
The Forbidden Forest and the Chamber of Secrets

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And I'll start releasing the story:

Plot: When the last descendant of the Peverell family cries out for help, his call is answered by two beings: one a legendary wizardess, the other a goddess of death.Among the tags: sex, immortality, space, death personified, relationship development, other planets, group sex, dystopian themes, alternate universe, imaginary beings, educational institutions, femslash elements.

Harry Potter/Hela(goddess of death)/Morgana Le Fey/Nymphadora Tonks/Fleur Delacourt/Bellatrix Lestrange/Daphne Greengrass, Sirius Black III/Amora, Remus Lupin/Amelia Bones.

Enjoy the read.


Alex hurried to the library where Narcissa and Bartemius were waiting for him, as he had promised to help them with their transfiguration essay. Striking up a rapport with Crouch Jr. had proven easy, even too easy. Though the credit here went mostly to Narcissa. As it turned out, Barty turned out to be a bullied child who was somewhat like Frank, though he was not to be denied his intelligence and magical powers. Since Slytherin had been in first place again for the past month, but this time, besides the Peverells and the Malfoys, Crouch had helped, and the fact that Weasley was picking on them again had helped push Gryffindor down to last place, so it was no wonder McGonagall was walking around glumly.

The Dean of Gryffindor was now trying to get her faculty up at least one place, so she began to double down on her homework, inflating Gryffindor's grades and lowering Slytherin's. Her efforts had helped the red and gold faculty rise to third place with one hundred and twenty-five points, only five points ahead of Hufflepuff.

That was why Peverell was now on his way to the library to help the freshmen with the footy transfiguration essay. Arriving at his destination, Alex looked at his watch as the library closed at half past nine and it was now half past eight. Noticing the freshmen sitting in the chairs, the third year headed towards them, saying hello to Madam Pince on the way. 

- Hi Barty, Narcissa," Alex said, sitting down in a chair.

- Hi," Crouch replied, and the girl smiled and nodded.

- Let's get started, - with these words, the whole trio opened their books. Peverell felt like a teacher as he dictated and narrated while the freshmen took notes.

After giving the children material from his book, and showing them what to write down, Peverell rose from his seat and headed deep into the library to find the Hogwarts charter. A couple of days ago, Darius had contacted Alex and informed him that it was time to start taking action against Dumbledore. It was decided to remove him from his posts, and to do that, they needed dirt on him. Albus had already created the Order of the Phoenix, but nothing was known about its activities. It was clear that Dumbledore was not fulfilling his duties as headmaster. So, there was an opportunity to shove him out of the headmaster's chair.

Alex didn't know exactly where to look for the school's charter. Though he had a couple of ideas. The first one was to search the library, which he was doing now, but it would take a decent amount of time. Still, the library is very big, and if Alex spends too much time there, there would be a risk of attracting the attention of the headmaster.

The second thought, in the forbidden section, there were mostly collected dark-magic books. But even here, Peverell had his doubts. In his past life of seven years, he had been in the forbidden section a few dozen times under the invisibility cloak and he had not seen anything like the Hogwarts charter there. However, it was still worth checking again.

And the last thought was the most likely, but most impossible thought. It was the Headmaster's office. As far as Alex knew, Albus had a personal library and the Hogwarts charter might well be among them.

The search continued for another half an hour, during this time Peverell hadn't checked even a tenth of the library, it was clear that at this rate the search would take a week or even more. Sighing tiredly, the boy decided to head back.

"We've been here longer than we should have," Alex thought as he walked to the Slytherin dungeons, leading Crouch and Narcissa behind him. The Slytherin couple didn't live in the dungeons but still decided to walk the freshman to the entrance of the drawing-room, as he was still rather poorly orientated in the castle.

Suddenly, Peverell's thoughts were interrupted by a prolonged but quiet 'meow'. Looking in the direction of the sound, Slytherin saw a very familiar cat emerge from the shadows and begin to transform before his eyes into an even more familiar woman in a pointy hat.

- 'Good evening Professor McGonagall,' the boy greeted the Dean of Gryffindor.

