the members of the Kirin Tor enjoyed this confusion of those invited, doing their best so that no one who entered or left the chamber could not help but be amazed at what they saw or even heard there. But it didn't concern me. I knew Krasus was the head of the Council. Also, I can see their faces through the illusion that they hung on themselves. I guess I can see through because of an increase in my power.

"We are glad to meet you, magician Alistar," said one of the Council members. Looking at him, I immediately saw his face through this illusion. There was an elf. "Tell us what happened before you faced Medivh. How did your training go? What Karazhan looked like.

"I would be glad to tell you all in detail, Prince Kael'thas," I told him calmly, looking him straight in the eyes, and then added. "I just don't feel comfortable when you continue to stand in these illusory masks."

Krasus, who was standing on his right hand, just grunted at this. Other sorcerers reacted differently to this, but most were surprised. How could it be that some youth managed to see through the disguise of the archmages?

"Huh," the elf laughed, and then pulled off his disguise. "Here you are right young Alistar. Sometimes I find it difficult to communicate with them when they hide behind illusions."

The elf was dressed in simple but expensive clothes. Violet colors prevailed, but gold inserts could also be seen, which attracted attention, forcing anyone to look in any other direction, but not in the face of the elf.

"Is that better?" asked Kael'thas me with a smirk on his face.

"Of course," I told him. "And what about the others?"

If I was to bullshit on them, then bullshit in full. It's just going to be really easier for me to talk to the Council when they take off that stupid disguise. It seems that every powerful magician has some theatricality. I think that I will have this one day.

Krasus immediately threw off his disguise. Others whispered for a while but did the same. I just chuckled at that.

"Tell me," Kel'Thuzad said. This magician has always been an explorer. Rumor has it that he is very fond of collecting information about various forbidden artifacts and history. He looked not very pleased that he had to throw off his disguise, obeying some young magician.

"Okay," I nodded, looking at the other mages. In total, there were only five of them ... This is what the death of Antonidas means. They still haven't chosen a new one. This process is probably not fast. Everyone needs to check everything and understand whether this or that candidate is worthy of becoming on a par with other Advisers. The other two advisers were unknown to me since I had never seen them before.

I started talking from the very beginning, talking about interesting places in the tower and changing reality. They were also interested in the fact that sometimes the past intersected with the future. The sorcerers asked precise and sharp questions. They were interested in the essence. After that, I continued my story and told them about the black dragon I saw under the water. This greatly excited the Counselors, but they quickly pulled themselves together and continued listening. I ended my story on the creation of the Order of paladins and the results of the Alliance's work. Although it seems to me that they did not really need this information. Krasus takes a direct part in the formation of the Alliance and knows a little bit more than I do.

When I finished my story, I took a deep breath and shook my head. The story was long enough. The sorcerers pondered something and sometimes whispered very quietly. I withheld some of the information from them. This concerned the receipt of the crystal from the cook, as well as the underground level under the tower. And I don't think it continues to exist now. I hid this knowledge from them only because I myself am interested in researching it and getting some profit from it. Apart from that, I did not mention a few books that I had in my bag that once belonged to Medivh.

"What about the Order of Trisfal?" asked Kel'Thuzad, after some time of reflection. "You didn't mention it. "

"Well," I drawled. "I don't know much about this Order. Medivh mentioned him only a few times, without names or places."

"Of course," said the woman who was one of the Advisers. She looked quite strong, but she still couldn't match Krasus and Kel'thas in her power. I would put her in third place. "What can you tell us more about this Sargeras? We already know a lot from the word Krasus, but we would still like to know something else."

"Well," I drawled thinking. "When I left the tower, I sensed powerful dark magic from him. Before that, I could not say what it is ... If I knew, I would immediately inform the advisers about it."

"Of course," said Krasus Reddregon with a smile.

"So it means that Medivh — or Sargeras through him — opened a crack in the space for the orcs," the fifth magician began to reason, whose name I did not know. It was clearly seen from him that he had not engaged in any physical exercises for a long time. His was out of shape, but nobody was worried about that. "What, you said, is their world called?"

