
Alchemy in Ravaryn chapter 1

The Hans home

Arthur stand in front of Mr Hans with his head slightly bowed. He had just finished his explanation to the old man who do not seem moved or convinced about his winning the district contest and being qualified to attend the shadow gaurd academy.

Mr Hans threw the district letter and acceptance card down, angry. Arthur notices but still prayed for a better remark.

"So you went to that contest without my consent, and now wants my permission to attend the academy" Mr Hans asks. His voice tells that he was unmoved by Arthur's success

"Actually fath.." Arthur stops halfway and the old man's glaring green eye pierced at him

"Sir..., I thought you stopped me from going to the contest because were scared of me losing the or disgracing you, so I went behind your back and put in my all to make you proud"

"Disgrace? Proud?. Listen boy, your winning or losing that contest would do nothing to me or this household. You are just a disobedient servant in this house who should know where he belong" Mr Hans raised his voice a bit to make the last part of the sentence obvious to him.

"Sir..." Arthur's shutters

"You are not going to the academy". His heart sank down his throat hearing those words from his foster father turned master.

It was hard to believe that he would not accept his going to the academy.

He had truly participated in the fight contest behind his back but still he had thought he would feel happy hearing that he is one of the few that won the contest and can go to the academy.

Mr Hans threw the acceptance card away and tore the letter then shot him a glare.

"Be grateful that I won't be punishing you for going to that contest but listen, your responsibility is here"

Arthur shifted his gaze from the acceptance plague, which he have been staring at all along and have an eye contact with Mr Hans.

"Sir..." He shuttered "this is the only thing I have asked for from you, why won't you just allow me to go to the academy" Arthur's voice sound so sad and hurt.

"Well, I make the decision here, did you forget?, You are no longer a son here but a servant" his word made his heart ache. Arthur had enjoyed being Mr Hans child for some years after being adopted but ever since his wife conceived, he became ice cold towards him.

"But why do you treat me this way" Arthur sounds more sad.

"What" Mr Hans seem suprised that he spoke such for the first time.

"You could have never adopted me instead of making me this way" he said my final wod and turned to go.

"How dare you, wretched thing!"Mr Hans points at his direction angrily.

"That's enough honey, calm down" Mrs Hans walked towards her husband trying to hold him back and calm him down.

"We took him in from the gutters and made him like a son and he speaks back at me that way" Mr Hans yells.

"He deserves a punishment , but don't forget your high blood pressure" Mrs Hans says calmly.

He sits still foaming.

"But how exactly was he able to win the contest"

The words became faint as Arthur walked farther and finally stopped to reminisce on everything.

How he went from being a legitimate son of Hans family to a lowly servant. After being adopted fifteen years ago, he was loved, treated with affection and cared for especially by Mr Hans since they were barren. Things got sour after the birth of Sylvester. Mr Hans would find Arthur at fault for everything he does. Soon he made it clear that he was more of a servant than a son.

Arthur sits at under a tree in the big house varranda and sighs. He looks up and could hardly see the sun from tiny spaces of leaves in the tree.

"Mom, dad" he called sadly. He brings his hand to his necklace and rub it slowly.

Fifteen years ago

"Hide, Arthur, hide" Layla holds four years old Arthur in tears "You can't come out no matter what, okay?"

"But why mommy" the boy was naive of the attack on their house

"You have to just hide and be safe" Layla wears a necklace on Arthur and push him into the cellar. The door bust open and she gasp.

Present day

It was evening and the sun had fully set when Arthur walks back home knowing that he is going to face query and probably get beaten but he cares less as he is used to it.

It was a different case though as there was a hullabaloo in his room. He lived in a small tattered room on the last floor of the house.

The room could only take a single person so he lived there alone.

Mr Hans was destroying all the hand made equipment there. He had actually turned the place into a practice room making wooden knife and structure he practice with.

"Sir" Arthur called.

"This is all you've been doing behind me, in my own house!" Mr Hans yells and Arthur rushes to him.

"Please sir, I beg of you . You can't destroy this place I..."Arthur goes on his knees begging profusely almost crying

"Get off him you poor thing" Sylvester push him away "take him away" he commanded and two servants came to usher Arthur away for his punishment.

For his punishment, Arthur was whipped fifty times on the back for practicing martial art as a servant.

His bruised back was left unattended to.

Arthur sits in his ruined room and practice room, devastated.

He stared around the room and his eyes suddenly becomes stern.

"I am leaving this place, tonight" he affirms in his mind and began to pack some manageable things. He opened the drawer and brought out a small map which he opens. It has instructions on how to travel to the Athelyn academy, where shadows hunter are taught. He closed it back and pack all the things he had saved in a big cloth.

He walks stealthily out of the room to the balcony and came out to the compound. He climbs the wall ad jump down.

Not minding his wounds he staggers into the night.