
Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

An ultimate warrior, the one and only Alchemy Emperor, Ling Han, had died in his quest to achieve godhood. Ten thousands years later, and he, with the "Invincible Heaven Scroll", was reborn in the body of a young man with the same name. From then on, winds and clouds moved, as he set himself against uncountable geniuses of this new era. His path of becoming a legend has begun once more. At all eras, and underneath the heavens, I am the strongest!

Flying Alone · Eastern
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3801 Chs

Invincible Sword Saint

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Ling Han called the Asura Demon Emperor over, and said, "Watch me!"

"Yes, Master, oh great Master!" The Asura Demon Emperor was working hard to improve his flattery skills, and he immediately started to perform with all his might. "Master is truly becoming nobler and mightier by the day. When I stand before you, it's as if I'm standing before the sun. Before your brilliant radiance, I only want to kneel down and pray for your longevity. It is you who have brought this world light, it is you who have brought this world hope!"

"Okay, okay, okay. Stop trying to flatter me. Tell me how I look now!" Ling Han channeled the Demonic Power Source, causing a black shadow to instantly envelop him. His appearance didn't change significantly, yet the aura radiating from his body seemed completely different from before.