
Alex McCall (Teen Wolf Fan Fiction)

Read as Alex Scott confront the problems that A mysterious God has thrown to him although Alex did ask to come to this world.

VoidDraggon · TV
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Chapter 8 - Brining Stiles into the fold.

I stood outside smoking as I watched Derek cover up the new graveyard for their uncle. I was watching from afar and heard Stiles Jeep pull up outside.

I walk to the front of the house so the 2 boys don't interrupt family time. From listening to Derek I found out that only Alphas can bite and turn other people.

Stiles would be an amazing edition to the pack. So before he and Scott could react I jumped at him and bit his arm as he flinched to protect himself.

"Aahhhhhahahahhah" Stiles screams.

10 seconds later Derek comes storming through the house ready to raise a storm.

He stops when he only sees stiles being a cry baby on the floor. "About time, We will become a good pack when we have a couple more members." Derek says.

"On that note, Alex you bite him so you look after him tonight. Also starting next week we will be physically training." Cora says as she appears in the door way.

For the rest of the evening we were learning more of werewolf and vampire history. Derek also mentioned a few things about the hunters. You could see Stiles soaking it all up like a sponge, it's a shame that him becoming one of us won't cure his HDHD. Scott Per usual only paid attention to the hunters. While myself paid attention to it all but didn't soak it up.

I let Scott drive the car home and got in the jeep and drove Stiles to our house where he was gonna crash tonight so we could help if anything went wrong.


"What are you doing here?" I ask as I open the door and find Cora standing there.

"Idiot" She muttered as she hugged me and kisses me. After our brief kiss she walks right past me and sits on one of the sofas.

"You didn't actually think I would leave you to deal with a pack problem all alone did you?" She says looking up to me.

"Yeah, it's my own problem since I bite him." I answer truthfully as I sit down besides her.

She's reached out and laces her fingers in mine, "It's our problem now, Your mine Alex and I am yours." She says at barely a whispers thank God for wolf hearing.

We payed there in each other arms, listening to Stiles withering about upstairs. We gradually fell asleep. I woke up at 6am, it was 3 hours before school started.

As I got off the couch Cora woke up with a smile on her face, "You got a spare baggy t-shirt and some joggers?" She asks.

"Yeah" I replied.

I went up to my room and quickly got 2 pairs out and Cora came into my room and grabbed them out of my hand and just changed in front of me.

I was shocked that she wasn't even shy to do that. I quickly follow suit and change as well. After we both left my bedroom we could hear Stiles and Scott snoring their head off. We went down the stairs quietly, as we were about to reach the front door it opened.

"Hi mum!" I say as I step forward and ambush her with a hug.

Cora just stood there awkwardly, My mum turned to look and her then looked at me and asked "Who is this young lady? You trying to sneak her out of the house?" With a slight smirk on her face.

I felt my face got bright red, "Nono mum, this is Cora she's my girlfriend and we were about to go for a jog." I say as she pushes past us and takes her coat off.

"Okay, I'll see you both when you get back. Breakfast should be read in an hour so don't take too long!" She replies not even looking back towards us.

As we start to run down the street, Cora turns her head to me and asks "Girlfriend? Huh."

This made me go even more red, "Well we are trying this whole dating thing. I don't want to make it confusing for her." I say trying to look away.

"Nope, I like being a girlfriend. We are making it official." She says as she takes off sprinting leaving me in the dust.

We did a couple laps of the neighbourhood, when we got back we saw Scott and Stiles eating a lot of food. It was clear that mine and Scott's mothers had gone to bed after a long and exhausting hospital shift.

"You feel all fine?" I ask as I sit down and dig into breakfast.

"Yeah better than usual, my mind isn't bouncing around that much and I can stay focused for much longer now." Stiles replies not even looking up.

Cora hadn't even sat down yet, instead when I looked towards her I saw a smirk just before she punch Stiles in the face.

Stiles fell backwards off his chair and glared upwards revealing his Bright yellow eyes.

"Chill out, I was just making sure you were one of us and not something different" Cora says in a hurry as she uses her eyes to calm him down.