- 'Good evening Lord Peverell, Miss Black, Mr Crouch,' the woman replied, looking at the trio with a hard stare. - May I ask what you're doing outside the faculty lounge since curfew has already come? - Alex told her that they stayed in the library, and the freshmen nodded at the woman's questioning glance, confirming the third year's words. - Ten points each, and practice tomorrow with Mr Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest at seven in the evening," the woman said, hearing the trio's words.

- But Professor-" Crouch wanted to protest expectantly, but felt a hand on his shoulder and stopped.

- Now go to your dormitories," McGonagall said, ending the conversation. Alex pulled the freshers along without a word, and they didn't resist and followed him.

- This isn't fair," Crouch stated as soon as they stopped at the entrance to the living room.

- McGonagall's bias towards Slytherins had grown by leaps and bounds lately. It's probably because we're the reason Slytherin is in first place, and her department is in last place, and she's trying to get even for that," said the observant Narcissa.

- Yes Narcissa, you're right. Here we are. Okay, good night Barty, we'll be off, and about the homework, so what, we'll go, it won't be a big deal. - "I hope nothing special happens," Alex corrected himself.


To say that the entire faculty didn't like McGonagall's unfair punishment was an understatement. Almost every student in the faculty, from sophomores to seniors, was eager to voice their displeasure to the Dean of Gryffindor. But all their fervour was cooled down by Alex himself with a single word:

- "Whatever," and the carefree wave of his hand that followed completed the matter.


By lunchtime the next day, the whole of Hogwarts knew about it, including the deans. This annoyed Alex a little, as he had been catching different looks all day. Among them were the slightly tense ones from Malfoy and the remaining two sisters, the sympathetic ones from Frank and Mark, and the annoying, nasty grin on Weasley's face. The latter nearly got a curse on his forehead, but the boy's wand was held back by Narcissa, looking at the boy with such a pleading look that the latter's hand sagged helplessly. 

At half past seven, as soon as dinner was finished, the trio of Slytherins, along with their Dean, stood outside the woodsman's hut. After another ten minutes, they were joined by an unpleasantly grinning Filch stroking his shabby cat, and to Alex's surprise, Weasley and Frank.

- Frank, what are you doing here? - With surprise, the boy asked.

- Professor McGonagall gave Mr Longbottom detention for cursing Mr Weasley, and Mr Weasley was given detention by me for insulting a student," Slughorn explained to the silent Slughorn. 

- Cursed? - Alex asked, pleasantly surprised.

- Yes, I did," the Dean of Slytherin confirmed. 

After another ten minutes, the woodsman himself, Rubeus Hagrid, emerged from his hut. He was quite young now but with the same, good-natured look. Another indication of his age was his beard, which now looked less like bushes and more like tall grass. 

- 'Mr Hagrid, these are the students who are to walk through the Forbidden Forest with you today,' Horace said as soon as the half-giant approached the company.

- Ah ... all right," the man replied with a slight hesitation.

- I'll pick up what's left at dawn," Filch said in an ominous voice, then left with the potions professor.

- It's ... guys, we need to walk through the forbidden forest and it's ... check if there are any ... any dangerous creatures in the nearest part of the forest, here," Hagrid said, scratching his beard.

- "The manner of his speech, hasn't changed at all," a thought flashed through Alex's mind.

- I'm not going in there," Weasley yelled, pointing his finger in the direction of the forest.

- What?" the half-giant blurted out.

- I'm not going in there," the redhead continued hysterically.

- It's a drill, so you're going," Peverell said in a cold voice, not even looking at the Gryffindor.

- Fuck you," Weasley immediately responded.

- 'And this is a Gryffindor? You're afraid to go into the forest, what will Headmaster Dumbledore say when he finds out that members of his favourite faculty are afraid," Alex knew that Weasley was a complete idiot, so he would buy such a cheap provocation.

- I'm not afraid of anything," the redhead exploded again.

- Then why are you refusing to go? - Peverell continued to press him.

- I didn't refuse, you imagined it," the Gryffindor said, and all the Slytherins sniggered at the same time.

- So, Mr Hagrid? - Alex asked, looking at the woodsman, though it was a bit strange to address the half-giant like that. 

- Well ... as I said, we'll check the nearest part of the forest and that ... see if there are any dangerous creatures, - Hagrid answered with difficulty, and Peverell wanted to roll his eyes.

