
ALINA- Technology is under my control

[ MATURE CONTENT ] **RAPE**. Please read at your own risk. In a world where technology is rapidly growing, can you be able to keep up with the pace? Let's imagine. Imagine you wake up in the morning and the first voice you hear is that of a robot. You enter the bathroom to meet the bathtub filled with soap being bubbled by a robotic hand from the ceiling. You stepped into the bathtub and the water adjusts it's temperature to your comfort. Interesting, right? Now you are done bathing, you lift your leg, yes your leg...no not the left, the right, yes very good. You lift your leg to come out. The moment it touches the tiles that same robot rushes to you with a towel in hand. You take the towel and wrap it round your body. You hair! You need to have a hairdo. Before you take a step to get your brush, a robotic chair rolls to you. A chair, why? Let me tell you. Because you need to sit on it to get a hairdo. You need comfort will working on you hair. Now get your butt on it. You comfortably sit on it and it rolls you into the bedroom. What does technology have in store for you? Let's find out. It rolls you in front of a mirror. Why? Seriously? You need to see what you are doing. But wait, why are two hands coming out from the back of the chair? What's going on? You need to relax, maybe they want to.... Then the hands digs into your hair and begins work. Once done, you look into the mirror in awe of the beauty you have been transformed into. After the hairdo, what's next? You need to get dressed. You get dressed up with the robot tying, buttoning and adjusting when needed. Now you are done. You leave the bedroom only to meet the dining table downstairs with different varieties of food generously spread on it. Scrumptious, right? You need to eat, the food is getting cold. The minute you sat on your chair, another robot with wheels rolls to your back and ties a napkin round your neck to prevent stains on your dress. One spoon, two spoon, three...nth spoon, now you are done eating. Another robot wearing an apron assists you with your bag to the self-driving car. You enter the car and sit on the seat. The very second you sat on it, two belts from left and right crosses each other and buckles you in. Now you are save to drive. But wait are you going to drive from the back seat? Impossible. Remember it is a self-driving car. You gave the car your desired location and zoom, it speeds off. Imagine all these things are controlled by a chip in your brain. I welcome you to my second ongoing WebNovel - Alina; Technology is under my control. ** * Had an accident, saved by her uncle and brought to Dr Jason for chip implantation, Alina George Bridge woke up to a whole new world with a fragment of her memory wiped out. * Rosella Neil Bridge, her cousin and the eldest daughter of Dr Neil, forced herself to marry Josh Stone, the heir of Stone empire and a womaniser, because she wanted to become the heiress of her father's empire and conglomerate. The same empire and conglomerate her father was ready to give her cousin. Things don't go as planned, but will she give up and let Alina take over?. * Mina Neil Bridge, a strong supporter of her elder sister's decisions. But does she just support without a reason? Don't she also have interest in her father's properties?. * Clifford Jason, a psychologist who agreed to help Alina regain her memory. But after knowing that Alina's accident perpetrator is his sister's murder, he changed plans and helped her gain her revenge. Will he only help her gain her revenge? Will he also help her fall in love with him?. * Josh Stone, as mentioned above, slept with Mina as a condition for helping her with something and decided to make Rosella his sex machine. * Dr Neil - Alina's uncle. Rosella and Mina's father. A business guru who had sensitive secrets. Dr Jason - Clifford's father. A scientist cum neurologist. Enjoyed the synopsis! Try the story

Winnie_Malachi · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Clifford Jason

' Please maintain your position '. Dr Jason pleaded when he saw Alina trying to adjust herself on the table. She discovered it was a table all this time. It was when she tried to lie down again that Dr Jason saw her and ask her stay still. But why was he so deep in thoughts that he did not see her trying to get up?.

' How is your head now? '. He asked as he approached her. Why was he always asking her such a question? Always her head, why?

She just nodded in reply. Less talking, more thinking and she would be able decipher the problem or rather the reason for his concern for her head, in no time.

' Do you feel any pain? '. He kept on asking. She looked intently at him. Now that he asked, she felt more energetic than ever. Like her head was a little bit free. Her brain felt like it was rid of some of it's junks.

She shook her head in reply. Maybe her head felt empty because she had been sleeping.

