
Alexa Weinstein and The Blood Unravel

"Tears and blood will be shed for the generations to come." Where betrayals are caught and true nature of hidden kinds are unfolded before her….. Failing in her first ever relationship and getting broken by losing her closest ones, Alexa Weinstein leaves her haunted past to start from scratch. Trying to be independent but failing desperately, never did she knew all the events connected because of her dark nature, which she never knew of… With the event that robbed the only light in her pit-filled life, coming across people who are different in nature as much as her, unknowingly she leads them to something darker and vicious than night itself. Lots of questions are brought up with less answers. Shocking events are placed upon each and every corner…. Will she be able to avenge her mother, seek the answers that had haunted her, find out who she really was and at the same time save her loved ones from harm? Find out in The Blood Unravel…….

Ahinsa_Kavihari · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 21


What the hell?! He thought, dumbstruck when Bryan told what happened.

"So, you are saying that she's the one you dated?!" he couldn't help that his voice was raising each notch.

"Yes, brother, you told me to leave her for both our safety and I did," came his bothers replied.

He didn't need to read Bryan's thoughts to realize that he is angry with him. Can't blame the guy either. Who thought that she was the one?

He made him break up with her for his own safety and here she was. And now her being his mate, he would never leave her go either….

His mind filled with fury as he remembered what she said and he couldn't help himself from hitting him in the face...


She was still comprehending what had happened when Michael slapped Bryan. The sound of bones breaking echoed through the silenced room.

"Michael!" she couldn't help the shriek that escaped from her mouth and looked at Sofia in disbelief, Why didn't she stop him? She could have read his thought! He freaking broke his nose!

"That's for calling her a nobody and hurting her. She's not a nobody. She's my mate, my Luna, my pack's Luna," he said, his eyes glowing as Bryan's eyes grew wider with each word.

"I am sorry, brother. I couldn't think of anything else to say to make her hate me," said Bryan, averting eyes, his nose bloody.

Michael looked at him for a few seconds and pulled Bryan towards him, hugging him tightly.

"It's okay, brother. You are the best kid I've ever known, and if you say something hurtful, I know you don't mean them. But I don't ever want to see a tear in her eyes."

"Thank you alpha," Bryan said. She could see the respect in his eyes, his anger vanishing at once. "And I won't let anything happen to her. And congratulations on her being your mate," he said with a sly smile as Michael looked at her proudly. "I'm glad too."

She got another shock when Bryan turned towards her and bowed, "Our Luna, I am sorry for the hurtful things I said. I just wanted to make sure that you would hate me to the point where you won't even think of-"

She was teary eyed at that point, her heart ached for him. He did all this to protect her and she had blamed him each and every day. Her heart filled with guilt and she couldn't help throwing her arms around his bandage-clad body.

"I'm sorry too, Bryan. Thank you for all the things you did to me. I am forever grateful to have you as one of my brothers and thank god you are okay!" she said, carefully choosing her words.

For a second, she saw hurt flash in his eyes, but he quickly averted them and hugged her back, gratefully.

She was surprised too. Her being mated to Michael was the best thing that had ever happened to her and that kind of affection is only to him. She only felt a brotherly love towards Bryan.

"Okay now, enough cuddling," said Michael, pulling Alexa away from Bryan. She could sense that he's trying hard to keep his jealousy at bay.

"So, what make you come here like that?" he asked, concerned.

"I told you about Allyssa, right?"

Michael nodded.

"She's the leader of vampires," he said as Michael's face hardened and he clenched his fists. His anger rolled out of him as thicker waves, affecting the tension and the mood in the room.

To say that she was shock was nothing to what she felt. The high school bully... the person who ruined her life... the person who hurt her the most... a blood-sucking vampire!

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Jake was trying hard to keep his fury at bay, while his wife was trying to calm him down, but Alexa could sense her anger too.

"Their clawing affected me much more than I thought it would. Can't be that surprised thought since I am just a half werewolf."

"Oh god, are you okay now?" she asked, trying to keep her anger at bay.

"Yeah, I am healing already," he said, giving her a tired smile. "And now add a brocken nose to the list too." He looked pointedly at Michael.

"Well, you could have chose another set of words or have a another plan to make her break up with you," said Michael, crossing his arms, looking uninterested as he could.

Throughout Bryan's explanation of what happened she remained silent, biting er cheek to keep her anger under control. But her silence was broken when Bryan described the female who had told Allyssa about her.


The betrayal she felt was filled with disgust. "Those vampires killed her mother and she helps them? Urgh!"

The fury she felt couldn't be described by words. The deep sense of betrayal kept gnawing at her. She spied on me. She got together with my enemy, their enemy, the person who tortured me in school, the person who was my mom, her teacher? she thought her mind focusing on every single detail and she couldn't help the angry hiss that escaped her.

Michael looked at her, surprised, that was the first time he'd heard her doing that. She suddenly felt shy, that was something she had tried to forget. That single hiss filled her with a loathing to herself. Her kind is the same as Allyssa's? She recoiled with disgust and went outside to process what Bryan said. Michael attempted to follow her but she gave him a slight shake of her head. He nodded and let her be alone. That's something she loved about him.

Her whole body grew cold and her fury was reawakened. She wanted nothing more than to go and kill Allyssa. To torture her. She tortured me in school and now she's my mother's murderer! She wanted to make her feel the pain.. the agony she felt when everything she loved was robbed away from her. To make her feel what she felt when the light in her life was extinguished. To let her body rot. But she knew that would be stupid. She's just a half-vampire and going against a whole lot of vampires would be death.

No matter what happens, I'd never let anyone get near my mate or my family, she thought her determination radiating off her.

She was still furious, her mind going into an overdrive to come up with a plan when there came a rustle of leaves from the woods. She got ready to attack the threat when a gang of attractive women came out from the green.