- And what's the nearest part?" asked Crouch, who had been silent until then.

- There's this... clearing in the forest, yes, that's right. Two paths lead there," the half-giant replied. - You two," the ranger said, pointing at Weasley and Longbottom. - You come with me, and you," he pointed at the Slytherins. - Take Fang, he's smart, he'll find his way in no time.

- I think your dog will be superfluous, show the path, and then we'll manage on our own, - Alex interrupted him.

- Well, it's ... as you know, - he waved his hand in reply. After that, the group of five students and one half-giant split up and followed two paths deep into the forest.

- I'm scared," Narcissa whispered faintly, clutching at her husband's arm with a deadening grip.

- Don't worry, I'm here for you, - with these words the boy pressed the girl against him, and his bad squint promised all the torments of hell to the one who dared to touch his treasure.

- What are we going to do if we run into somebody? - Crouch, who was looking around with a tense look, spoke up.

- We won't," replied Peverell, with a sly grin.

- How? - The freshman asked with interest.

- A disillusionment spell and a soft-footed charm," the third-year replied with a shrug.

- Genius," said Barty.

- I know," Alex agreed with a satisfied look.

As soon as the spell of silence and invisibility was cast, the company continued their journey in a calmer state.

The trio had been travelling along the winding, forest path for half an hour, but so far they hadn't encountered anything dangerous, and the spells were still working. After another ten minutes, the Slytherins heard a suspicious rustling behind the bushes and a squeak.

- Freeze," Alex said barely audibly, though everyone else heard him. A second later, a spider, which was slightly smaller than an ordinary bear, appeared in front of everyone.

"Acromantulus," a disappointing thought slipped into Peverell's mind. Alex had learned enough about these giant spiders from his life as Harry Potter. The spiders were strong, over time reached incredible sizes, could think and speak in human language, in addition had a sharp hug. But the most dangerous thing about acromantulas was their venom, which could also be used in potions, and the venom itself was considered incredibly rare and expensive.

- What is that smell? It smells human," came the hissing voice of a spider.

"I smell it," the boy stated a disappointing thought, reaching out for his wand. - "Freeze and don't move," Alex said to the shuddering freshmen, taking advantage of the mental link. The third-year student himself, meanwhile, silently pulled out his wand and with an equally silent wave of his senior wand, transfigured a bear behind the spider's back.

- What's that? - Speaking to no one in particular, the spider asked, turning back around. The created bear possessed only one trait. A lust for killing. So it was not surprising that as soon as it spotted the acromontule, it growled and lunged at the first one. The spider, however, also loudly snapped its jaws and lunged at the bear.

Watching the battle between the two predators was a bit creepy, but Alex had seen all sorts of things since his previous life, so he tolerated what he had seen quite easily. Unfortunately for him, his created bear was lost to the giant spider, but the second one couldn't get out of the fight unharmed. The originally whole spider now looked lousy. Four of its eight legs were broken, the spider's body was also covered in scratches, and a severe bite mark was painted on its back.

- "Seko! Silenzio!"," Peverell waved his wand and used non-verbal spells. The effect of the spells was expected, a broad, slashing curse cut off two of the four remaining legs, and a muffling curse silenced the barely escaped squeal of pain. 

- It worked," the third-year student said as he lifted both concealment spells. The spider twitched even harder as the student appeared in front of it. - Goodbye. Incendio! - The spell was familiar to the freshmen, and this time it was expected and the spider's entire back burst into flames, burning the Acromontulus alive.

The giant spider burned for five minutes and Peverell was sure if it wasn't for the muffling charms, the entire forest would have been filled with a terrible and piercing squeal of pain in no time.

- Oh, I forgot about him," with those words, the lad used levitation charms and picked up the dead bear before throwing it at the burnt-out spider.

As soon as the spider and the bear were burnt out, the company was about to move on when they heard another crackling sound behind their backs. The whole trio instantly pulled out their wands and pointed them toward the bushes where the noise was coming from.

- It's ... calm down guys. It's me," a panting Hagrid appeared from the bushes with a crossbow. Frank and Weasley appeared behind him. - What was that? - The half-giant asked, pointing at the fire-darkened ground.

- It was just an acromontool that burned," Crouch replied lightly, who seemed unaffected by the incident.

