
Chapter five

"Their searing hot" Kelsey beam if it was a different setting like we're in a cartoon I know hearts would be coming from her eyes from the way she's looking while am over here eating her banana cookie without her even knowing tempting to take the last one but I control myself I had to when I had eaten three already.

"Take a quick look before they realize and catch you staring that would just make you look creepy" Kelsey says snatching the last cookie from the plastic container turning around I almost drop the cookie from my hand with the sight in front of me no wonder Kelsey was a wreck.

Not only her but everyone was gawking at the two men who looked unbothered as they took their time walking as if they had all the time in the world turning around swiftly my heart flutter "you member when I told you how I went out for brunch," I said to Kelsey she nodded her head clearly not taking her eyes off the guys.

"Well, that's one of them" I acknowledge Kelsey snapped her head up at me widen eyes mouth dropped "oh good lord and you called him good looking girl that's perfection right there damn" Kelsey utter emphasizing the word perfection "which one" she inquires eagerly.

"The one in the black shirt," I told her "oh shit just damn high five" Kelsey said with her hand raise laughing and high five her.

"I called dips on the other one just wondering what those strong arms can do" Kelsey hummed while shifting uncomfortably in her seat giving her an awkward look while shaking my head.

"Where's my" she paused eyes narrowed "my cookies" Kelsey whisperer yell glazing at me "what cookies" I asked innocently she reached over for my half eaten muffin but I snatch it and stuff my mouth with it trying to chew it.

"Hello ladies" Gio's rich deep voice echoed from behind turning around swiftly my cheeks were stuffed probably looked like a hungry chipmunk feeling embarrassed turning around swiftly trying to swallow the remains "oh hey Gio" I said slightly turn to face him he smiled he was wearing a black tight fit shirt that outlines his tone muscled chest black pants and black combat boots of course black jacket giving him a sexy edgy look I've never seen him in any other colors on the other hand I still don't know much about him.

Looking over at the other guy who I recognize as the grey eye guy "hi" I said to him with a smile which he returns "am Alessandro feel free to call me Alex I didn't get the chance to introduce myself" he said charmingly brown hair that you'd likely mistake for black if you don't look closely.

Hearing the coughing sound turning around to see Kelsey giving me a look that screams 'forgetting someone' "this is my friend Kelsey" I introduced her "oh hello," Kelsey said shyly at the same time batting her lashes as if she's having a seizure "why don't you guys join us" she added with a wide smile shooting her a look that shouts 'control yourself.

"I mean if you want to you don't have to if you're busy" Kelsey started to babble nonstop "sure" Alessandro answered Kelsey grinned while patting her seat he walked over and sit beside her who looked like she's on the edge of passing out Gio sit beside me.

"So tell us about your selves" Alessandro starting up a conversation "well am single for starters" Kelsey said out of the blue with her elbow on the table resting her head on her hand while facing him not creepy at all mentally face palming myself.

"I find that hard to believe" Alessandro answered "yeah we both are" she exclaimed "why? When you both are beautiful there are lots of guys out there trying to date you" Gio questioned "nope more like a bunch of guys trying to get a quick smash there's a difference" I counter I felt the atmosphere tensed especially Gio.

"So tell me about yourself Alex" Kelsey utter the way she said his name with a hint of desire I had the nerve to kick her right under the table to have some respect the fact that she barely knows the guy couple of seconds or a mere minute and she's ready to jump him.

"I thought you don't eat at local diner," I said turning to Gio the other two were laughing and talking I tune them out "I don't just walk by and I saw you" he replied looking at him weirdly "if I don't know any better am starting to think you're stalking me Mr. D'Errico" I said trying to read him which was flipping hard his facial features didn't give away anything.

"And why'd you even think such thing" he questioned "hmm don't know" I told him "you're going to work right" he mentions nodding my head "remember to call when you're shifts over and I'll swing by to get you" he reminds me "yeah I will".

We talked a little longer the four of us just having a blast.

Giovanni POV

It's been two weeks since the last time I've seen Alesha and I was livid running my fingers through my hair frustratingly gape furiously on the scattered photos on my desk how was I so fucking stupid to not even realized I was being spied on.

Photos of Alesha and I in the club streets even her fucking apartment but most were about her going to and from school I could feel the anger bubbling inside.

