

A long,long time ago there was a majestic temple called PANEGRIES which in ancient Greek means (gathering of the gods) it was a place of worship, blessings and togetherness but all this changed when an evil wizard called latifa felt that no one cared about him and treated him like a nobody which caused him to go to the dark forest in search for the red apple,which would make him the strongest wizard ever, not aware of the curse that was put on whoever eats out of the apple by the guardian of the PANEGRIES

This curse stated that"he who takes a bite out of the red apple shall turn him into a wild beast called The goblin," this curse raged latifa and he swore to turn every tribe of Kish into tribes of goblins.

"But according to the prophecy a young maiden would find the scroll and restore the temple back to the land of KISH"

"Mum I think I'll be the young maiden to restore the scroll"

"Why do you think so sweet heart ?"

"The prophecy says , a young maiden would find the scroll,and I'm a young maiden right?

"Baby you're just 12 okay ,I don't think you should bother yourself about getting the scroll,now go to bed and dream of the god of love Venus okay??"

She nodded her head and drifted off to sleep, her mother kissed her head and left the room, before leaving she looked at the room once more and then drifted off to sleep.