

She was the Princess who had to die… Alinea, beloved Princess of Ritz, and celebrated heroine of the recently concluded Immortal War was betrayed and killed for political reasons. However, death did not come. She found herself waking up in modern-day Tokyo, in the body of a girl, named, Suzuki Ara, the most hated antagonist of all. He was the Prince who had to live… Homura Ryuu, heir of the most influential family in Japan was forced to be engaged to Ara since birth, due to a family curse. He could only marry and have children with the woman mentioned in the prophecy, else his bloodline would die out. Fated… The Prince and Princess from different worlds, where revenge, hatred, conspiracy and strive for power prevailed, found each other in the most unexpected turn of events. Was this a coincidence? Maybe not. For two souls destined for each other meet regardless of time and circumstance. It's called fate... PLEASE DO NOT SPAM THIS BOOK. I REQUEST FOR EVERYONE TO SHOW RESPECT & AVOID EXP REVIEWS. ============================= Ara elbowed Ryuu in the rib. "Darling, you are scaring the people away. Learn how to smile." "Darling, if I smile, they will totally forget why they exist," Ryuu countered smugly, so Ara had no choice but to sigh in defeat. There's no sense making sense with this stubborn husky anyway. Well, he kind of had a point anyway… Ara looked towards the nurse's station where nurses kept bumping into each other or hitting the tables and making things fall because they were busy giving Ryuu demure glances. "See? They get distracted like that with me not smiling – what more if I do?"Ryuu told her with amusement in his voice. Then again, mischief danced in his blue gaze and he finally sent one bright smile the nurses' way. CRASH! BANG! Ara watched as chaos ensued in the station and she quickly pulled the naughty husky to the side and gave him a glare. "What? Who told me to smile?" he asked her innocently. "I did okay? It's my fault," Ara told him as she dragged him away. ============= Join Alinea's discord: https://discord.gg/Vv7uPrN follow me on IG: @schreient_rui FRENCH VERSION AVAILABLE here. Alinea (Français) Like the story? gimme coffee :D https://ko-fi.com/schreient

schreient · Fantasy
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433 Chs

Super Villain

"Ah, my back, my poor back…"

So much for Suzuki Ara's earlier bravado, she still ended up falling down hard. It was futile to think the cameras didn't catch anything. For sure her literal 'fall from grace' was recorded, and she shuddered.

She would have to destroy those things now, she thought as she silently apologized for what she's going to do.

She couldn't let anyone see it or else, Aki would totally misunderstand. He would think she wanted to commit suicide again, and there would be chaos. If Kou found out, she could already imagine being guarded 24/7 and she couldn't risk having that happen.

Ara couldn't remember where all the cameras were located, so she secretly entered the house again. She painfully climbed back to her window, and then went down the stairs quietly to go to the cameras' main server.

With her powers, she touched the wire and sent around a thousand voltages, making the system go haywire. All the recordings were destroyed in an instant.

Afterwards, she did what she was supposed to have done since the beginning. Suzuki Ara went out of the house via the main door.

Exiting the quiet upscale neighborhood of Denechofu, was quite tricky. Why? Because there's a big chance someone would spot her and think she's a thief with her mask on. Also, since her huge house was located at the inner part of the area, it meant it would take a while for her to reach the normal road.

"This is tiring," she muttered.

It appeared her idea was stupid after all, she thought as she sat by the roadside and lay down. She was about to give up as she looked up at the sky and stopped.


Her silver-grey eyes widened as an inspiration came to her. She scrambled back on her feet as she gazed at the electric wires up above.

How could she have forgotten that Japan was filled with electric poles?

She might not be spider man, but there was something she could do that no one else could.

With a smile and an excitedly beating heart, she hurried towards the nearest pole. She immediately spotted the metal bars on the side for repairmen to step on. Normally only very few poles had them. She was lucky.


Light flashed as a seal appeared on the ground below her feet. Although she knew that what she's going to attempt was possible, she'd never done this before, simply because there were no electric poles in Ritz.

"Up-up and away take two!"

Plasma appeared on her feet, catapulting her from the ground as she leaped onto the metal sidebars.

One, Two, Three, Four…

Using magnetic fields, she easily climbed up the electric pole, and was soon on top.