Last week Wednesday I came home after dropping Alesha home to find a panicked Alessandro with a ghost look on his face which was unusual he never shows emotion unless he was comfortable around someone.

A couple of my soldiers crowded around a box they separated making way for me I remembered how the blood drain from my face with the slight in the box.

Henry's head seal in a clear bag his once hazel eyes were pale as they stared he was one of my soldiers left in charge to watch over her outside the apartment, inside was a letter 'lovely girl you have I'd hate if someone would come and sweep her off her feet' the letter read and all of Alesha's pictures were inside which cause my heart to drop. Adrenaline floods into my bloodstream breathing became fast and shallow as I tried keeping my composure which was slowly creeping through my crack.

From then I've kept away everything was my fault if I didn't talk to her she'd be safe I've double securities having guards watching her now I have some anonymous gang out there who wouldn't stop at anything to get their filthy hands on her.

"Boss we've run the security footage over again and we can't find any lead" Isaiah the head of Tec state I was in a meeting with all my top men my eyes dart over to him as they darken due to anger.

"Do it again I don't fucking care how many times you and your team run the damn tape there must be something you miss I swear to God if anything happens to her I'll have all your heads on a spike" I lash out clenching the edge of the oak table I was on the verge of snapping someone's head at this point.

"Yes, boss" he replied timidly "leave" I growled out slamming my fist on the table everyone scram to the door "we'll get the culprit behind it and you'll have your way with them I know you'll keep her safe you've been doing this all these years why would you stop now" Matteo states as he pats my hand reassuring me that nothing will happen.

"We know you the big bad Raphael De Santis they have no idea what they have coming never mess with what belongs to the Don Capo some fucker just wake the sleeping beast" Alessandro my second in command added with a twisted smirk they know what am capable of doing.

"There's no limit on how far I would go, no boundaries no length they should know no one's safe from all the heads piled up at their gates and their body parts scattered all over the country" I said musing remembering the person I was before I met my queen and tried to tone down on my evil ways sometimes I get carried away tend to be a little messy at times when I want to get my voice across.

My finger lazily runs over her angelic face so beautiful and energetic her wide smile as she laughed about something Kelsey was telling her getting up and push back my chair they looked puzzled when they saw my signature gun in my hand black and titanium gold desert eagle.

"Am not gonna do anything stupid" I paused "yet" I answer with a sly smile sliding it in the holster "what" I questioned "don't go looking for trouble" Matteo warned raising my hand in mock surrender "relax am just gonna shower and get some shut eye" I told them walking out before they could say something.

Drawing the slide door to get to the bathroom removing my shirt staring back at my reflection specifically on my chest the tattoo of the crown of a king letter A embedded in the center with roses wrapping around the letter.

Only my closest friends know about my distinctive tattoo which only my queen and I have symbolizing our power to reign side by side no one outside the gang knows about our unique identity every mafia leader once they find their queen, we'll mark them placing our claim on them.

The thing is every mafia knew I found my love and like I said if they find her, they'll use her as leverage to get to me even with my highest rank mafia king I have so many enemies who want to see me fall and they'll stop at nothing.

Stripping sliding the glass shower making the water hot as it run down my back showering and washing my hair wrapping a towel around my waist heading into my closet boxer and gray sweatpants sitting down on the edge of the bed after I pushed the button on the wall beside the nightstand the automated flip down ceiling flat-screen TV lift mount.

Typing the code on the Samsung notebook that automatically shows her room and there she sat in bed surrounded by books and a bowl of popcorn her face looked tired resting my back on the bedhead and just watched her it's like if I don't someone would come and snatch her and I wouldn't forget myself.

Alesha POV

Sighing with frustration the voice am starting to get familiar with "sorry the number you're trying to reach is out of service" slamming my phone in my bag pulling the hood over my head preparing myself for the walk home.

It's been two weeks since I've seen Gio the number he had given me wasn't working nor have I seen him at the club this is like déjà vu all over again I have abandonment issues where I'd open up to someone only to have them leave me in the end over the years I've learnt never trust anyone because in the end, they'll leave you Gio was different I wasn't close with him but still, I somehow felt comfortable around him.