' Ok then if you say so, let me go and tell my wife you are awake. She was preparing dinner for everyone '. He excused himself. Alina widened her eyes the moment he left the room.

Dinner? So for how long have she been sleeping?. She sighed but then she remembered that she recalled some memories. She closed her eyes to recollect them but they were not there.

But she saw some things before she saw darkness. Where were they? She was sure she heard voices calling out for somebody. Why was she not hearing the voices anymore?. Did Dr Jason do anything to her brain?. Would he have done something?. Maybe not, because he was trying to help her remember but what happened?.

She fell back into sleep after waiting so long for Dr Jason to get back to her.

' Then that means we can conduct the test on her. I am coming let me round up with this '. Mrs Jason said after Dr Jason told her that Alina was currently awake.

' Calm down, just take your time. I will let her know you are almost done cooking '. He said and gave her light kiss on her forehead.

' Why do I feel like you want to say something but you are just too sacred to say it ? '. Dr Jason halted when he heard her question. Yes! He pecked her wishing she would not be angry with him when she finds out the truth.

He have never lied to his wife, this was the first time. Dr Neil had made him swear on his children that he would not tell anyone he was the creator of the chip, not even Alina until it works perfectly on her. With the swear, Dr Neil still threatened to kill his wife if he blurts out the truth. Now he had no choice but to lie to save her.

' What could it be? '. He asked as he took steps back to her.

' I don't know. I just have a feeling that you are hiding something from me. Jah, you promised never to lie to me. Please if you hiding anything let me know '. She replied and bent her head as Dr Jason got nearer to her.

' I won't lie to you, my dear. I am hiding something from you, but please you have to trust me, it is for the better you don't know '. He answered as he used his left hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. Mrs Jason rose her head to reveal her wet eyes.

' Shhhh..... you don't need to cry. When everything is over, I will tell you, I promise '. He assured her and drew her head to his chest with his left hand and as she rested her face on his chest, he planted a kiss on her head. Then he hugged her tightly. Now it was her turn to be comforted and relax under his hug.

The knock on the door woke Rosella up from her daydream. As she laid on her bed, her hands crossed on her belly and with her gaze fixed on the ceiling, she gave the person permission to enter the room.

The door opened and Mrs Neil entered the room. After shutting the door, she walked up to Rosella and sat on the bed.

' What do you want this time around? '. Rosella asked without looking at her mother.

' Rosella, let's talk. You would be getting married very soon. Is it not right we have a mother - daughter talk before you depart to your husband's house? '. Mrs Neil asked and gave Rosella a solemn look as she awaited her response.

Rosella was silent. She kept on looking at the ceiling like there was a beautiful picture displayed on it but her face held no smile of admiration rather her face was expressionless.

' Did you come here for a mother-daughter talk or to convince me to follow you and escape the life Daddy wants to push me into '. Rosella asked and then faced her mother.

Mrs Neil expected this kind of attitude from her daughter, so she did not become furious at that.

' I came for both. Rosella, don't you think.... '.

' Mother, do you really think you can escape dad's surveillance team. Mother, I have accepted my fate now you are the one remaining. I really wish Mother, that you accept your fate too '. She said and held her blanket to cover herself.

' Now if you excuse me, I need to have my siesta '. Rosella continued, pulled the blanket over herself and turned the other way to sleep. Mrs Neil blinked angrily.

She for sure, did not expect such a cold treatment from Rosella. She wanted to say something but stopped and left the room.

Immediately she sensed her mother was no more in the room, she turned to look at the door then turned again to sleep.

She was about closing her eyes to sleep when she heard another knock on the door. Before she could ask his /her identity, the person walked in.

' Why are you so tied up in bed. Its not long they left. When they were about leaving, we looked for you but you were nowhere to be found '. Mina spoke and sat on the bed.

' If you had checked this room, you would have seen me '. Was Rosella's response as she sat on the bed and rested her head on the headboard.

Mina looked at her for a while. ' Why do you sound so dull? Don't tell me you are still thinking of that monster '. She questioned her.

' He wish!. I just remembered Clifford '. Rosella replied and stared blankly at the ceiling.

' Clifford? Your first love daddy and mommy knew nothing about ? '. Mina asked, removed her slippers and crawled to Rosella side.

