1 Broken Tomb

The heat was horrible. Sweat trickled down Alexander's neck. He checked the clock, 2:30. 45 minutes until school was over. The school's AC had broken earlier that day and since then the school had been as hot as the inside of a volcano. His 8th period teacher had attempted to start the lesson but the temperature was too high for anyone's brain to properly function.

"Did you hear about that old rich guy that lives in the penthouse up on the forest tower?" Lock said.

"No. What happened?" Alexander said through the heatwave passing over them.

"Well, people are saying he was murdered by his stepson. They found his body hanging by his feet off the balcony. The eyes were gouged out."

"Cool. What do you think he did to get murdered?" Alexander asked.

"Don't know. Maybe he stole somethi-"

While lock had had his back turned the front wall of the building exploded. A man in medieval looking armor fell through the hole, shouting. A man fell after him, stabbing the armored man with a long spear.

"Give me the armor of Arthur!" The big man said.

"Never will we submit to the likes of you!" The armored man said.

Alexander's class broke into a panic. People were running every which way and scrambling to get out of the school. By then the rest of the school had realized what was happening and also began scrambling for the exit.

Alexander, finally realizing what was happening, got up and rushed for the door, only for the ground to fall away from beneath his feet. He fell, blacking out.

Alexander awoke to find small amounts of light flowing into the room he was in. He stood up, looking around the room, seeing markings all over the wall and a hallway leading deeper into the Earth.

Alexander looked up. Seeing there was no way to climb back up, he proceeded farther into the Earth.

As he walked, he noticed more markings on the wall. He wasn't able to make sense of them so he proceeded onward.

There was more light at the end of the hall so he hurried forward, emerging into a large chamber with a large rectangular shaped box in the center. He approached the shape and realized it was a tomb.

As he got closer he realized the tomb was cracked in half. Resting on top of the tomb was a sword.

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