
Alchemist of Death

((WPC #250 Entry)) To most of the people in Lycoris, Rain was just an ordinary, somewhat talented, alchemist and wine brewer. He occasionally sold potions with effects far more effective than what was normally on the market, but other than that, he seemed completely nondescript and harmless. After all, who would expect a demon lord to own a brewery (because he enjoyed drinking on occasion), help provide adventurers with potions (to take out his rivals), obey human laws (because dealing with law enforcement was easier than dealing with heroes trying to take down demon kings), and occasionally wear feminine clothes (because why not)? Of course, like most demon lords nowadays, Rain had no intention of taking over the world. Instead, he was just focused on providing his people and kin a safe place to live. ((Kingdom Building will probably start towards the middle of the novel))

Revenant_Ki · Fantasy
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7 Chs

7 The Break Out

After Joseph finished his story, a blanket of silence filled the dungeon.

Suddenly, all of the torches extinguished, casting the entire dungeon into complete darkness.

Before anyone in the dungeon could panic, from the prisoners to the guards at the far end of the dungeon corridor, the torches relit, but instead of the normal red and orange flames they were a strange greenish blue color.

At the end of the corridor at the entrance to the dungeon stood a tall and familiar armored figure, wearing a suit of black armor and bearing a giant broadsword.

While the guards went to confront the black knight, Rain took the opportunity to grab the pins in his boots to unlock his chains.

He could've done this earlier, but he had been waiting for a distraction. After all, even if he did unlock them an managed to escape the cell, he probably would've been recaptured by the guards before he could even take a step towards the exit.

After he calmly excited his cell, his chains now piled in a corner on the ground, he glanced around at the rest of the dungeon.

Ignoring the shouts of pain coming from the guards and the clanging of metal against metal as Kavi began defeating said guards, Rain walked over to the cell where Joseph's hoarse voice was coming from.

"Do you want to leave with me? After all, it's hardly fair for a man who was wrongly accused to still be imprisoned. As long as you promise me a small favor."

The man inside the cell stood up and Rain could finally see his appearance.

Joseph was a tall and muscular man, with a striking resemblance to Kavi's elderly humanoid form. He almost could've been mistaken for Kavi's slightly younger and more muscular brother.

Rain wondered if the two had ever met, and if Joseph was the one Kavi based his human appearance off of.

"What's the favor I'd have to owe you?"

Normally Rain wouldn't do something like this, but Joseph was the ex-captain of a boat, which meant he knew how to sail a ship. Rain remembered one of his men, though she was technically a female most of the time, had wanted to learn how to captain a boat, and even was planning to have one being built.

"As long as you promise to teach my friend how to captain a boat, I can bring you out of this dungeon."

Joseph thought for a moment before giving a decisive answer.


He felt it would be better to leave with this alchemist then to remain in this cell for a supposed crime he didn't even commit.

With a few quick movements, Rain unlocked the cell then put away the pins he used to pick the locks and the two shook hands.

"Okay Kavi. We're all ready to go. Let's go back to old fortress."

At the other end of the corridor, the knight dressed in black armor finished defeating the guards, only knocking them out, not actually killing them. After all, they were only doing their job and trying to not be killed for being traitors.

Kavi handed Rain a small bag of crystal powder, which was a common supplement for mages to perform larger spells which normally required multiple mages.

With the powder, Rain quickly drew out a large circle on the floor that he and Joseph could fit into, while Kavi melted into his shadow.

The magic activated and the two people standing in the circle disappeared from the darkened corridors of the dungeon.

From the outside, the old unnamed fortress, compared to the lord's Revenar Fortress, seemed like an abandoned ruin. The outer walls seemed half destroyed, with the parts that were still barely standing covered in moss and weeds.

The castle that could be seen over the tops of the derilect walls was in a similar condition, with broken glass windows and several fallen towers.

Joseph glance up at the ruins with a confused expression.

"Are we in the right place? What are we doing at the ruins of an old castle?"

Rain stepped over to one of the areas of walls that were broken, seemingly looking for something. He muttered something under his breath, and something in the wall seemed to change.

"Ah, here it is! Come quickly Joseph."

And with those words, Rain stepped through the wall like a ghost.

Joseph hurriedly followed Rain and found that the wall was actually just an illusion, and there was a doorway hidden behind it.

The door led to a long and dimly lit tunnel, but a bright light was visible at the end of it.

As the duo stepped through the tunnel, the bright light filled their vision.

Here's a shorter chapter for today.

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Revenant_Kicreators' thoughts