
Alexa Weinstein and The Blood Unravel

"Tears and blood will be shed for the generations to come." Where betrayals are caught and true nature of hidden kinds are unfolded before her….. Failing in her first ever relationship and getting broken by losing her closest ones, Alexa Weinstein leaves her haunted past to start from scratch. Trying to be independent but failing desperately, never did she knew all the events connected because of her dark nature, which she never knew of… With the event that robbed the only light in her pit-filled life, coming across people who are different in nature as much as her, unknowingly she leads them to something darker and vicious than night itself. Lots of questions are brought up with less answers. Shocking events are placed upon each and every corner…. Will she be able to avenge her mother, seek the answers that had haunted her, find out who she really was and at the same time save her loved ones from harm? Find out in The Blood Unravel…….

Ahinsa_Kavihari · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 2


A week has passed since Bryan had left her bleary-eyed outside the gates. He had never acted like that with her. He was a carefree person. What could possibly make him that mad? Surely not because she couldn't come with him.

He knew about her more than anyone, except for her mother. He was her first real boyfriend and he just lost control. What's gotten to him lately?

She and her mother were always travelling and at last her mother has planned to rest for a while declaring that they were safe. When she had questioned her mother what that means, Mrs. Weinstein had smiled sadly at her and told that she will understand when she gets older.

Alexa couldn't hold up it anymore and mustered up her courage, "Is it related to dad?" she asked.

Her mother's face darkened and her eyes filled with angry tears.

They never discussed about her father. Every time she brought up the subject, her mother would either leave or cry. She only knew that her father betrayed her mother's trust. Seeing her mother heartbroken was the last straw. Her mother was someone who could hold their sadness inside them and still make other's laugh. Not someone who deserved to be broken by a person who should supposedly love her.

She went and hugged her mother saying soothing words. She hated her dad so much that she had even begun to loathe her surname, why she couldn't take her mother's name? She has asked her mother in many ways as possible but the answer was never changed, so her surname stuck with her.

Her mother, Juliana Weinstein was a beautiful, strong woman, both inside and out, in her early forties. She had blond wavy hair and warm dark brown eyes. She was kind-hearted and was always there to help anyone who needed her. She never did anything wrong; she was too good for that. Alexa often thought, why did dad leave us? Didn't he love us at all? Didn't he think of us? Did he hate us?

She didn't tell her mother what Bryan did. She knew that she frowns and glare at Bryan whenever she had the chance but her mother let her stay with Bryan and continue their relationship. So, wasn't that enough for him? Alexa had already sent ten text messages in the past ten minutes and had called Bryan which had directly gone to voicemail. She was worried sick about him and she didn't want to accept it but she had fallen in love with him.

He hadn't shown up to work and when she had asked Mr. Callous, he had said that Bryan had called and said that he won't be able to come to work as he was too busy with his own private matters which was none of their business.

It was like a smack to her face seeing as he had told Mr. Callous to tell her not to bother him and leave him alone. But she couldn't refrain herself from thinking about him either. Something is wrong, she thought restlessly, what am I going to do?

She was about to go out to do her usual Sunday shopping when her mother came home looking half asleep. Her mother worked till late at night and mostly took night shifts at the bar.

"Hey mom," she said and went to hug her.

"Hello honey," she said and pulled back to look at Alexa, "Are you okay?"

Alexa knew that she couldn't hide anything from her mom. They had become so close to each other during all those years together.

"Yeah, I am fine. Just going to do my usual routine," she said faking a smile.

Mrs. Weinstein looked at her for a few second and said, "Ok and come soon before-"

" 'The devils of darkness catches you', yeah I know mom," Alexa said, smiling a little. They always said that before going out.


After three hours, Alexa had done her shopping and headed towards her car carrying her shopping bags, silently swearing for their heaviness. She was about to drive off when she realized that she had left her purse. Cursing she walked towards each and every shopping mall she went to until she saw her blue purse sitting on the bench where she had sat to have her strawberry milkshake. She gladly bent and took it, silently thanking god, when her gaze was suddenly directed towards something which made her body turn cold.

