
Alchemy Frenzy

My past life: Ordinary. Mediocre. What I want in this life: Riches. Power. Influence. My goal: To be a prodigal son. A waste of youth with riches and power. Maybe even sidekicks. My name is Ye Lang, I’m an alchemist, and I’m also here to squander as much money as I can. author;Xiaoxiaosheng i will post this novel on royal road

jodex · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 7 The best female slave

This situation left the Ye family in a frenzy, especially Ye Chengtian and his wife. They hadn't slept a wink in three days.

Little Lan Yu also lost her appetite, refusing to eat or drink. Among the four siblings, she had the closest relationship with the thirteen-year-old young master. They were inseparable, perhaps because he was the only one younger than her, allowing her to play the role of an older sister.

The incident even caught the attention of the empire's Emperor, who was equally concerned about the developments. He dispatched numerous individuals to assist in locating the young master.

"Search again, search thoroughly! All of you have been searching for three days, and you still haven't found a five-year-old child!" Ye Yi, the head of the Ye family, roared in anger.

"It's been three days. Could Ye Lang have left the city?" Madam Ruan Lian'er, the head's wife, frowned. The current situation made it hard not to consider this possibility.

"He's just a child, how could he possibly leave the city unless someone deliberately took him away?" Ye Yi furrowed his brows. In reality, he had already dispatched people to search the surrounding areas but was reluctant to entertain this possibility.

If young Ye Lang had indeed been taken out of the city, it meant someone had malicious intent, which would only exacerbate their headache.

"Whoever dares to harm my son, I will make his entire family pay!" Ye Chengtian declared coldly, his voice barely audible, as if he were talking to himself. Yet, the determination in his tone was undeniable.

"Chengtian," Long Anqi squeezed Ye Chengtian's hand, her tone complex as if she had come to terms with something.

At that moment, something unexpected occurred, something that caught everyone off guard.

"Master, Young Master, Young Master he…" A servant rushed in, his expression a mixture of panic and disbelief.

"What is it? Did you find something?" Ye Yi asked calmly. The servant's expression filled him with unease.

"Young Master, he, he…" The servant seemed out of breath.

"What happened to him? Just tell us quickly!" Long Anqi urged.

"Young Master, he's back!" The servant finally managed to complete his sentence.

"You mean he's back? Where is he now?" After a moment of stunned silence, the room erupted. Everyone grabbed the servant's clothes, peppering him with questions, leaving him overwhelmed.

"Young Master has returned, and he brought back a little girl with him. They've already entered the premises." The servant explained. He had rushed to deliver the news before the young master, hoping to gain some credit.

At this point, no one paid any attention to him. They tossed him aside and dashed out the door. However, they failed to notice the crucial detail in the servant's statement: "brought back a little girl."

When Ye Yi and the others reached the front courtyard, they saw the young master walking in the middle, followed by a little girl who seemed about his age. This girl appeared different from ordinary humans, but at that moment, they were too preoccupied with their son to pay attention. Their only focus was to embrace him, to check if he had been injured.

The first to reach the young master was the seemingly weakest among them, Long Anqi. At that moment, she displayed a speed that was double, no, triple her usual capacity. Reaching her son's side, she swept him into her arms.

"My precious child, where have you been? Are you hurt? Have you eaten anything these past few days?" Long Anqi showered him with questions and affection as she examined him carefully, simultaneously pushing aside the others who were trying to get close.

The young master shook his head and replied slowly, "No, I had good food, good drinks, and fun things to do."

"Good food, good drinks, fun things…" After confirming her son was unharmed, Long Anqi continued to inquire, "Where was it? Who took you there? And who is this little girl? Wait a minute, this little girl…"

Only now did Long Anqi seem to notice the little girl standing beside her son. Indeed, she wasn't human.

The little girl had large eyes, revealing tiny tiger teeth when she smiled. A pair of cat ears adorned her head, and a small tail peeked out from behind her. It was evident to everyone that she was a beastkin.

The question was, was she from the Cat Tribe or the Tiger Tribe? Both races shared similar features, especially in their younger years.

Soon enough, the young master provided the answer: "I bought her. They said she's a high-quality female slave from the Tiger Tribe."


Silence descended upon the courtyard. No one uttered a single word; they simply stared at the young master with peculiar expressions.

"You bought her? Where did you go these past three days? And how did you even leave the house? Tell Mommy everything slowly and carefully." Long Anqi asked curiously, eager to learn about her son's three-day adventure.

The others were equally curious, their eyes fixated on the young master, awaiting his response.

Before the young master could speak, Long Anqi added, "Let's go inside first, it's windy out here." Not wanting her son to be exposed to the elements, she carried him into the house.

This was a good idea, as it allowed everyone to sit down, have some tea, and listen to the young master recount his experiences.

Once settled, the young master began to slowly narrate his three-day adventure. Many details remained vague, requiring speculation from the listeners, as his expressive abilities were limited.

Fortunately, the people present were no ordinary individuals and could generally comprehend his account. Throughout his narration, their mouths hung open in astonishment, clearly taken aback by his experiences.

Firstly, the young master explained how he had left the Ye residence. The answer left everyone speechless, not because it was complex, but because it was unbelievably simple.

"I just walked out. No one stopped me. They didn't even pay attention to me." These were the young master's exact words.

Indeed, no one in the entire Ye residence had noticed him leaving. He had simply skipped out the front door right under everyone's noses.

Several factors contributed to this oversight. First, the Ye residence was densely populated, with numerous children his age. Except for a select few, most people had never even seen the thirteen-year-old young master.

Secondly, while the Ye residence carefully scrutinized all those who entered, making it as difficult to infiltrate as the imperial palace, they had a blind spot: they were more relaxed about those leaving.

Moreover, no one expected a five-year-old child to pose any threat.

Ultimately, it was a combination of coincidence and lax security that allowed the young master to leave the premises unnoticed. He had simply walked out the front door. This fact left everyone in utter disbelief.