"Draenor," I told them. I actually learned the name of their world when I spoke to Lothar. Although no ... it did not become a surprise, but only confirmed my own knowledge, but I'm not going to talk about it.

"What can you tell about the world itself?" asked me Kel'Thuzad. "What do you know about Draenor?"

"Almost nothing," I shook my head. "I could not find out anything about it."

"I see," the woman said and rubbed her chin. "Tell me, what are your future plans?"

Now this will be a decisive moment in this conversation. On the one hand, I would like to take up my own development, immerse myself in it. On the other hand, it was interesting for me to be at the peak of events that I only heard about in my own world. I would like to see the formation of those heroes, and also to participate there. No one stops me from engaging in self-development and being at the peak of all events. You can just put everything together.

"I will help Anduin Lothar," I told them. Krasus just nodded his head, as if he expected it. "And when this war is over ..." I shrugged. "I don't know. I don't think about it that far."

"Okay," the woman said. "You are still a citizen of Dalaran and a representative of the Kirin Tor. If you had an order to go back, would you obey?"

"I don't know," he said back to them. "It's hard for me to answer. If I am needed there, then I will definitely ignore this order. If it is calm there, then I'll just ask why I am needed here, and perhaps I will refuse."

The mages looked at each other. The magician was not very pleased with my words. She was about to speak, but Kael'thas interrupted her.

"You will not be ordered to do anything," he said calmly. "Although we still want to be aware of the orcs, the dark magic you will encounter, and this other world as well."

"Okay," I nodded to them with a smile. "Then I can be free?"

"Of course," Krasus nodded, then added. "Oh yes, we would like to provide you with an assistant."

"An assistant?" I asked them with a surprise. "I can't refuse."

The sorcerers only nodded their heads negatively at this, and I exhaled. It seems that I cannot get away from this assistant. Let's hope this assistant isn't some jerk who just started learning magic. I would not like to be a sitter with a child.

After leaving this office, I saw a young man standing against the wall and looking at me with interest. As soon as I got out, he immediately came up to me and extended his hand for a handshake with a smile.

"You must be Alistar Bumblebee?" He asked me.

"Yes, it's me," I answered and shook his hand back. "And you?"

"Oh, excuse my manners," he said. "Call me Khadgar, I will be your assistant in the capital of Lordaeron and in other matters.

"Glad to meet you, Khadgar," I smiled, appraising him. Perhaps he will really be a useful helper for me. How interesting the situation was. After all, if I'm not mistaken, it was he who should have gone to Medivh and went through everything that I went through. "Let's go."

We retreated to the teleportation site so as not to interfere with anyone. He stood behind me, and I hit my staff again. In an instant, space shrank around us, and we moved to the capital immediately to the palace. It is not worth moving inside, as it is not considered cultural.

Khadgar looked around with great interest. It was evident that he had never been outside the borders of Dalaran yet. So I'm sure he'll need to do a little tour later.

Since they already remembered me well, the guards nodded to me and then examined Khadgar with interest. After nodding my head to them, I quickly went up to my apartment. Lothar was not there. It looks like he's in yet another royal meeting.

"Find room for yourself, Khadgar," I told him, then added. "After that, we'll talk to you."

"Of course, curator Alistar," he said respectfully and began to quickly arrange his things.

I went out into the corridor and quickly wandered into one of the secret niches to use one spell that I learned from Medivh, and then worked it out here. It was quite difficult, and after three uses, I already feel empty. A bluish ball lit in my palm, in which blurred figures were depicted. I tuned in and began to consider everything that happened after my stay in the council room.

"Can we trust him?" said the fat councilman. "He did not obey us willingly."

"Of course," Kael' thas cried. "Still, he would listen to us after everything that happened. And I don't think you would have behaved differently after going through something like that."

Kael'thas was obviously not very fond of this fat mage.

"I'm sure we can rely on him for this, so we will not interfere with him so that he does not turn against us, and then he will not deny us any facts and information that we need. I do not yet see that we need or need anything more, and we will send Khadgar with him to watch him."

"Good," Krasus said. "This is all good, but we have to do something with this portal to another world. Who knows what can get out of there.