Every nerve in her body froze. Time seemed to slow itself as they became focused, directly in her field of view. All the surrounding became a blur except them.

Her eyes filled with tears as Bryan wrapped his hands around the tall blonde straight haired girl and pulled her close as they kissed.

"No, it can't be her!" She told herself but it was, she could recognize that tall, athletic body anywhere since her first day at school. She felt as if a cold ice bucket of water was thrown on her as she realized with a pang that it was Alyssa whom he was kissing.

"No," she said to herself, "no no no." She blinked but the scenery never changed. She pinched herself but never woke up.

She ran towards her car pushing people away as they cursed and snapped at her. She didn't slow down. She got into her car and slammed the door, sealing herself from the cruel fate.

"Why?" She whispered as if she was in a trance.

A few minutes ticked by…. then it all broke lose. She let all her agony flow out through tears. She cried and cried resting her head on the steering wheel as she cried. She cried till there was no tears. She cried till she felt empty. She cried as all the memories with him flashed in her mind. She cried as the realization filled with bitterness and shock swallowed her. She cried till she heard someone knocking on her car shutter.

She looked up to meet the blue gaze of her boyfriend. Or should she say ex- boyfriend. Her body filled with fury as she unlocked the car door and let herself out.

"What's the problem Alexa?" he asked giving her his best innocent look. She started laughing humourlessly and clapped while Bryan looked at her quizzically.

"Very nice my love. You should win an award. So why were you so busy huh?"

His mouth dropped open as he blinked twice. She mentally slapped herself as what she said wrapped around her mind, they've never used the word 'love' before and she felt herself blushing despite the frustration. But as his little episode flashed through her mind, she glared coldly till he replied.

" Um, I told Mr. Callous. I had some personal stuff to do."

"Oh really?" she asked with mock surprise, "Were you with your new girlfriend?"

"Who?" he was starting to grow pale.

Aha, she thought, busted. "Oh, so my little baby boy doesn't know who I am talking about hm? May I refresh your memory? Our high school jerk. The sexy one you might say. Remember?"

Bryan gulped and looked panicked. "I don't know what you are talking about."

It was then something inside her snap. She mustered all her strength and slapped him.

"Don't you dare lie to me Bryan!" she shouted. "I saw it ok? I saw you freaking kiss Alyssa. How long have you been together? And why? Why?! Just because I didn't come with you to the movies you decided to cheat on me? Or was this going on before that?"

"Well I might have told you the reason if you agreed!" he shot back. He didn't even flinch from her slap.


Man, I am a good actor, Bryan thought, I made her think that she caught us by mistake. All is going according to my plan, except for the fact that he almost declared his love to her when she used the word 'love'.

"Well what was so important?" she demanded.

Wow, she's cute when she's furious, Bryan thought.

He had to make her hate him, that was the only way she could forget about him. So that was the only way he could think of to make her loathe him; hook up with her rivalry. The sting in his cheek made him regain his anger.

"Well if you weren't so stubborn, we could have talk through! And can I tell you something? I didn't cheat on you but just to make everything clear, we are done okay? I hate you. You are not my girlfriend anymore! I never liked you. Who will like such a person like you? You are a nobody. Ugly and stupid. Mommy's girl, who can't even save herself and stand up," he sneered, his heart breaking with every lie he said.

"FUCK YOU BRYAN!" she screamed, tears pouring out of her eyes.

He looked at her, his heart protesting and every breath he took was unsatisfying. It's for our own good babe, he thought as he watched with a heavy heart as Alexa, the girl he loved drove away from his life.

Both him and Alexa was so into their conversation that they never noticed the black-eyed blond-haired girl smirking as she witnessed their argument by hiding behind a nearby tree in the shadows. Mission A complete, she thought gleefully.