
Alex McCall (Teen Wolf Fan Fiction)

Read as Alex Scott confront the problems that A mysterious God has thrown to him although Alex did ask to come to this world.

VoidDraggon · TV
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11 Chs

Chapter 6 - New Members

After arriving at the Hale mansion I got out the first aid kit, and started to patch the 2 werewolves up.

"What were you two doing out alone in the middle of the woods anyways?" I ask.

"Our last pack kicked us out because they didn't like the fact that two omegas were dating." The boy replied timidly.

"Well, you have nothing to be afraid of here. We also have an omega in our pack and his Alex's brother." Cora says as she came downstairs from getting into clothes.

"But aren't omegas the bottom feeders?" The girl asks.

By both of their body languages I could tell that they were scared, afraid and most of they needed sleep.

"Look I'm not going to stand here and say, joining our pack will be easy and you will have it easy. What I can promise you, if you wanted to join us everybody will be treated the same. Doesn't matter if you are an Omega,Alpha or Beta. We are family, you can rest here a couple days and heal up. If you want to stay then you are welcome too however we won't force you to stay." I say as I put the first aid kit away from patching them up.


The next day went by rather quickly and it was the evening, we were waiting for Scott to get back. He had confirmed that he had found the bullet that was needed to cure Derek.

We found out that the two Omegas saying with us were called Lisa and Christian Taylor. They married each other a couple weeks ago, and that's what caused their last Alpha to kick them out.

They found out that we were a rare pack that had a female and an Alpha male that co-exist, that's only because we were dating.


"Hey guys open up!!!" I heard Scott yelling from outside.

I went to the door and opened it to see Scott throw the bullet in my direction, with my new and improved reflexes I caught the bullet and said "Thanks bro, we owe you a lot. You can go meet the other two Omegas if you want."

I then proceeded to point towards the kitchen as I walked into the front room where Derek was slowly dying. I knelt down next to him and said "I am sorry man, I know you are going to want to punch me but wait until after we fix you yeah?"

I pulled the cap off the bullet and spread the wolfsbane gun powered into the wound, I fetched the lighter out of my Pocket and set it alight. Derek screamed and then passed out, not even 10 seconds later you could see the wound start to heal itself again.

I look towards Cora who looked like she was about to cry and smiled, "Your big brother is gonna be okay now babe. Nothing to worry about!" I whispered not wanting to wake Derek.

I walked up to her and hugged her from behind to help calm her down, no doubt that scene made her worry. As we were hugging the three Omegas decided to come in, they all looked to be in a happy mood.

"Everybody outside, lets leave Derek to rest and I've been looking up on how to suppress our wolfs on the full moon. However it is going to fucking hurt like a bitch." Cora says as she drags me out by my hand.


We were all standing outside, watching and listening to Cora. She had said that if we want to gain better control of our wolfs and our emotions then we would have to shift 7 times in a row, once a month for 4 months and then we would be in control. She also stated that she had only read this and that it was worth a shot.

She went through the procedures to shift, I was generally a natural but I think our mating bond helped more than I would like to admit. Scott shifted almost immediately after me and the Taylors shifted at the same time. We were all standing there looking at each other's wolfs forms since we had never seen them.

I was a Pure white wolf with red eyes that had hints of purple specks. Scott was a Light grey wolf with yellow eyes. However what shocked me the most was that the Taylors were brown wolfs with blue eyes meaning that they had taken a life.

When we shifted back into Human form the Taylors explained that they had killed some hunters that trapped them. It didn't bother me that they had killed, but I did tell them that there wouldn't be any killing without mine or Cora's permission.

We went back towards the house to see a police car on the drive, We walked through the front door to the see the Sheriff shaking Dereks hand.

We watched the Sheriff leave and that's when Scott asked "What was that about?"

"He was just dropping by to say that my uncle and Cora's uncle has woken up and left hospital but cannot be found anywhere." Derek says sitting back down.

I then proceeded to tell Derek about the situation with the Taylors, he didn't have an opinion on mine or Cora's decision. However he did pull me aside and told me "You need to stop taking in stray, I get that Omegas can become very powerful however you will have to train them. We don't have the time or the money for that."

"You will train the Taylors and I'll train Scott and another person who I intend to turn. Don't worry about the money I have enough stashed in several accounts." I say to him.