"Destroying it would be the best solution," said the sorceress. "Judging by the orcs, their world was very aggressive and completely different from ours.

"So, it's decided," Krasus said. "We must look towards destroying this portal."

"Of course," the other wizards nodded. "What else do we have there?"

Exhaling, I emerged from the spell and dispelled it. Now I have become a little more aware of this, and now it will be possible to build my own line of behavior after everything I know. Khadgar's appearance may add some complications to me, but not so much that they are not insoluble. Moreover, you can always try to turn him over to your side.

Back in my room, I saw Khadgar reading some book and writing something down in a small diary.

"Come on, Khadgar," I told him. "I'll introduce you to Lothar."

"Lord Lothar? He said with admiration." Almost immediately, he closed the book and jumped to his feet.

We left this room and went to the side where Lothar's conversations with other kings should occur. Approaching the door, I knocked on it. There I felt only two people. They were familiar. It should be Lothar and Terenas.

After knocking on the door again, we entered. There were all those people that I felt. Lothar and Terenas were sitting over some paper and talking about something. They immediately looked at us and then concentrated on Khadgar with interest. He was even somewhat embarrassed after such attention. It was strange to him.

"Ah, Alistair," said Lothar. - Have a seat. Whom did you bring?

"Let me introduce you to Khadgar, my assistant," I said, pointing to the young wizard.

"Hmm," Terenas nodded. "Sit down with us, Khadgar."

We sat down, and the servants immediately brought us light snacks. It could be seen that Khadgar does not feel very confident in such a society. But I didn't feel anything. I was somewhat hungry and, therefore, completely not ashamed of anyone, threw a sandwich into myself.

"Anything new or interesting?" I asked Lothar, nodding at the paper.

"Well, the elves contacted us and offered their own military assistance in arming the Alliance," Terenas said.

"So that's good," I said. "What else did elves tell?"

"They said they would be ready to march with the Alliance army in a week," Lothar said. "It increases my faith in our victory."

A week later, we stood near the town of South Coast. Lothar and I, as well as Khadgar, climbed a small elevation that allowed us to see the Alliance's full military strength. I'll tell you that when I first saw this, I was stunned. Hundreds, not even thousands of warriors stood in a small valley, hundreds of ships, from small to large, stood in the sea waiting for loading. Everyone was ready to set off towards Stormwind to fight the Horde. The news that we received from there from the intelligence that was organized by the magicians was not very encouraging. The orcs did not disdain anything, and many prisoners went to some kind of dark sacrifices to strengthen their army.

Khadgar has proven himself to be a very useful addition to us this week. He knew a lot of information and possessed a large magical arsenal to provide assistance where needed without big problems. Of course, he is still not mature enough to teleport, but I foresee that such a time is already close. Someday, he may even be able to take the place of one of the Council of Six members.

For a week, the armies of all the participating countries gathered at the South Coast and prepared to perform. All this would have been impossible without the help of magicians. They could teleport several units from their home base here. After that, they needed some time to recover, and they could teleport again. Some of the magicians brewed potions on an industrial scale. Another was involved in enchanting weapons and creating some protective artifacts. None of the kings who belong to the Alliance did think that the victory would be easy. And after the trolls joined them, even more so. It will be bloodshed like never before. Help from the elves who still haven't arrived should come in handy.

The maintenance of the Alliance army was not easy. The mages grew huge amounts of food for them, and also teleported most of the state stores. So that there were no outbreaks of disease, magicians also engaged in prevention, disinfecting the surrounding space every two days, but this does not mean that there were no accidents. They happened quite often ... There were fights between soldiers, misunderstandings, and other situations that often ended in fractures. Magicians treated those soldiers, but after that, they received punishment from the command—cooking there, or whatever duty.

"I still can't get used to so many warriors," Lothar said. "I don't think this world has seen such a gigantic army."

"It seems to me that this is not the limit," I told him. "Orcs won't just watch us slaughter them either."

"If they were like that, none of this would have happened," Lothar nodded, then continued. "I see something there!"

"Where?" I asked him, looking closely. After that, I used a spell and saw the approaching ships. They were different from the ships of human states, which means only one thing.