- Mr Hagrid, if we're done, let's go back," said Narcissa, who had been silent.

- Yes, I don't think there's any point in going to the clearing," the half-giant muttered.

Everyone rejoiced at once, and in an hour, everyone was already lying in bed. The next day, Alex was late for class, as he overslept, together with the younger Black, and it was unknown why the older one didn't wake them up. When he got to the first class he looked at the Dean of Gryffindor with such a look that all her words about his tardiness went out of his head.

All day Peverell had been incredibly angry, irritated, and sleep-deprived, everyone could see that, so no one was picking on him, another factor that added fuel to the fire was the conversation he had with the Headmaster just after lunch.


Yawning, wiping his sleepy eyes, and cursing Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Hagrid with the very last words Alexandros Peverell stopped in front of the gargoyle and called out the password:

- Lemon Slices,-these two words infuriated Alex even more than the previous one.

- Come in my boy, have a seat, tea, lemon wedges? - by the law of meanness, it seemed that the director was in a great mood that day.

- Good afternoon director, thank you, I'll stand, no, I've just come from lunch, - replied the boy in a gloomy voice, trying to calm down and not to snap.

- It's a pity, the tea is very fragrant today," Dumbledore sipped his tea and popped a lemon slice into his mouth.

- Did you want something? - Peverell asked after a moment.

- 'I wanted to talk about your detention yesterday. You're a clever boy and you should know that acromantulas are very rare, magical creatures, so you should refrain from killing them," the headmaster said with reproach in his voice.

- So you're more concerned about the dead spider than the three students who could have been his dinner," the boy said with a sneer.

- But they're all alive and well...

- Thanks to me," said the third-year headmaster.

- Besides, Hagrid told me that you burned an acromontule, and you had two freshers with you, you could have injured them," the old wizard recovered and changed the subject.

- "They turned away while I was burning the corpse and the 'silenzio' prevented them from hearing anything," Alex said half-truthfully.

- 'Well my boy...' the headmaster was interrupted half-heartedly.

- Stop treating me like that, you're nothing to me, you're just the headmaster of the school I study in. Besides, I didn't authorize you to address me like that. And I also have a guardian who can address me like that and that guardian is not you, - this whole tirade was said in one breath, in an icy, bone-chilling voice. - If that's all Director, then I'll go, all the best to you, - with the last word the guy turned his back and walked out of the office with a swift step.


"We have to get rid of these acromontulas somehow, but there are too many of them out there," the guy sat in his chambers with such thoughts. - "Stop! Basilisk. The secret room! Exactly, that's how I'll get rid of those things," - after Alex jumped up from his seat, threw on an invisibility cloak, took his familiar, applied the spell of "soft step" and headed to the first floor, straight to the toilet of crybaby Myrtle.

Entering the bathroom, Peverell breathed a sigh of relief, it looked like Myrtle wasn't in the bathroom right now, so no one would notice him. "Gotta get a move on," with these thoughts, the Slytherin walked over to the sink and hissed:

-"Open up," the sink slid open, and a hatch appeared in front of the third year. Of course, Alex could have asked for a ladder, but there was no time, and Myrtle could return at any moment. As soon as the trapdoor appeared, Peverell-Slytherin jumped down without wasting time. 

-"Nothing has changed here in decades," the boy thought, looking at the basilisk skin and the bones of various animals that crunched with every step. Walking further down the familiar path, the lad saw in front of him a round door with seven snakes that served as seven locks.

- "Open," seven clicks were heard in response, and the door opened. As soon as Peverell descended the stairs, a path appeared before him, on two sides of which were ten statues of snakes, and at the very end a statue of Slytherin's head. - "Speak to me, Lord Slytherin, Salazar Slytherin is the greatest of the Hogwarts Four," Alex said, remembering Riddle's words.

The effect of those words followed immediately and the statue's mouth opened and an ominous hissing was heard from it.

-"Who is here?" came from the statue's mouth, from which the tip of the basilisk's nose had just emerged.

-"Lord and head of the great Slytherin family," Slytherin hissed back, removing the illusion from the ring of the head of the Slytherin family, watching as the serpent had fully crawled out and was now heading straight for him.

- "Greetings Lord Slytherin," the serpent closed its eyes and tilted its head.

