
Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

An ultimate warrior, the one and only Alchemy Emperor, Ling Han, had died in his quest to achieve godhood. Ten thousands years later, and he, with the "Invincible Heaven Scroll", was reborn in the body of a young man with the same name. From then on, winds and clouds moved, as he set himself against uncountable geniuses of this new era. His path of becoming a legend has begun once more. At all eras, and underneath the heavens, I am the strongest!

Flying Alone · Eastern
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3810 Chs

Big Sweep

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The old witch Ling Han was talking about was the old woman by Hu Niu's side. Because Hu Niu called her old witch, Ling Han went with that address as well.

When he thought of Hu Niu, Ling Han naturally thought of Helian Xun Xue, his parents, his son, and the others that the little jealous lover had taken away with her. Involuntarily, he could not help but miss them more. Over 100 years had already passed; were they all doing well?

His son may already have become a father himself!

But it was not definite. Perhaps his son had focused completely on cultivation, and did not have time to chase girls?

At this time, Ling Han was at a bit of a loss. He wanted his son to marry early and possess his own… er, happiness, yet at the same time, he hoped his son had not married so he could personally participate in his son's wedding.