

January 2nd, 2031

In Saint Flourines Hospital Maternal Ward, Room 405, an infant was born. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHAA!!"

The infant, weighing 7.7 lbs (3.5 kilograms), screams vibrated throughout the room. Nevertheless, the 3 other people in the room didn't seem to mind and instead gave out happy smiles on their faces.

"Congratulations Mrs.Vita, it's a healthy boy!" The doctor, Mr.Hassburn, exclaim and excitedly handed the still crying boy to his mother. The mother gently held onto the boy then muttered a, "Thank you," before turning her attention to her baby boy.

Black hair, deep brown eyes, adorable facial features, and the cutest nose just like his father. Mrs.Vita cooed the crying baby before noting the resemblance to his father. She sighed sadly. Mr.Vita, her husband died 2 months prior to this day. He died due to a 'Monster Overflow', a term used to describe monster outbreaks when dungeons get over their capacity limit for monsters, and instead of killing them off, dungeons choose to let the beasts escape the dungeon's hold and let loose. Mr.Vita unfortunately, was a victim of such an event.

Marse Vita dazed off a few more seconds before the nurse on her left asking, "What's the child name, Marse?!" Marse turned her attention to the short and stubby nurse before gently whispering, "Maynard, Maynard Vita. Maynard meaning strong-willed."

The nurse gave a quick smile before turning to the doctor. "Come on, let's give these two a few moments alone." The doctor nodded then, the two professionals quickly shuffled out of the room. The nurse hesitantly peeked back in the room and said, "Press the button when you need me."

Marse nodded then proceed to the gently caressed her baby boy's hair. As she caressed the boy, tears began dripping down her face. Her miracle was here. Her sweet, adorable little miracle was finally here. She suffered 9 whole agonizing months for this little bundle of joy however, she now gained the privilege of living happily for the rest of her life with her son. She smiled happily before calling the nurse back in and dozing off due to exhaustion.


48 Hours later (POV changed)

Maynard Vita glanced around curiously at his new home. Sadly enough, his eyesight and hearing functions haven't developed enough so he couldn't get a gist of his new home yet. However, his eyesight was functional enough for him to observe his new mom, who was carrying him in his arms.

She was a pretty one, slender and thin with a humble chest. Black waved over her shoulders and on top of Maynard. Maynard giggled playing with the hair with his new mom before recollecting his thoughts.

3rd. This is his 3rd reincarnation. The first life he was a children's book author, the second a salaryman to a 2nd rated corporation, and third for now, it has been undecided. Maynard despite his ancient mental age, giggled like a child. 'Let's enjoy this life as well.'

His thoughts wonder about how he should live this new life before being interrupted abruptly. An earthshattering roar vibrated throughout the ENTIRE CITY!


Glass shatter and other cracking sounds cascaded throughout the house, startling the poor, little boy. Maynard immediately started yelling out due to the shock to his systems. He thrashed around in his mother arms and tears ran down his face. 'What's going on? What's happening?' Before he could ask more questions, Marse, his mother, hurriedly ran and crouched underneath a table before shaking him to sleep with her unsteady arms.

As mature as he was, there was no way to prepare him for life in this new world. Maynard, now paralyzed from fear, questioned where he really was. 'Is this Earth? What was that ROAR? Am I okay?'

Maynard delirious from fear and shock quickly felt drained.Exhausted as could be for a 48-hour old infant, he fell asleep.

1st chapter done! Please comment and point out any typos, plotholes, and grammar/mechanic flaws!

FlakyFlakcreators' thoughts