
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · Realistic
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30 Chs

Chapter 21

Lilly sat in her chair, diligently working through the pile of paperwork that had accumulated on her desk.

It seemed like the tasks were never-ending, but she remained focused and determined to complete each one to the best of her ability.

The office buzzed with the usual sounds of phones ringing and people typing away, but Lilly was in her own world, fully absorbed in her work.

Just as she was about to tackle yet another document, her phone buzzed with a message from Alex, her Boss. Curiosity piqued, she quickly read the message. It was short but sent a jolt of excitement coursing through her veins.

"Hey, Lilly. Can you come to my office? I have something I'd like to discuss with you."

Lilly felt a surge of anxious anticipation as she made her way to Alex's office. She wondered what he wanted to talk about and hoped it wasn't anything negative.

As she walked down the hallway, her mind raced with various possibilities, but she couldn't seem to figure which it was so she calmed herself.

When she entered Alex's office, she was greeted by a bright smile on his face. It immediately put her at ease.

Kyle, his brother, sat on the other side of Alex's desk, observing the scene with a knowing expression.

Seeing the bright smile on Alex's face made her heart skip a beat, she wished she could just go over and Kiss him with that handsome face of his.

But she knew she was at the office, they had to keep personal and work related things private so she maintained and walked to the front if his table.

"Please, have a seat, Lilly," Alex said warmly, gesturing towards the chair beside Kyle. Lilly obliged and took a seat, her heart pounding in her chest. She eagerly awaited Alex's revelation.

"Lilly, I just wanted to personally commend you on the document you submitted earlier," Alex began, his voice filled with genuine admiration, he hadn't expected her to be so talented it made him fall for her all the more.

"It was a brilliant piece of work, and it gave me an idea on how we can tackle the issue of Mr. Douglas who had decide to sell me the expensive piece land in a very affordable and low price.

Lilly's eyes widened in surprise and delight. She had poured her heart and soul into that document, hoping to provide a solution that would not only benefit the company but also protect their integrity.

To receive recognition from her Bose was an unexpected but gratifying moment and it made her heart flutter to see the look on Alex's face, she could see how proud he was.

"Now we just have to sign the contract with him, then we can start the investment on it". She smiled from so brightly.

Seeing the joy spread across Lilly's face, Alex continued, "In light of your exceptional work, I'd like to offer you a small token of appreciation. How about we celebrate your success with a dinner? My treat."

She already knew he wanted to meet her so he used work as an excuse to ask her out on a dinner, she just smiled.

Lilly's heart fluttered at the invitation. She had always admired Alex's professionalism and expertise, and this gesture of taking her out for dinner only further emphasized his kind and considerate nature, of course she was going to accept the invitation.

She glanced at Kyle shyly, who smiled knowingly, aware of the chemistry between her and Alex, he decided to leave the two love birds alone, lest he was the third wheel it wasn't comfortable. "Take your sweet time brother, I will be leaving now".

Before Lilly could respond, Kyle excused himself, sensing that Lilly and Alex needed some alone time to discuss further.

As he left the office, he couldn't help but feel only happiness for Alex.

She saw how shy she was with him being there, he decided to give them space.

He had earlier had romantic feelings for her when he met her earlier, but swing how interested his brother was in her.

He decided to back down, seeing that fate had placed her in Alex's path. Regardless, he genuinely cared for her happiness and wanted to see her succeed.

Left alone in Alex's office, Lilly finally found her voice. "Thank you, Alex," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement.

"I'm really honored that you appreciate my work. I'd be delighted to join you for dinner." She smiled at him with a flushed face.

Alex's smile widened, and he reached across the desk to grab Lilly's hand. "Great! It's a date, then," he declared, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

She already knew this was where all these was leading to, "a date it is" a smile curved I'm Alex's face.

"We can discuss the details later. For now, let's focus on signing the contract with Mr. Douglas." He told her, then he also told her the time and date they were to sign the contract, he wanted her to be there soon they were done and she left the office.

She went back to her desk to continue her work but she couldn't seem to concentrate, she kept thinking about the dinner, glancing at her clock at any given opportunity.

Soon her phone beeped, a message came in, she hurriedly took it and opened it 'Meet me in "Spring restaurant in 30 minutes".

Her heart jumped in excitement, it had been an awfully busy week they hadn't gotten to really see each other well only work related, since the weekends she spent at his house, they hadn't gotten any free moments.

She missed him alot that she couldn't wait to round up. After like 15 minutes she was done, she hurriedly took her bag and bid her co-workers goodbye, she immediately dashed out of the office, she took a taxi and left for the restaurant.

"When she arrived at the place, Alex was already seated waiting for her, she gently walked towards him staring at him, it felt like every other person had disappeared. She could see only him, he was so dazzling like her knight in shiny armor.

Finally she was there before she could sit Alex pulled her into a hug, he inhaled her scent, he had missed it so much "I missed you" he whispered to her ears.

She smiled as she held him tight in his hug too "I missed you more" Alex felt his heart flip at her words, he was immediately hard but he couldn't control himself, he dragged her as he sat she sat in his lap.

She felt something poking her ass, she flushed so hard that one would think she had been slapped on her cheek, Alex smiled seeing her face she tried to get up but he held her down.

"Do you want people to see it?" he whispered into her ears. She immediately looked around and saw people staring at how lovely they were behaving. She was so shy.

After they had finished eating dinner he offered to drop her at home.