
Alexander the Great Mage

The aliens kidnapped human beings to conduct experiments. And of all people, they chose to kidnap Alexander the Great at the peak of his glorious campaign, right before he invaded Arabia. He's pissed off. So I can't invade Arabia now? Fine! I'll invade YOU instead!! Witness Alexander the Great wreaking havoc in the alien experimental world as he tries to stop the aliens from massing and launching an invasion on earth! The action begins at chapter 3! The first two chaps are abit slow, but hang in there, it'll be worth it, I promise. :) Check out also my other novel - Speed Is King! It is participating in WPC 242, please support it by giving it powerstones :) This novel is the backstory of Primal Alexander from Speed Is King. It has no impact on Speed Is King's story, so you don't have to read this to enjoy SIK. :)

mrant12 · Fantasy
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159 Chs

Clowns VS Mechas

"Not heavily armed warriors, but heavily armed drones and other possible traps." Barako replied emotionlessly. 

Prince Jolto frowned. "We are launching a hundred thousand mechas, and the secondary cannons are on standby. I doubt the drones could threaten me. Personally, I'm thinking of using Lightning. It's much more powerful, and it's the fastest of the lot. It could definitely escape the drones if need be. What do you think?" 

"I recommend Bulwark, Your Majesty." Barako replied. 

Prince Jolto sighed. "Bulwark it is then." One of the most fearsome things about Barako was his incredible instinct. Somehow, he would know exactly when the enemy would strike, and when the enemy was feinting. And if his instincts were telling him to use Bulwark, then Bulwark it would be. 

"What would you and your team use?" Prince Jolto asked before entering his mecha. 

"Battlefuries." Barako replied quietly.