
Alexandria: Light Novel

After the fall of the Empire, the world needs a leader. The King of the Monarchy sits on his throne, with his people suffering below him. Factions have split from each other, issuing war with each other. And the children of the empire have gone into hiding, waiting for the chance to come out again. Alex is sick of sitting back, watching the world burn, it is his turn now. Join Alex on his way to save his people.

hazzey_4166 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Alexandria 000: The Beginning

"Sire, it's the Monarchy. They are here sire."

After the formation of Pangea Proxima (the formation of all islands), factions took over and ruled over their people. Factions like the Monarchy, Vega and Nightvale were huge factions in the new world. But one faction made its presence known as the most powerful. The name was the Empire.

The Empire had power over its people like no other. Its extreme and valued market and economic system stretched throughout the islands and ruled the world. But the Emperor held onto a secret. A secret that only his family could know. The emperor had magic powers unlike any other being in the universe. These powers could strengthen any human being by multiples. He held onto the magic so no one would use the powers to their advantage. He was safe…or so he thought.

The King of the Monarchy soon found out about the emperors secret. He was jealous of the emperor's power, and created a plan to take the emperor down. He lied to his people, and the other world factions, that the empire was fueled by hate and greed. He stated that the Empire had created evil magic, and that their emperor would soon use it against the world and destroy the factions that lived in harmony. His people, including the leaders of the factions, believed him.

The factions teamed up, and together, planed an attack on the Empire. The emperor though, had powers that stretched far beyond the King's wildest imagination. The emperor saw this attack in a dream, and ordered all adults and caretakers to move the children of the Empire to be taken away, never to share where they come from or who they are. He himself had seven children, and knew what the world was like outside of the Empire.

And so, he gave six of his children powers of his own. He gave one boy and girl the power to hate and greed, merely turning them into devils. He gave another boy and girl the power of Love and Hope. And then, he gave another boy and girl the power to fight for what is truly right in this world, turning them into saints. For the seventh eldest child, the emperor kept him as a human. For all things in his mind, needed to be balanced. The emperor knew what was at stake, and sent his children away from the empire.

The emperor ordered the adults of the Empire to stand together and fight the other factions. The battle of the Empire would bring bloodshed, but the emperor hoped that if he sacrificed himself, he could save the power for his children to use.

The king of the Monarchy was always merciless. He never cared about death, knowing that everyone dies at some point, he sent his soldiers into the empire. He sent thousands of soldiers, knowing their ultimate fate. He knew that the empire was too powerful, even teaming with other factions wouldn't mean a complete victory.

And so they rode at night. Through the tattered woods and mudded valleys, they came upon the beautiful kingdom of the Empire. Their goal, to end the reign of the Empire. And so they did, killing thousands, with only hundreds escaping. The emperor used all of his power to kill off the Monarchy, but even he was overpowered. Village folk grabbed weapons to try and kill the Monarchy, but like their emperor, they were pushed out and killed.

Other factions like Vega and Nightvale fought with the monarchy, not knowing the truth behind why this was all happening. The Empire was against the world, and as the king stood upon his throne.

The Empire was gone, crushed. The emperor had died. One thing he forgot would happen, was that all of his power would soon leak into the surviving kids of the empire on accident. Some kids got powers, and some didn't, nevertheless the emperor's plan of everything being balanced would never work in the end.

The fall of the Empire left a much divided world on the factions. Other factions were made, in regards to people being ruled over malevolent rulers like the King of the Monarchy. The world was ruled in a rebellious order, with some factions being evil, like the Assassins, and some being good, like Greenville. And while battles erupted between factions around the world, the King of the Monarchy sat back, and watched his people turn on him.

In this world, the children of the Empire hide from being found. Their power, if found, would get them in trouble and killed. Especially the Emperors children. They hid in solidarity, and waited until it was there time to come out once again.

This is the world now. The factions rule over with their own laws and rebellions, the children of the empire are spread around the world with powers some aren't even aware of. And the king of the empire sits back, with his people banging on his door day by day. But there is one person, to shed light in this dark world, to change the ways of the people who live. One person who was born from the Empire, and is the first person to bring his power up front, to try and save the world.

His name, is Alexander.