
alexia encounter

alexia is a young adventurer who was rescued from certain death by a young man who looks very out of place in these parks. what will this sudden encounter bring.

Udefuna_Mark_8362 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Alexia's encounter


Currently we are at a bar 

He's looking around curiously , looking puzzled at something then seeming to find the answer shortly after 

Nodding in confirmation 

He should ask me instead,it will help me start a conversation. 

This is awkward. 

I better apologize first ,

I will thank him after.

" I'm so sorry for causing you soo much trouble "

" it's fine "

"well thank you, it must have been hard fighting them all by yourself "

" no , not really " 

" oh....my bad " 

He took them out in seconds , my eyes couldn't keep up, with how he closed the distance to how he swung his sword.

I can't say he's anything less than S-rank . No , I'd go as far as to say he's higher

It didn't look like he was trying.

That could just be my exaggerated judgement though.

" your really good with the sword , what style do you use ? "

" well...I am a user of the hanbun sword style "

What a lackluster response 

hanbun sword style , the style used by the current sword god, the worlds strongest swordsman.

You won't see too many people who are very skilled at it, I heard its exceptional hard to rise in the ranks.

" where do you come from ? "

" from the central continent " 

The central continent is really far from here

Strange , mysterious, suspicious . These are thing's I feel when I think of my encounter with this man.

Appearing at the right time to save me is 

one thing but he just isn't the sort of character you'd see on these parks .

Also , He's clothes really stand out , thinking about it that might be it. 

well he could be a traveler that got lost heading to the city 

Although to hear he uses the hanbun sword style is a bit of a surprise but considering how he moved and reacted to there attacks, it seems true. 

Although it isn't common around this parts , it's dojos and place of origin are on the other side of the world .

Meaning anyone who uses it or atleast is this proficient has to have come from the other side of the world. But he did say he was from the central continent, strange.

" when did you arrive "

" yesterday "

He's answers aren't leaving much to go by 

I could interrogate him all day but I'd probably end up short .

A hunch is just a hunch


Nothing more 

Though , I wonder what those sharp glances are about 

" this bar is lively aye? " 

" ah!...yes very "

For now , I need to focus on the present 

I wasn't expecting him to ask me anything

He spent so long just staring 

" this is the biggest bar around, it is located really close to the guild , so when adventurers are done cashing in there earnings or after a successful labyrinth capture.

They come to the nearest place to celebrate , drink and make noise " 

As I said that , another party of adventures burst through the door 

Went up to the counter 

Brought a bag filled with what I believe is gold, smashed it on the counter and said " for everyone....tonight we feast!!!"

The bar erupted , that must have been the party leader 

They always do stuff like that

" hmm... I see "

" the food is really nice as well so that helps add to the atmosphere "


Not saying anything, he turns his head to look at the party 

Celebrating like there's no tomorrow 

He looks at them like that's a familiar site 

A look of longing

" excuse my manners but I haven't introduced myself ,

My name is alexia "

I should have done this from the beginning but it slipped my mind , bad manners

I motioned my hand. Signaling for him introduce himself 

" nero.." 

Well then 

" nero , I'm extremely thankful to you for saving my life " 

I bowed my head slightly as I said 

He waved his hand listlessly replying ,

" no mind " 

Why is he so lackluster and nonchalant. 

I wonder what he's thinking

" well if you don't mind I would like to pay you back , to show my thanks "

" oho? "

" you can order anyt--- "

" your body " 

He's gaze now shifted towards me

" haaa???"

" I want it " 

" wait , wait..yo---"

" honestly it's been awhile since I had been in action, I was gonna abstinent cause I had this grand goal that I need to achieve that's really close by but I guess it can't be helped "

Well he's livelier now 

But at what cost

Talking like we are about to strike a deal, nodding he's head with a gesture of " this deal is too good to pass up "


Could it be? A pervert 

No no I can't assume that , judging others so vaguely isn't a good idea 

" hold on "

I said putting my two hands out , so as to stop his rambling 

" you misunderstood, it's not like that . I just wanna treat you to a meal if that's okay?"

" ....."

" well? "

Contemplating he's answer 

He leans forward on the table , supporting he's head with his hands 

Striking a thinking pose 


" I know all the best places , we could go around if you want . We could even start h-----"

" so is your body off the table? "

Aahh I should have known 

" he's a pervert "

I said it out loud 

That's rude 

" I mean, when a woman wants to show her thanks it's only common to use your body"

So this is where my suspicion arouse from 

Come to think of it 

He occasionally shot me quick glances 

" that's nonsense, women don't do that!....that's degrading " 

" so you don't appreciate the fact I saved your life? "

" whaa!?...ofcourse I do but--" 

" then this should suffice , I could always find where to eat good food "

What is wrong with this man , does he have no shame.

Although it isn't uncommon seeing women pay men with there bodies 

Infact, it's especially common among adventurers. I think there's an inn for it 

However to expect that is horrible.

He looks like a strong individual, how many maidens could he have saved and taken advantage of like this 

No I shouldn't assume the worst

" true but I feel my recommendations would be valuable, i can even get you discounts later on "

" did I ever tell you I was not familiar with this place?"

"...no " 

" exactly "

" so your familiar?"

" I'm not "

So surprised 

" well I guess your knowledge of inns would be massively appreciated in this circumstance "

" haaa , I give up "

Well , I have thanked him whole heartedly 

And he refuses to accept my gratitude 

That's all from me 

Atleast he wasn't a bad guy though it's a 


shame he's a pervert...might be one.

Nero, he's was actually good looking. He has long spiky black hair that's tied from his neck.

Oh well

" I will be taking my leave "

Standing up I say that 

I should get some rest even though I planned on buying him food 

I'm actually low on cash so I have to do another quest tomorrow to meet up 



I tucked my chair in

Turning my back on him 

I leave 

But before I could take my third step something grabs my hand 

" huh "

" hold on..."

It's him 

When did he get off the chair 

I haven't taken 3 steps since I turned my back to him 

So I'm really close to the table we sat on 

But to not hear him or feel him approaching 


I hesitated, that's no good

" actually there is another way you could pay me back" 


" let's take a quest "