Mom always reminds me about how everyone that comes close to me will leave because am unloved an abomination if my father leaves what's stopping anyone else incapable of getting loved at first, I never believed it until it happened.

I met Raphael when I was eleven he was sixteen a sad smile played on my face he was once upon a time the love of my life the only person who'll make me feel special complete like I was worthy of love his love.


Alesha gazes at the starry night their pattern that never seems to change was always captivating to her as the decorate the sky like it's personal canvas.

As she walked following the distant lights her only source of comfort and light, stars above glowed large like street-lamps giving the small child view of her surroundings.

It was habitual for the small eleven old to be roaming the street this late at night she was smarter than the average kids her age of course forcing to grow up instead of playing with Barbie dolls instead she had to take over the responsibilities of her home.

Tighten her grip on the brown paper bag she held to her chest her house was out of food for two days leaving the child to fend for herself well staving that is eating stale bread and drinking tap water took a toll on her she was feeble and malnourish kicking the little pebbles as she walked home the cold breeze blew carelessly picking up her speed.

The normal twenty-four-hour convenience store closed because of the spiral of crime leaving Alesha with no other option than to venture out threading the twelve-minute or less to a different neighborhood which she always hated crossing the intersection of how busy it was at night.

As well as grocery shopping especially at night but in her condition, she couldn't complain whenever her mom gets home from a night out which means a week or two days from home would be like an early Christmas finally she'd be able to eat good food like always she waited until her mom falls asleep and took money from her purse to buy food besides stale bread Alesha learned to stay away from expired tin food after she ate a can of corned beef resulting in rashes covering her skin.

Further down the crossroad near the intersection was a parking lot a white expensive Audi r8 stood a guy shoving three huge black duffle bags in the trunk inside was stack to the brim over 4.2 billion Euro and Pound Sterling currencies he received from the trading worth of expensive drugs.

"Nice doing business with you Mr. De Santis" said Mr. Hernández one of their trusty Mexican comrade after he had sampled the product "well you got the best of the best" Raphael state with a smirk even at the tender age of sixteen he's already making successful deals with other mafias as well as making a name for himself.

Raphael De Santis people tend to stay out of his way because of his raging anger issues and very unpredictable you'd be stupid to cross paths with him, that's if you value your life. Hasn't taken over the mafia yet but he's well known as the mafia Prince who's ruthless savage a killing machine.

As he leans against his car watching Miguel driving off Raphael's father trusted him enough to do deals even though it can turn into a bloodbath with just the snap of the finger or something went wrong.

Raphael chuckled when his phone started ringing he didn't have to guess to know who it was taking his phone out "hey mama" he answered his voice was deep he never showed his emotions to his mom he's like a living robotic man she hated the lifestyle but when you're married into a mafia you have to accommodate a whole new world.

And for Raphael, he was born into it his life was planned even before he was conceived while other kids his age should be watching cartoons are playing he's in the gym at the tender age of six training had his first gun a black and titanium gold desert eagle he received from his grandfather on his seventh birthday.

If that wasn't worse he was only ten when he had his first kill living in a world like this it's killed or be killed no third option he lived by the motto family is power.

"How are you sweetheart" his mom's wavering voice held concern for her son's safety "mom am fine just like any other delivery" he answered blankly getting in his car he pulled out of the parking lot "I'm on my way home I'll see you when I get home" with that said he hangs up.

The cars came flying past as he drove he spot a little girl standing under the stoplight whenever she tried to step out she'd timidly move back because of the speeding cars not giving her a chance to cross.

Causing his anger to boil not only because they didn't stop but because she was so young and tiny why the hell was she out so late he thought to himself he drag breaks making a screeching sound as his car came to a halt in the middle of the intersection nearly causing a massive car accident with the two cars behind him but he didn't give two shit.

"What the fuck you crazy idiot" the man behind him yelled out ignoring him and trudge over to the little girl who backed away when Raphael approached her "are you lost" he found himself asking just by her clothes she looked like some homeless child big sweat pants and extra size shirt that clearly wasn't hers, her hair was badly in need of combing worn out old trainers by the looks of it her tiny big toe peeping out.

