
Alien in the Martial Art World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the martial arts world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Warm Morning

The sun had barely risen when Fang Xuan woke up again. He took a deep breath and felt a sense of relief that the nightmare had not returned. He looked over at the window and saw the early morning light streaming in. 

Quickly, he rolled out of bed and stumbled over to close the shutters, blocking the sun's harsh glare.

After the room was dark again, he felt a bit more comfortable. He took a moment to compose himself before heading to the kitchen, his bare feet treading lightly on the cool wooden floorboards. 

The scent of breakfast wafted through the house—his mother's special soap to warm the stomach. Despite his usual lack of appetite, he found himself craving the familiar taste today because it was his birthday. 

In the kitchen, his mother was busy preparing the meal. Her movements were casual, showing this was a task she had done for years.

Looking from behind, Fang Xuan saw her. 

She had a good figure and looked quite young, more like a 25-year-old. Her long black hair was braided into a single thick ponytail that ran down to her waist. She had long eyelashes, red lips, and jet-black eyes that complemented her fair skin.

She looked behind her and offered him a gentle smile.

"Good morning, Xuan. Did you sleep well?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern. 

He nodded, not wanting to worry her with the truth. "I'm okay, just a bit tired. The ceremony is today, isn't it?"

She nodded solemnly. "Yes, it is. Your father and I are proud of you, no matter what happens today. Remember, your strength is not just in your body, but in your heart and mind as well," she said, handing him a steaming bowl of soup with a hard bread. 

Fang Xuan took the bowl and felt the warmth spread through his hands.

He knew she meant well, but the reality was dark—without martial prowess, his future was uncertain.

Finding a well-paying job would be difficult, especially with his weak body. 

He couldn't even handle hard labor like planting or taking care of livestock, tasks that required him to be under the sun for extended periods.

Women would not even see him as a potential partner. While he could still marry, his options would be limited to those who were not considered attractive. 

"Don't worry, Mother, I'm not expecting anything," Xuan forced a smile as he pretend to happily ate his soup. 

While doing so, he watched his mother clean the kitchen. 

Her mother used to be a martial artist, but a Spirit Beast attacked her, wounding her dantian. This injury crippled her, preventing her from using Qi anymore. 

She smiled as she worked, but he could see the sadness in her eyes. He knew she missed her old life, the strength and freedom it had given her.

"Mother, where is Father?" he asked.

Her face shifted for a moment, as if something weighed on her mind. She quickly averted her eyes and composed herself. 

"He's just with his companions hunting beasts in the forest," she replied.

"I understand," Fang Xuan nodded. 

His father was the one providing for their family, so it wasn't unusual for him to be away for a week or two.

Despite being a martial artist, his father was not very strong. Even at the age of 40, he had only reached the Initial Stage, limiting him to dealing with weaker beasts.

In fact, her mother was more talented reaching Qi Gathering Stage .

"Quick, eat your meal and take a bath. I've already prepared it for you," her mother urged, concerned that he will lost his appetite again. 

"Yes, Mother," he replied with a warm smile.