

***Ali's Point of View***

CHLOE : They said, in 1950 at the front right there in our main campus there is a girl who made a

dare. ( holding a flashlight, while the lights are off )

We're here at Chloe's house, in her room to be specific. Usually we're doing this every Monday, you know sharing and telling some freaky horror stories. Lights are off that's why she's holding a flashlight.

LEENSEI : What kind of a dare is that? ( obviously scared )

CHLOE : Elderly says that whoever goes to the tree across our school at exactly 12 am while

holding a candle and saying the chants ' Prince, Prince I am ready. Please listen to my

response. ' will----- ( didn't continue what she's saying )

CHELSEA : What Chloe? w-why d-did you s-stop? ( obviously trembling and scared )

CHLOE : Wait, give a minute. I'll just drink first, my throat is itching. ( teasing everyone )

[And yeah, she's teasing Chelsea and Chloe including me! So I strike her using pillows beside me.]

CHLOE : Ouch! ( touching her head where the pillows striked. )

ALI/ME : Tch. Come on, Chloe. We're all seriously listening to you here so you better continue what

you're saying! ( I said, while giving her an iritated look )

CHLOE : Okay, okay! Patience Ali, patience.

So, yeah they said that if you do that.. the Devil Prince will come out and he will marry you.

ALI : tch! nonsense. Impossible, there's no such thing like that. That's not true.

CHLOE : How can you say that it's not true, Ali? How can you say that after the girl who make the

dare got lost and until now she's been missing?

ALI : And you really believe that? Probably, they are likely making such a threat so that the

students will stop leaving every night.

CHLOE : But still, how will you explain the loss of the that girl? ( scared, hiding under the blanket )

ALI : Tch. Who knows? Maybe she got killed and then animals eat her flesh or something like

that, right? If you want, I can prove to you that the Devil Prince does not exist.

LEENSEI : Oh, come on Ali. What are you thinking?! What if the rumors were true? You may be


CHLOE : Let her, Leensei. She doesn't believe it!

ALI : I'll do it, for real. At 12 am, I will go there and tomorrow you'll see that I'm still here and

I'll prove to you that you're wrong.

LEENSEI : You really are a hardheaded girl, Ali! You really are! ( pissed off and worried )