1 A New Friend

A village where every single men are freely to do what ever they wanted to do. A village where you can't see crime, A place everyone wished to lived in.

A fifteen year old girl named Alice and her family lived in the most peaceful village in the City of Eirini. Alice had a big brother named Jack, both of them go to the river everyday to get some fishes for them to sell it in the market, So they can buy meat and milk for their everyday meal.

One day they went to the river to get some fishes, after getting some, they went ahead to the market. While in the way to the market they saw how a group of men killed every single person in their village. They ran fast and went ahead to their house, sadly their parents were killed too.

**The said peaceful village was bathed with it's own blood**

"Mom, Dad"

Jack mourned.

"The whole village is covered with blood. What are we going to do Jack?"

Alice asked Jack with despair.

Jack decided to hide in the Forest.

The night comes and they heared a strange noise coming from the bushes, as they went to the bush to see where the strange noise came from they saw a wild bear having its dinner (a dead deer). After the bear ate almost 3/4 of the dead deer it leaves the dead body in the area. Jack was so hungry and told Alice to get some woods for them to cook the left-over of the bear.

"Alice go get some woods for us to make fire and cook this dead deer for our meal this dinner"

Jack commanded Alice.

"Okay, wait here"

Alice replied.

While Alice Is looking for woods, Jack met an elf.

"Who are you!?"

"What kind of being you are?!"

"Where are you from!?"

Jack asked as if its his first time to see an elf.

"Wowowow one question at a time buddy, My name is Estes and people called me an elf, I am the guardian of this Forest."

The elf answered.

Alice went back and gathered plenty of woods to start a fire. They cooked the meat of the dead deer, while cooking Jack introduced Estes to Alice.

They ate dinner with their new friend, the elf.

After eating dinner the elf offered Jack and Alice to stay in its place for a while.

Jack accepted the offer due to the reason of uncountable wild animals in the Forest.

Next chapter