
Alexander the Great Mage

The aliens kidnapped human beings to conduct experiments. And of all people, they chose to kidnap Alexander the Great at the peak of his glorious campaign, right before he invaded Arabia. He's pissed off. So I can't invade Arabia now? Fine! I'll invade YOU instead!! Witness Alexander the Great wreaking havoc in the alien experimental world as he tries to stop the aliens from massing and launching an invasion on earth! The action begins at chapter 3! The first two chaps are abit slow, but hang in there, it'll be worth it, I promise. :) Check out also my other novel - Speed Is King! It is participating in WPC 242, please support it by giving it powerstones :) This novel is the backstory of Primal Alexander from Speed Is King. It has no impact on Speed Is King's story, so you don't have to read this to enjoy SIK. :)

mrant12 · Fantasy
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159 Chs


Aleyria's eyes fluttered lightly. Wave after wave of dark energy rippled out from her as the mysterious energy within her circulated in strange patterns. However, Aleyria remained unconscious.

Fluff-fluff and Magius stopped their argument and stared at Aleyria in mild amazement. Mild, because they were transcendent beings and nothing could really surprise them that much. Amazement, because they had never seen energy circulate in such a strange pattern within the body of a living being before. 

"Isn't that circulation pattern…" Fluff-fluff frowned and said hesitantly. 

Magius nodded silently and waved his hand. An invisible barrier formed around them and everything outside the barrier slowed to a crawl. The dark waves Aleyria was producing also bounced back when they hit Magius's barrier. 

"Time barrier? Whatever for?" Fluff-fluff asked.

"To ensure complete secrecy, of course." Magius said in an as-a-matter-of-fact voice.