
Aldrich's Odyssey(Droped)

Aldrich was a brilliant scientist from the 21st century, in efforts to cure himself of an ailment that had plagued his existence from small, he unknowingly turned himself into an abomination, a scourge of the earth. And see Aldrich was banished into the Void, battling outer gods, primordial entities, and abyssal horrors that could push even the strongest men to the brink of insanity. ..... Follow Aldrich as he goes from being alone and weak to being strong and worshiped Other tags #lovecraftian #action #adventure #system #dark #superpowers #villain #antihero #devil #nonhuman #levelup #conquer #killer #evolution #scary #immortal #supernatural #interstellar

Grim_Reaper_Barbie · Fantasy
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11 Chs

CH 2° A Literal Tourtue Chamber [Edited]

Present times

"Doctors reigns are you sure about this?" a slender young woman adorned in a pristine white scientist coat, spoke to a man seemingly in his mid-thirties.

The woman appears to be not older than thirty, with long blond hair and brown, in her face are big round purple framed glasses making everything about her scream the word: nerd.

Despite having come this far, Marie still found her mind clouded with doubt, signs of distress visible underneath her big, round goggles.

Marie was Aldritch's assistant who also had a PhD in bioengineering, the duo have come a long way in this project, Aldrich especially handpicked her for her achievements in the field. They've worked on this project for the past five years, and their research has finally borne fruit.

The shared magnitude of what that thing is capable of can rock the very foundation of humanity, and Aldrich wanted to test it on himself.

(A. N: Helix Corp has been turned to Helix Foundation)

She knew Aldrich was desperate if not obsessed, in her opinion, that was why he took this project in the first place. However underneath all of that, Marie could see the pain in the man's eyes, he was hurting and he was hurting bad, and her heart ached each time she thought of it.

Marie was a brilliant scientist, she often gave herself that much credit, but Aldrich, Aldrich was a different story altogether, the way his mind works, it was as if he wasn't human, and Marie didn't want him to throw his life away for such slim chance of success.

Although She had only worked for Helix Foundation for five years, she knew the company rarely took on government-sponsored projects, but this was different and she had a bad feeling about it, if life had taught her anything, it would be to never trust the government.

Marie took hold of Aldrich, he was of Asian American descent, with long raven black hair hanging loosely down his shoulders, and unusually deep blue eyes, coupled with a well-defined jawline Aldrich looked incredibly handsome, he could potentially be idle for most women. his looks put any man out there out of the market, at least that was what Marie thought.

But his skin looked deathly pale, as if he had been drained of blood, bones were visible beneath his skin as if he was dying of starvation.


The lab was brightly lit with white fluorescent light bulbs, even though it was nighttime outside, the lab was as bright as day, the light reflected on the ceramic tiles on the walls Making the room look otherworldly.

No doors nor windows can be seen exempt from a huge tempered glass mounted on the wall, it was a one-way mirror others can see the room but those inside the room can't see outside.

In the middle of the room is a strange machine, with six needles protruding out from each side of what looked like a metallic bed.

With metallic leashes hanging loosely, the needles were more than ten inches long and connected to small metallic canisters making them look like syringes.

The machine shone with a cold metallic luster, reflecting the bright light in the room, and making it look like a literal torture chamber.

A sizzling sound reverberated through the room like gas being ejected from a truck. In one corner, the ceramic tiles began to part, revealing what appeared to be a hidden door.

Marie escorted Aldrich into the white room.

"Dr. Reigns, are you sure about this?" she asked the man once again. Like the first few times, she received no answer. Marie didn't mind; she had long gotten used to Aldrich's peculiarities.

"But Couldn't we have waited until tomorrow?" Marie asked doubtfully, she instinctively moved her hand to observe her wristwatch, it was 8:45 PM, they were working overtime, and she had no idea how long they'd be here.

'you may not have a life Reigns, but I do' She rolled her eyes, she of course said to herself,

Aldrich was a person she respected greatly, that is the whole reason she was here in the first place and not at home.

'how naive' Aldrich said to himself, as they proceeded.

She was right Aldrich had no life, no family no loved one, After his father's Passing, although the man remarried he never had a child, with Aldrich being the sole heir, he naturally inherited the man's assets with zero to no trouble.

With the billions of dollars worth of assets, Aldrich established the Helix foundations, by acquiring another company that was on the brink of bankruptcy and turning it into an empire.

Aldrich clenched his crouches tightly, he was dying and he knew it, the blood transfusion was starting to lose its effect, this was the only way.


"I wonder where she is doing?" his mind couldn't help but wonder about a certain young woman, and a smile blossomed on his lips.

Of course, Marie couldn't see it, if she did she would be extremely shocked.


"To be continued."

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