"These are elven ships!" shouted Khadgar, poking a finger. "I saw them in pictures in the library in Dalaran."

"They've arrived," Lothar nodded and sighed. The time when the troops will go into battle was getting closer and closer. I could feel a slight jitter from Anduin, but he overcame it pretty quickly. "Let's go see these elves."

We went down and quickly headed to the sea. Elven ships were different from human ships. We were immediately joined by other leaders of the Alliance, and we began to move quickly there. Some kings even developed shortness of breath, but they were silent, as they did not want to seem weaker than others. It would damage their reputation. Such kings were Perenolde and Greyman. One elven ship was just about to land.

"They are elven destroyers," Proudmoore said knowingly. "They are lighter and less armed. On the other hand, they are more maneuverable and faster, which is why they get some advantage over ours. But if my ships come together in a linear battle with the elven, they will lose."

"These are not only ships but also warriors who will participate in the war," said Lothar. Others could only agree with him. It was obvious, and not to admit it is to sign your own stupidity.

As the ship docked, a tall, lithe figure jumped off him. I just chuckled as I heard at least a few sighs. The elf approached us, and I easily recognized her as Alleria. I went on a hike with her to the Illusionary Caves. What a coincidence... She immediately noticed me and nodded her head in greeting. After we left these caves, I never saw her again. Perhaps she went home to go about her business. Alleria's clothes were forest green and oak brown, a strange light apron, breeches, and a long cloak with a hood thrown back; leather gloves covered her elbows, as did her knee boots. A light sword dangled from her thigh, a pouch with a horn hung on the other hip, and on her back was a large bow and a quiver of arrows.

"My lady," Lothar said as the elf got even closer. "Welcome. My name is Anduin Lothar, and I am the commander of the Alliance of Lordaeron."

"My name is Alleria, and I have brought you greetings from Anasterian Sunstrider and the Silvermoon Council," the elf said in her melodious voice. During the time that we did not see each other, she managed to change somewhat.

"Sorry, Lady Alleria," Lothar began to say. "But I will speak directly and without long prefaces. Is this all the help your people can provide?"

"I will also answer you directly, Lord Lothar," the elf said, and then added with an angry note in her voice. She was not paying attention to the elves who were leaving the ship and building. "Anasterian and the others were not interested in the message you sent. This Horde is too far away from us, and it seems determined to conquer the lands - human, but not our forests. The council members decided it was best to leave this conflict to the younger races and simply strengthen our borders to prevent any invasion.

In general, they decided to hide their heads in the sand and do nothing. Although on the other hand, even such a detachment that they sent would be helpful. Elves have always been famous for their art of archery. And many of them have considerable combat experience.

"In tribute to the ancient agreement, Anasterian decided to send this detachment," the elf said.

"And you?" asked her Lothar, noting that she did not classify herself with a group of ships that arrived here.

"And I'm here of my own free will," said the elf. "I am a ranger, I go wherever I want and offer my help to anyone I want."

Lothar nodded his head in acceptance. He has absolutely no intention of saying anything that could ruin his relationship with this elf. Rangers are well known for their capabilities.

"I considered this conflict much more serious. So serious that it can create a lot of problems for us," said Alleria. "And if everything is as bad as you say, then my country is already under threat."

"Thanks even for such help," Lothar said. "When your rangers settle here, could you send them on reconnaissance?"

"My rangers don't need rest." said the elf with pride. "They can go now."

She turned to the emerging warriors and spoke to them in Elvish. I didn't listen, because I don't think there should be something important there. The elves responded and quickly split into small teams. From the ship, which was parked at the pier, five small boats fell out, which were heavily stuffed with magic. The elves jumped into them and began to move away from the coast at a very high speed.

"Hmm," drawled Proudmoore. "I would love to have such ships ..."

"Hah," the elf smirked. She liked that someone recognized the superiority of her race.

"Excellent," Lothar nodded. "If you, my lady, join us in the command tent, I will tell you what we know so far, and we can listen to your thoughts on the matter."

"Okay," she nodded, then added. "Just call me Alleria, and nothing else."

