
Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

An ultimate warrior, the one and only Alchemy Emperor, Ling Han, had died in his quest to achieve godhood. Ten thousands years later, and he, with the "Invincible Heaven Scroll", was reborn in the body of a young man with the same name. From then on, winds and clouds moved, as he set himself against uncountable geniuses of this new era. His path of becoming a legend has begun once more. At all eras, and underneath the heavens, I am the strongest!

Flying Alone · Eastern
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3795 Chs

A Terrifying Pill Completion Rate

Translator: _Dark_Angel_ Editor: Kurisu

Nine pills!

How could this be?

One had to understand that even if Ling Han had reached the level of a hundred percent pill completion rate, without wasting any ingredients at all, the amount of ingredients supplied by Fu Yuan Sheng was only enough to produce eight Foundation Building Pills. Yet in front of their eyes, there now lay nine pills! How was this possible?

It must have failed!

"Look for yourselves!" Fu Yuan Sheng drew out a pill and passed it to the alchemist standing closest to him.

That person received it from him. He quickly examined it first, then smelt it before finally raising it high to examine it against the light. At last, a shocked expression appeared on his face, as he said, "Though I am of humble talent and shallow learning, I can confirm one hundred percent that this is definitely Foundation Building Pill, and, and..."

"And what?" the others asked hurriedly.