
Aldrich's Odyssey(Droped)

Aldrich was a brilliant scientist from the 21st century, in efforts to cure himself of an ailment that had plagued his existence from small, he unknowingly turned himself into an abomination, a scourge of the earth. And see Aldrich was banished into the Void, battling outer gods, primordial entities, and abyssal horrors that could push even the strongest men to the brink of insanity. ..... Follow Aldrich as he goes from being alone and weak to being strong and worshiped Other tags #lovecraftian #action #adventure #system #dark #superpowers #villain #antihero #devil #nonhuman #levelup #conquer #killer #evolution #scary #immortal #supernatural #interstellar

Grim_Reaper_Barbie · Fantasy
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11 Chs

CH 10° The Mother Bovidae

everything I've told you is the truth" a young man surrounded by men in Suites, stated as a matter of fact, to the agents before him, his words hung in the air like a challenge, before pressing a pack of ice against his bruised forehead.

The men before him however exchange glance of skepticism, not believing a single word that was coming from the young man's mouth.

Sam and he was a worker for Helix Foundation, like everyother employee he had arrived at the crack of dawn eager to tackle the days work. Like his couleague he had internalized the company's mantra punctuality, who know it was going to be the death of him.

Sam work as a data analyst for the Foundation, and his station was mostly in the west wing of the highest floor, even though he work in the thesame floor as the legend himself, he has never met him once.

Marely minutes after assuming his posts and getting ready to start the day he heard creaming coming from the direction of my Dr. Reigns office, and before he realized what was going on, there was blood everywhere, multiple shots being fired, but no matter how he looked he couldn't find what people were running from nor what the armed guard were shooting at.

Just as he was getting ready to run he saw it, it was huge creature standing over 10ft tall, it's skin acidic was black, and wherever it passes bodies fall, the armed guard rained bullet on it, it was as if it didn't even know it was been shot at, it continued to advance leaving death and destruction it it's wake, as Sam stood frozen he felt something hit his head and he lost consciousness.


"whatever it was it fled after through the window" in another area, a wounded man being carried into the elevator told the police officers that surrounded him.

"Mark, you think any of this is true?" a young agent asked to his superior.

"whatever it was killed 25 people" the man said.

"I think that Aldrich guy was conducting an experiment and something went wrong?" the young againt said with a serous face.

"you spend too much time on the internet rook" the man said before leaving the young man fummig.

He many not be a forensic, he couldn't clearly tell that whatever killed these people was big and strong, some of the victims were battered up badly that their faces were not unrecognizable, scattered lips and heads with bite marks.


"The attack on Helix Foundation came as a shock to all"

"with 25 confirmed dead and 10 injured, we can say it was a groosome sight, scattered limbs and disembowed bodies, forensics say it was an animal attack"

"I think I speak for everyone when I say, what manner of animal could possibly do this?"

"And were the hell is Aldrich Reigns"

"people say tha..."

In luxurious diner, a middle aged man in suit picked up the romote and hit the power button, turning off the news before the male reporter can finish his line, the man picked up his phone clicked on the screen before dropping it.


Unknown amount of days Days later

As the outside world seemingly descends into chaos, a tranquil scene unfolded in a secluded jungle, shrouded in dense fog. As the orange sun rose, the fog began to lift, revealing a lush landscape teeming with greenery. A small stream ran through the area, its gentle flow filling the air with freshness. As the orange sun rose casting a dappled shadow on the forest floor, the jungle came to life with a soft rustling murmor.

Jentle sound of water ceressing the stones filled the air, as a small family of Bovidae, a mother and her two calves, cautiously approach the lake, the family proceeded to quench their thirst, drinking peacefully until their mother suddenly raised her giant antlers, her instinct alarting her to potential threat, her large curious eyes scanned the surroundings with her senses on high alart.

The mother Bovidae scanned her surroundings once more, her vigilance unwavering, but detecting no threats, she relaxed her guard. Strengthening her stance, she positioned herself protectively behind her two calves, her eyes never straying far from them. Lowering her head to continue drinking, her calm demeanor contrasted greatly to the alertness that still lingered in her eyes. Meanwhile, her carefree calves continued to drink, oblivious to the potential dangers that their mother watched out for.

Just as the mother Bovidae was about to take a sip, she spotted a figure in the river, mere meters away, wedged between two rocks. She froze, her gaze fixed on the suspicious form. Then, in an instant, the figure twitched, Her ears perked up, her head twitched, and her eyes narrowed, the the figure twitched again this time causing the mother Bovidae's instincts to kicked in.

She swiftly herded her calves towards the nearby bushes, and they fled together.