
Alien vs. Predator: The Last King

From the planet of Aliens, the king of Aliens will go and tries to find away to open their homeland and tries to destroy planet earth. At that time, a predator will stop them. The predator needs to see who was the last king at the homeland of Aliens. Some people's try to save them but a best scientist will kill them. Who will win?

Dhanaraj123 · War
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MegaPredator against Young Alien

New York: John's Lab

John and MegaPredator came into the lab. But there was something creepy going on. Some off the guards were gone. Something was infront the entrance of the testing room. There was a guy without half body and a head. Then they saw all the guards body without heads and many off them were terrible than them. Suddenly, something came to caught John. But MegaPredator caught it. It was Young Alien. MegaPredator was fighting with Young Alien. Young Alien was too strong but MegaPredator use its spear but it was late. The Young Alien throw away the spear. The MegaPredator carried it but he couldn't fight back. Suddenly, something shoot him and it was John. He use the gun which he first did for Megahunter.