- "What is your name?"," Peverell asked, stroking the basilisk's muzzle.

- "No way, the founder didn't give me any name," the serpent king hissed.

- "I see, here are my orders, tonight go to the Forbidden Forest and find a colony of large spiders, Acromontulus, once you find them, kill them all, most importantly their elder, Aragog, none of them must leave alive, do you understand?" the Slytherin ordered.

- "Yes my lord, I understand," the boy heard the barely perceptible joy in his hiss. 

- "As soon as you are done with them, head off, to the far side of the forest, but so that no one notices you, that way a man who also knows the noble snake language will be waiting for you, obey him unconditionally until I return," the Slytherin finished giving the order.

- "As you wish," the serpent bowed and the third-year student decided to finish, hence he gave one last order before leaving.

- "Now go to bed Shahas, that's your new name and you will go hunting at night."

- "Thank you, my lord," Shahas then crawled back into the still-open mouth of the statue.

- Well, I'm done here, the only thing left to do is to contact Darius and get Rowena's Ravenclaw diadem," Alex said and headed back.


- Where have you been, we were worried," Peverell asked as soon as he stepped into his chambers.

- Bellatrix, sweetie, don't raise your voice," Alex fell on the couch, right on Black's lap.

- Okay, so, where have you been? - suspiciously quickly calmed down, the girl asked again.

- In the Chamber of Secrets, - the guy didn't hide something from the girl, because he knew that she was smart and wouldn't tell anyone about it.

- I want to go there too, why didn't you call me? - The slightly offended girl, however, did not stop running her hands in the long and silky hair of Peverell, making the latter almost purring with pleasure.

- I promise I'll take you, it was just business," the boy said, waving his hand in an incomprehensible direction. - What was new while I was away? - Alex asked, wanting to change the subject.

- Lestrange was harassing my little sister and ended up in the hospital wing after receiving two bone-chilling spells from Lucius," the girl replied with a giggle.

- I can see why Malfoy is gloomier than a cloud," the Slytherin sniggered.

- I don't want to talk about Lestrange, why don't we have a more pleasant time," Bella ran her tongue along her bottom lip at the last word.

Instead of answering, the boy dug into the girl's lips with a kiss. The sensations were the same as the first time, but this time the couple behaved more relaxed. The guy gently kissed the girl, and then lightly bit her lower lip. Bella obediently opened her mouth, letting the guy's tongue in.

This kiss was much better than the first one, and at the moment when their tongues touched, the girl felt as if an electric shock ran down her back. The girl wanted this moment to last forever, but the lack of air forced her to interrupt this sweet moment. After that, she felt Alex once more barely perceptible touch on her lips.

- I wish I could be with you more, but I have to go somewhere, - the guy said with regret in his voice, releasing Bella from the embrace.

- Will you tell me later? - The girl asked.

- Sure, - after that, there was one more light kiss in the corner of her lips, and then Alex, having put on an invisible cloak, left their chambers. 

Bellatrix herself after that lay down on the couch again with a very satisfied face. Touching her lips, the girl repeatedly replayed the event in her head. Black's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Looking towards the door, Bellatrix saw her younger sister, whose face was suspiciously red. 

- Cissy, where have you been? And why is your face so red? - The older of the Black sisters asked the younger one.

- I was in the library and my face is red because of you," with those words, the future Lady Slytherin sat down next to her sister.

- I don't get it," Bella tilted her head to the right and said.

- Sis, you and I have a lifelong mental bond because of the same ritual, so we can't have secrets from each other, and what one will know and feel, the other will know," Narcissa said with a sigh. Bellatrix thought for a moment in response, and three seconds later she understood everything and her face took on the same complexion as her sister's.

- I'm sorry," the still-red Bella said after a moment.

- It's okay, it's just..." the freshman girl slurred.

- Just what? - Tilting her head to the other side, the third year asked.

- I want to, too," Narcissa shocked her sister.

- Then maybe tonight," Bellatrix suggested in a sly voice, making her younger sister blush again.


Meanwhile, the culprit of their fortune had just entered the Room of Requirement, and bellowed, as finding the Horcrux amongst all the junk he had in front of him could take as long as a week as finding the Hogwarts charter. 

Next chapter