She had lost count how many times she had seen Tokyo at night, but today was a bit different. Seeing the forest of concrete illuminated by different colored lights from this point without the glass window barring the sight, she thought it was prettier.

However, Ara also knew that despite its beautiful lights, danger lurked among the streets of Japan's capital. Among the seven most dangerous places in all of the country, three were found in Tokyo.

Placed at number one was Kabukicho, where people from the underworld called Yakuzas, mostly managed the bars and establishments there. To say that the place was bloody at night was apt. It was why police in complete riot uniform patrolled the area at all time.

Placed at number three was Roponggi. Although it was the most popular hangout at night for young adults, and mostly safe at day time, it was not a secret that being there at night was not wise. Most people get so loose and intoxicated they always caused troubles. Fights and other altercations were daily occurrences.

Last but definitely not the least was Ueno. Placed at number five, the place was home to the majority of Tokyo's homeless population, and the surrounding areas were always seedy. One factor was its gangster element. Just like Kabukicho, Ueno had its fair share of yakuzas lording the area.

"Well, that works well for me,"Ara thought.

The more trouble, the more she had to practice on.


Ara wondered which one was nearer, as she tried to remember what she checked at the internet a day before.

"Ueno is thirty-seven minutes by car. Kabukicho is thirty-five minutes. Roponggi is twenty-five…"

Ding Ding!

There's a winner.

"Roponngi huh?" Ara said as she cracked her knuckles, and then stepped onto the electrical wire.

Increasing the magnetic field on her feet, the plasma cackled as she started to levitate.

Yep, she had no ability to fly. But, because of her ability to manipulate magnetic fields and electricity, she's able to create something akin to a superconductor. It was the same theory engineers used in magnetic levitation trains.

"Roponggi, here I go!"

With a wide carefree smile behind the kitsune mask, Ara glided over the electrical wires like a bullet train, traveling just as fast as the plasma cackled under feet. She was like a skater coasting over the wires in a speed of a train.

She reached her destination in no time.


Ara stopped above one electric pole as she gazed at the darkened street below. It was near midnight, and as expected most party-goers had already started getting rowdy, and some were already inebriated.

"Stop! I don't want to go. Leave me alone!"

The cry of a female caught Ara's attention, and she immediately searched where it came from. Below, at a dark corner behind one night club was a girl in party clothes surrounded by five young men. The latter were red and sluggish in their movements. It was not hard to realize they're drunk.

"Oh come on, we're being nice to invite you so you won't be alone. Let's go," one of the young men cajoled in a relaxed tone, but the grip he had on the girl's arm was far from easy. The girl's flinch from pain told Ara it was a strong hold.

"Let go of me! I want to go home!"

The men laughed. They seemed to not understand why she's being hard-to-get. Although Ara wanted to roll her eyes at how cliched the situation was, she had enough.

"Hey you!"

Ara changed her voice into a bigger one although it's still feminine as she called out to the men. Startled, they all looked up in time to see her jump from the electrical pole behind them. The man who was holding the girl even let go to step back in his surprise.

"Who is this weirdo?" One of the guys asked in amusement as they looked at her get up – from her black outfit to her kitsune mask.

The others laughed. "Looks like someone's playing the super hero."

Ara was amused and waved her hand in front of her as if to say 'no'. "Nah, I'm a super villain. I'm just here to pick up a fight," she said honestly, making the others laugh harder.

"Oh yeah?"

"But it's gonna be bloody so I guess the lady should go,"Ara said and she signaled the girl to leave, and the latter immediately took the chance to escape.

"Thank you kitsune-san," the girl mouthed towards Ara as she ran away.

The men were obviously unhappy. "Look at what you did! You let her get away!"

"This big sister said she wants a fight."

"Then you have one, you bitch," the guy who was holding the girl earlier said.

"You have no idea who you messed with."

"That's right. Kaito's a karate black belt," the guys boasted and Ara laughed.

"Oh yeah? I have a black belt too," she said proudly as she lifted her black sweater to show the black leather belt there with a silver LV buckle. "It's called Louis Vuitton."

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update schedule: 1 chapter/day unless stated otherwise.

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