Rosella nodded her head. ' If he was here, would I be engaged to him instead? '. She faced Mina as she asked.

Mina held her hands. ' I am not sure. Mom and dad never knew about your relationship, remember? '.

' I know, but Dr Jason is not just a mere person. He is a wealthy doctor cum scientist, so dad would not even care if we were in a relationship before offering my hand in marriage '.

Mina looked at her saddened sister. ' But I thought your main aim of marrying Josh even before I revealed the truth to you, was to use him to get dad's properties'. Mina asked in confusion.

' Yes, that. is. my main aim. But I will still get dad's properties and the shares under my name without having to pressurize or please Clifford. He loves me genuinely and I don't have to be his sex machine '. Rosella said amidst tears.

' Then if that is what you want, why don't you call him now and tell him to come over and buy shares in dad's companies so that Daddy will marry you off to him '. Mina proferred a solution.

' I no longer have his contact '. Rosella answered, rolled out the blanket and got up from the bed. Mina looked at her in confusion.

' What do you mean? I thought he gave you his international number before he travelled '. She then voiced out her mind.

' He did, but he took it back '. She answered and turned towards the bathroom door.

' Rosey, you are stained '. Mina uttered suddenly when she saw a red patch on Rosella's pink bedroom gown.

' I know, I felt it. Let me tidy up '. Mina nodded her head and Rosella went to into the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later saw Rosella with a new dress. She headed towards the bed, sat on it and rolled up the blanket to cover herself.

' Should I get you lemon tea? '. Mina asked her when she saw Rosella shivering like she caught a fever. Rosella shook her head.

' No, I'm fine. I guess I am having an aftermath of all the crying I did last night '. Rosella replied and sighed as she rested her head on the headboard.

' Clifford was a darling. He was ever loving and ever protective of me. He never shouted at me a day, except for the day I refused to take the doctor's prescribed drugs when I fell sick. Who would have known that our friendship would progress into a relationship. I just accepted to be his girlfriend a week before daddy asked me to date Jordan. Before I could explain things to him, Jordan asked some boys to threaten Clifford to leave me, claiming I was his. I tried to explain to him after that, but he kept avoiding me until we met at the mall. Before we entered a relationship , when his dad told him that he had made preparations for him to study in India, Clifford gave me his international number but the day we met at the mall, he changed his mind. He told me he was not avoiding me for fear of Jordan but for fear that Jordan would tell daddy that I was a rival and daddy would threaten his father's career. He hugged me goodbye and deleted his number from my phone, telling me it was for the better. I did not even store his international number in my head. Why? Why do daddy like controlling my life, why?. She broke down in tears.

Mina hugged her, placing her head on her shoulder and holding her hands.

' If I ask him to come, would you be happy? '.

Rosella rose her head as her face beamed up at her question. ' Would you call him and ask him to come? '.

' Will that calm you down and exhilarate you? '. Rosella nodded profusely and Mina chuckled.

' Ok then. Why don't you rest and let li'l sis take care of the rest? '. She covered up Rosella as she lied down.

' Thank you '. She appreciated her as a tear rolled down her cheeks.

' Ya welcome. Now rest, see you at dinner '. She wiped the tear off Rosella's cheek and left the room.

' See you too '. Rosella said to the door and laid on her side as she closed. Mina always kept to her word. She just hoped Clifford agrees to see her, just once before the wedding.

' You know, she won't be able to survive if you don't see her before the wedding '. Mina spoke into her phone as she closed her door.

[ I know. I will come see her before the wedding. Please don't let her know for now that I have agreed. This will be my last surprise to her before she becomes Mrs ]. A man voice replied on the other end. Mina could hear the sadness in his voice as he spoke. She felt bad for the two, Rosella and the man, Clifford.

' Ok then. Do well to bring some gifts as you come. I'm no communicator without the gifts '. She said trying to lighten the atmosphere.

[ Mina, you have not changed. I will, I promise. Please take care of Rosey ].

' I will. Goodbye then '.

[ Goodbye ]. The call was turned off and she kept the phone on the bed.

She placed her left leg on her right knee to massage it's ankle. As she massaged her ankle, a devilish smirk appeared on her face.

Hey everyone here's my schedule

1 chapter release every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Thanks for your patience.

❤️Much love ❤️


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