
Alicaine Chronicles: Roselyn Knight

*Excerpt*: “Submit.” A soothing, male voice crooned inside the girl’s mind. Ice wrapped around her legs and reached up along her body. With every passing second, her chance of victory slipped further and further from her grasp. “Just relax.” The voice said soothingly. Listening to it was dangerous to the girl. The too familiar voice spoke in time to her heartbeat in phrases she’d heard it say many times before. A shadow passed over her half-frozen body. Looking up, the girl saw the shadowed body of a dragon passing under the sun above her. The dragon’s head was lowered and the she could feel its piercing, demanding gaze on her skin. “You’ve done extremely well but you don’t have to fight so hard.” The voice said. The girl’s eyelids fluttered. She was so cold. Her breathing had slowed considerably as the ice was now at her waist. White mist formed as she exhaled. Fuzzily, she knew she was losing. She’d tried everything, but nothing she could do, none of her magic, could pierce those armor like scale. The voice was wrong. Everything was at stake for her, her heart, her freedom, her life, but she was once again powerless. The dragon swooped low over her head. It’s light blue scale’s glittered beautifully in the afternoon sun. The ice had reached the girl’s chest now. Each breath she drew was laborious and took a herculean effort. “It will be over soon.” The voice crooned softly, “Just rest.” The girl foggily knew that if she caved and relaxed the fight would be over. She wanted to fight; she needed to win, but she was so tired. The dragon landed in front of her. She blinked groggily at it trying to bring her eyes into focus. The dragon watched her expectantly as its ice climbed higher still on the girl’s body. The girl could feel her pulse slowing as she tried to shake her head clear again. She couldn’t the ice had reached her chin. ‘Why?’ she thought fuzzily, ‘how can it end like this?’ She worked so hard, but it hadn’t mattered. Despair choked her as her eyelids drooped and then closed. The ice covered her head as the girl fell into darkness. *** Release rate will be a min of 3 chapters per week! The maturity rating is for the scenes that will come later in the book! It will be necessary! Alicaine Chronicles: Roselyn’s Book is about a woman, Roselyn Knight, trying to prove her worth in a society that views females as commodities. The only path she has open to her is gaining her proficiency at the best school of magic in her world, Alicaine. However, this is a double-edged sword, because as Ro gets stronger, she begins to attract the attention of several males at her school. Her race against time begins. Can she become the best fighter in the school before she loses the freedom that is finally almost in her grasp? Everything is at stake for her, her future, her life, even her heart, and one misstep could spell disaster.

SandiBell · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
61 Chs

Week 10 - Earth 4

Ro didn't know any of this. She still thought just he was a kind teacher that she had an unrequited crush on. No matter how nice he was, she only saw that he was doing his job.

So, when she went to combat practice, she put it out of her mind and worked on her skills. Both Laine and Zephyr were present again. The former looked annoyed by the latter's presence but said nothing. They worked for the four hours. Zephyr would sometimes interject something. Laine would sometimes touch her to adjust her form, even though she thought it was right. He was just a perfectionist.

Zephyr left early saying he had something to do. Laine and Ro were alone.

"You're still wearing the necklace." Laine said tight voiced.

"Yeah. I need it for protection." Laine looked dubious. "That's all it means." Ro stated firmly. Laine looked as if he were going to tell her to take it off again, so she interjected. "I can't take it off. Professor Arzandia got really mad last time." Laine's face took on a hard cast.

"Then I'll talk to him about it."

"Sure! Just not from eight to nine in the morning. I have extra important magic practice then." Laine made a sound like a growl deep in his throat.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." He said after a minute. Ro nodded and left happily. She had done well at practice.

When she got to her rooms, Momo, Aerie and Brawn were all sitting on the carpet working on Earth magic, but they stopped as soon as she entered. Ro sat down with a sigh. They made her tell them, like she said she would, about what had happened earlier. Brawn was disgusted but Momo and Aerie shared a resigned look.

"We've been expecting him do something for a while now. It's not normal for him to just keep quiet like he was doing." Momo stated quietly.

"But why? Is he going to do it again?" Ro asked alarmed. Momo blushed and looked down.

"Don't worry if he tries anything else, I'll beat him to a pulp." Brawn said forcefully, his face showed that he was looking forward to it.

"He won't use the same tactic again." Aerie mused slowly, "He'll probably try to separate you from the necklace before he does anything else." Ro gripped the chain possessively.

"I won't let him." She spoke with a defiant glint in her eyes.

After that the group went back to practicing their earth magic and Ro joined in.


Eight am came early the next day and when she got to the room, she found Ky already waiting for her. He wore a happy smile as if he were glad to see her. She sat down in the chair across from him.

"We will start with something new." He said. Ro was delighted, she loved learning new things. "I will attempt to forcibly enter your mind and you will stop me."

"How do I do that?"

"You will envision yourself surrounded by an impenetrable orb of light."

"Okay." Ro said slowly.

"Picture it now." Ky said. She did. In her mind's eye she saw herself floating in pool of golden light. She felt something press against it, pushing it aside. She thought harder about the light and how it couldn't break, then suddenly she was surrounded by Ky's presence. It felt cool and enveloping just like a light snowfall. She wanted to linger there. She felt as though his presence sighed, then she found herself back in her seat. Ky was watching her his eyes slightly glowing.

"That was well done. P-" the rest of what he said was cut off by the door opening. Laine walked into the room.

"Good morning, Laine" Ro said brightly, both males glared at her. "Okay then, I'll be quiet." She turned around.

"What do you want, Laine?" Ky asked with irritation apparent in his voice.

Laine replied solemnly, "I actually wanted to talk to you in private."

Ky looked more annoyed but he stood and followed Laine out of the room. Ro continued sitting, wondering why Laine had come now when she'd specifically told him not to.


Laine waited while Ky slowly closed the door. When it was shut Laine fixed him with a hard look.

"You need to take back the necklace." Surprise flashed over Ky's face. "Rage is looking for what has made you change. That necklace will lead him right to her. You don't want that, do you?"

"She needs my protection." Ky answered firmly. Laine smiled slightly.

"I thought you'd say that. You're wrong. She just needs protection. I'll give her mine-" The rest of what he was going to say was cut off as Ky's hand gripped his throat. They looked at each. Red eyes and green eyes both narrowed dangerously.

At that moment the door to the classroom opened and the words Ro was saying died on her lips as she stared in confusion at her tutor and teacher. Ky's hand flinched and he released Laine. Laine coughed and rubbed his neck. Ro made as if she were going to check on him.

"Did you need something?" Ky asked sharply stopping her from moving. Ro looked at him with surprise still on her face.

"Yeah, I was heading to the bathroom." She said.

"Then go. We're fine here." Ky told her. She looked back at them as she walked away shaking her head. Once she was around the corner, Laine spoke again.

"Give her this instead." From his hand dangled a golden chain with a lily pendant on it.

"That's not your symbol." Ky pointed out.

"It will work all the same. I too have someone investigating me that I'd rather not have find her." He dropped the necklace into Ky's hand. "Think it over." Laine said before walking away.

Hi Everyone!

I am sorry for the sporadicy of the updates. I will try to get on an update schedule. I hope you like this one!

Thank you for your patience!

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