Lothar nodded in agreement with her request. It was not difficult for him to do it. In the tent, he began to recount the plan they had conceived, as well as tactical moves. The elf just listened to all this and agreed that everything was done wisely. Only a few places of the tactics had to be modified since we had help in the form of elves. The Alliance leaders agreed, and they modified these plans for a while. After that, Lothar initiated the elf into who the orcs are and how they fight.

I also managed to communicate with her. She told me that she felt very bad for some time that her dear person had died. This dear person turned out to be Turalyon. But then she said that with the help of her sister named Sylvana, she managed to get over it and began to train like a demon so that this did not happen again. Her attitude towards me was completely different, entirely incomparable to what she had in our first meeting.

I told her what I had been doing all this time, and then I told her about warlocks and orcs. I didn't say much to her, since we didn't have much time for communication. The scouts have returned with awful news.

All the leaders and their assistants gathered around a large map, and a paladin named Anakin, the one I met pointed out where he had last seen the orcs. As it turned out, they were already sailing. Their ships' appearance did not come as a surprise to us, since we expected something like this. But then Alleria's rangers arrived. Here they brought the news even worse.

"The orcs have captured half of Khaz Modan," Alleria translated the words of the ranger. "They used the captured mines to build their ships."

These ships with the Horde sailed slowly but surely across the sea towards the southern coast of Lordaeron. But not to Greyman's lands. It looked like the Horde was about to land ashore in Hillsbrad, halfway between the Alliance anchorage and Gilneas. If the Alliance reacted quickly, they could intercept the Horde's landing.

"Gather your troops!" said Lothar, when the last words were spoken. "Leave everything unnecessary - we can send people for this later if we survive! Right now, we need speed more than anything else. Let's go! Let's go!"

He spoke quickly and very excitedly. And I understand him. The war has begun to gain momentum and will very soon be ready to enter into all its beauty. The respite that the Horde has received could cost us a lot. The Alliance forces had not yet fought the orcs, and therefore they were only waiting for their new enemy to destroy him.

The troops were on the march. They used magicians this time too, but since the army was really large, it was impossible to move everything at once. When we got there, we began to prepare a trap for them. We must destroy some of the orcs with one blow, thereby inflicting critical damage on them. This, of course, will not be able to stop them but weaken a bit.

The archers were in comfortable positions, as were the warriors. The paladins commanded their troops with confidence. The elves were preparing for battle too. Everyone felt this excitement, which rolled over their heads. But you know, some wrong feeling gnaws at me. It seems to me all the time that we have forgotten something. Something important ... But what?

I shared my suspicions with Lothar, but he just waved his hand at it and said that he has these ominous forebodings all the time, and they simply could not stop. After some time, the darkness of the orcs appeared on the horizon. Not even that ... it was the darkness of giant ships that were slowly advancing towards us. They looked dangerous and menacing.

The mages were finishing their trenches. They strengthened everything with magic, and also set many traps there. The elves also did not stay idle. It seems that we have already done everything, and we can only wait. The Alliance troops were still gathering.

"Are you ready?" asked Lothar all-important commanders. They nodded their heads at him. - Then get ready, take your positions.

The defense tactics that Lothar adopted were straightforward. At first, one part defended itself, then it retreated, and another took its place. After that, the third detachment entered into action. After the third, the first went into battle. It was already rested and healed. There is also a fourth detachment, but it will enter the war as an auxiliary.


Orgrimm stared at the shore and brooded. The thousands of orcs he was carrying with him were already ready for battle. His allies are prepared, too, and are eager to fight. Goblins, these fantastic creatures, arranged aerial reconnaissance for him and told him about the human plan.

The Horde leader knew that the people would defend themselves, just as the orcs themselves would. Only for this can they be respected. But there is no place for respect in war. Orgrim is fighting for the survival of the orcs, and if he needs to take over the world, he will.

The orc was not stupid, and therefore was not going to go so easily into the outright trap that the people had prepared. He had a plan that he was going to carry out in full. This plan was sufficient, and its deployment would not harm the Horde but only good. During this time, the Horde grew stronger. The capture of the dwarf kingdom brought them a lot of benefits. They received armor and good weapons.

Now humans can only die in a bloody battle.

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