
Alicaine Chronicles: Roselyn Knight

*Excerpt*: “Submit.” A soothing, male voice crooned inside the girl’s mind. Ice wrapped around her legs and reached up along her body. With every passing second, her chance of victory slipped further and further from her grasp. “Just relax.” The voice said soothingly. Listening to it was dangerous to the girl. The too familiar voice spoke in time to her heartbeat in phrases she’d heard it say many times before. A shadow passed over her half-frozen body. Looking up, the girl saw the shadowed body of a dragon passing under the sun above her. The dragon’s head was lowered and the she could feel its piercing, demanding gaze on her skin. “You’ve done extremely well but you don’t have to fight so hard.” The voice said. The girl’s eyelids fluttered. She was so cold. Her breathing had slowed considerably as the ice was now at her waist. White mist formed as she exhaled. Fuzzily, she knew she was losing. She’d tried everything, but nothing she could do, none of her magic, could pierce those armor like scale. The voice was wrong. Everything was at stake for her, her heart, her freedom, her life, but she was once again powerless. The dragon swooped low over her head. It’s light blue scale’s glittered beautifully in the afternoon sun. The ice had reached the girl’s chest now. Each breath she drew was laborious and took a herculean effort. “It will be over soon.” The voice crooned softly, “Just rest.” The girl foggily knew that if she caved and relaxed the fight would be over. She wanted to fight; she needed to win, but she was so tired. The dragon landed in front of her. She blinked groggily at it trying to bring her eyes into focus. The dragon watched her expectantly as its ice climbed higher still on the girl’s body. The girl could feel her pulse slowing as she tried to shake her head clear again. She couldn’t the ice had reached her chin. ‘Why?’ she thought fuzzily, ‘how can it end like this?’ She worked so hard, but it hadn’t mattered. Despair choked her as her eyelids drooped and then closed. The ice covered her head as the girl fell into darkness. *** Release rate will be a min of 3 chapters per week! The maturity rating is for the scenes that will come later in the book! It will be necessary! Alicaine Chronicles: Roselyn’s Book is about a woman, Roselyn Knight, trying to prove her worth in a society that views females as commodities. The only path she has open to her is gaining her proficiency at the best school of magic in her world, Alicaine. However, this is a double-edged sword, because as Ro gets stronger, she begins to attract the attention of several males at her school. Her race against time begins. Can she become the best fighter in the school before she loses the freedom that is finally almost in her grasp? Everything is at stake for her, her future, her life, even her heart, and one misstep could spell disaster.

SandiBell · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

Week 13 - Fire 1

Even though it was the third week in November now, the air was always warm on school grounds. That was because the school existed inside its own private magical climate, so the temperature always felt like a warm spring day. Ro thought this was excessive and unnecessary but Momo informed her that a lot of the higher level, long term magics were so delicate that the changing seasons would affect them. Ro wondered what kind of magics they would be but Momo didn't choose to elaborate any further. Ro let it go, figuring that she'd know when she got there.

This week marked the start of fire magic again. Alexi took the number one slot. Blaze was once again in second, but Ro was close on his heels at third place. She was working hard and making progress. Angelique was following a little way behind Ro. Brawn, Aerie, and Momo were all behind her but in front of the rest of the class. Ro was disappointed when the bell rang but she headed for combat training anyway.

Ro met Laine and the ever-present Zephyr outside the gate to Laine's garden forest. Laine let Ro in then very grudgingly Zephyr as well. They proceeded to the training clearing in silence. Laine seemed more testy than usual and Zephyr was busy whistling happily as he floated along. Once they reached the clearing, Ro immediately headed for the dummy to begin her accuracy practice. Zephyr started to stretch out as he floated, looking very much like he was going to take a nap.

"Wait." Laine ordered and both Ro and Zephyr looked at him in confusion. "It's time that we begin to teach you how to attack." He said with a small smile. Ro leaped in the air out of joy and ran at him to hug him again. Laine stopped her with a head shake and a significant look. Ro realized immediately that he didn't want her to touch him. She wrongly assumed this was because he found contact with a human distasteful.

The real reason Laine didn't want her to hug him was that Zephyr was watching this exchange with sharp eyes and too much interest. This only reminded Laine of how much of a nuisance Zephyr was being. Of course, he wanted to touch Ro, he planned on marking her as soon as Zephyr would leave them alone. Laine hoped if nothing happened at training Zephyr would lose interest and stop coming. However, Laine's patience was wearing thin and if Zephyr didn't voluntarily stop coming soon, he had every intention of forcing him to stop.

Zephyr flew down.

"Will there be sparring?" He asked eagerly, he was getting bored of just watching the Nug. He hadn't given up on learning her secret yet, though. Instead, he thought if he could touch her, he might find out why he sometimes saw two images when she moved. Hitting her with a sword would count as just that.

"No." Laine told him as if he were stupid. "We will start with chain attacks. Think of the simplest one you know."

"What are chain attacks?" Ro asked wondering how they would help her attack. Laine looked at her kindly, as if she too were slow.

"They are individual attacks that are linked together in a chain to form a continuous movement, like a dance." He answered.

"I've got one!" Zephyr said brightly, snatching the daggers from her hands.

"I've got another question." Ro announced. When she saw both males looking at her expectantly, she went on. "Why is Zephyr picking the chain attacks instead of my tutor?" Zephyr frowned.

"What? You don't want me to?" He looked a little hurt. His shoulders and ears drooped.

"No, it's not that! I was just curious." Ro said looking uncertain. Zephyr burst out laughing.

"I got you good. You should have seen your face. You make the best faces." He chortled out as he flounced to the dummy.

"Zephyr, spent years fighting with two daggers like you do." Laine stated simply.

"Why did he stop?" Ro asked suddenly wondering if there was something wrong with fighting with daggers.

"As his magic progressed, he found it less compatible with his magic style."

"I'm ready to demonstrate!" Zephyr called. Ro and Laine walked over to him. Faster than Ro could breath, the demonstration was over. She had gotten the impression of his body dropping lower and then turning, but that was it.

"Hey Zephyr, maybe do it a little slower, the Nug is only a human." Laine told him.

"Oh right." Zephyr said and repeated his movement. This time Ro saw him slice through the dummy's left brachial artery with his right hand, his left hand was in the guard position. Then his right hand went into the guard position while his left hand slashed the right femoral artery as he dropped to a crouch. After that he stepped out to the left and spun while rising and stabbed the abdominal aorta with his right dagger. Ro thought it looked complicated.

"That looks easy enough." Laine said with approval. "Now you try." Ro took the daggers with shaky hands and wondered how to do this. She stepped up to the dummy and attempted to mimic what Zephyr had done. She fell over instead of stepping out.

"That was good for a first attempt." Zephyr told her. "Try again." Laine looked at him sourly before wandering off to his spot in the shade and laying down to watch.

It took forty-five minutes before Ro was able to do it successfully. After she did it once Zephyr made her do it ten more times correctly. It took a half hour to do it ten times consecutively and then an hour to do it right once on her left side. She was only able to do it consecutively five times in a row on her left side before Laine made her move on to the combination of dodging, charging and blocking.

Hello Dear Readers,

This is a short one, but I hope you like it anyway! I would love to hear your feedback. I have kind of written myself into a corner with this story and am hoping you might tell me which characters you want to see more of? I'll try to work them in more often!

Thank you so much for reading!

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