"Where's your parent's little girl," he asked again when Alesha didn't answer the poor little girl knew it was dangerous to talk to strangers, "I asked you a question and I demand an answer" causing Alesha to fidget Raphael realized she wasn't gonna talk anytime soon.

"Am Raphael," he said quietly "what's your name?" he asked softly Alesha looked up at him the first thing that caught her eyes were his icy blue eyes that stared intensely at her she hated the way he looked at her or asked questions all she wanted to do was get away and cross this dumb road but everyone was being mean.

Alesha looked back up at him observing he looked big enough to know how to cross a busy street Alesha thought to herself wanting to get cross but too scared "mister can you please help me cross" Alesha timidly ask just above a whisper.

"Mister" he mimicked "do I look that old" he reckoned "Tell me your name and I'll get you across" Raphael bargain "Alesha" she mumbled nodding and like he had promised he crossed her to the other side.

"Wait" Raphael called out to her when she was walking away "where you going" he inquired "home" was all she said, "get in" he ordered "no uh" Alesha retort "it's late c'mon" Raphael insisted firmly finality to his tone causing her to frown when he opened the door waiting for her to get in.

Alesha still had her guard up clinging to her grocery bag when he get in "what's your address" he asked while starting up the car when Alesha told him he swings the car around if he didn't strap on her seatbelt her head would have smashed on the dashboard due to how fast he went speeding down the road smirking at the long line he had caused.

"Where's your parents" Raphael asked again "uh, mom's sleeping" she replies staring out the window fascinating about how the street lights looked blur as the car speed down at a fast pace the cold breeze and the scent of the car made her feel at ease being her first time in a car was so foreign to her.

The car came to a stop outside of an old fashion brick apartment complex he was aware of how dark the neighborhood was "thank you" Alesha said shyly unsure what to do she looked up at Raphael who was already staring down on the little girl.

So many thoughts floating around his head why would she be out so late shopping for groceries when her mother's sleeping that too in a crappy place like this he reached over and unlock her belt getting out walking over to her side opening the door.

"I'll follow you to your apartment," Raphael said again she nodded he locked the car following behind her too curious about who she was willingly he followed her up the stairs his eyes scan the dark passageway only a shaky light bulb hanging from the dirty ceiling that barely shows the way.

She stopped outside of a crème colored door fishing in her pocket taking out the key and unlock the door before she had time to close the door he invited himself in.

Raphael closed the door he watched her placing the bag on the floor tipping up to turn on the light when the light turned on he wasn't expecting what he saw okay maybe he did but this was beyond what he had in mind.

The house was in poor shape unhealthy filthy dirty from the flooring clothes scattered across the floor beer bottles were everywhere but what had Raphael on the edge of no return was the figure spread out on an old tired looking gray couch "don't wake her" Alesha called out when she saw Raphael walking over to her mom but the innocent child doesn't know all the sinful gruesome things he's thinking about his hand was begged to pull the trigger especially when he saw the cheap coke on a piece of paper alongside cigarettes laying the coffee table.

"How long has she been sleeping," he asked looking over his shoulder seeing the little girl picking up the clothes dumping them in a corner of the room Alesha was used to cleaning up after her mom she tried her best to keep the place clean but she was too small to complete the whole task.

"I don't know she's always a heavy sleeper when she takes that" Alesha answered pointing over to the drug causing Raphael to clench his jaw "how old are you" he questioned "eleven" she answer picking up the bag and walk into the kitchen if he wasn't pissed then he was now when Alesha opened the empty fridge he lends up on the island watching her moving around unpacking the grocery.

"Where's your dad" he inquired "I don't know" she mumbled he was aware of the tone changed and decided not to ask about him "what are you doing" Raphael called out when he saw Alesha with a lighter "am gonna cook I can't go to bed without eating" she states Raphael was taken back about how innocent she was more likely he was intrigued by the little eleven-year-old.

Alesha looked up and smiled when she noticed he was watching her Raphael ponder there was something about her, the unfamiliar need to protect her and possessiveness to keep her safe weight heavily on his shoulders just the small gesture of her kind smile cause warmth to seep through his cold body causing his stone-cold heart to beat for the first time.

And just like that he knew she'll be someone special someone he'd do anything for just to keep that smile on her innocent face you're mine only mine all rights reserved.

*****End of flashback*****