
Alchemist of Death

((WPC #250 Entry)) To most of the people in Lycoris, Rain was just an ordinary, somewhat talented, alchemist and wine brewer. He occasionally sold potions with effects far more effective than what was normally on the market, but other than that, he seemed completely nondescript and harmless. After all, who would expect a demon lord to own a brewery (because he enjoyed drinking on occasion), help provide adventurers with potions (to take out his rivals), obey human laws (because dealing with law enforcement was easier than dealing with heroes trying to take down demon kings), and occasionally wear feminine clothes (because why not)? Of course, like most demon lords nowadays, Rain had no intention of taking over the world. Instead, he was just focused on providing his people and kin a safe place to live. ((Kingdom Building will probably start towards the middle of the novel))

Revenant_Ki · Fantasy
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7 Chs

5 The Main Fortress

Revenar Fortress was previously known as Korith Castle.

Korith Castle used to be the summer palace of an ancient kingdom's royal family, but a rebellion wiped out the entire royal family. After the rebellion was later destroyed thanks to infighting and several traitors among the high ranking leaders of the rebellion, the castle was abandoned and fell into disrepair.

Later, Rain's former lord discovered the castle and had it rebuilt, building additional structures along the way to turn it into a fortress.

On the land surrounding the castle, they had barracks, farms, and even a market district built. There was a residential district for the ordinary citizens and their families, and the entire area was surrounded by a large wall that was built to protect everyone.

The area surrounded by the wall was known collectively as Revene City, usually called the City of Monsters by humans.

The black coach was stopped by one of the two soldiers standing by the east gate to the city. Of course, there were more soldiers that were simply out of view, in case a dangerous intruder tried to enter the city.

"Excuse me sir. Do you have proof of identity?"

Kavi, who had returned to his elderly gentleman form, hesitated with a confused expression on his normally indifferent face when he heard the soldier's words. Usually in this form, the guards could recognize him as Rain's main attendant on sight. Even if this was his master's first visit back to the fortress in awhile, most of the guards should already know them, especially with the unique mana signature imprinted on the black coach.

The dark mana imprinted on the coach was extremely heavy, but could only be sensed by other users of dark mana. Usually, this was enough for the guards to recognize the coach even if Ravi was in a different form.

Before Kavi could say anything, Rain opened the curtains to wave a hand out the window at him and spoke up.

"You must be a new guard. Will this do as proof of identity?"

He revealed in his left hand the pitch black crystal dragon that represented the identity of the commander of Revenar Fortress.

Upon seeing the token, the guard's eyes widened with surprise and fear.

The guard's partner noticed and quickly pulled him, bowing politely.

"Apologies Sir Rain. We did not realize you would be returning to the city today. If you had let us know beforehand..."

"Oh. I didn't realize I needed to report my every move beforehand."

Rain boredly waved the guards off before they could say anything further and they stepped aside to allow Kavi to drive the coach through the open gate.

As the coach entered the city bounds, it transformed back into its original appearance. The golden accents became dark, as if stained with dried blood. The lanterns transformed into humanoid skulls with glowing orbs in their empty sockets. The two black mares revealed sharpened spines and flaming eyes.

Anyways, Rain only disguised the coach to avoid trouble when traveling through human territories. In Revene City, he no longer needed it and it just became a waste of mana.

"Head straight to Revenar Fortress."

The coach continued on, the crowd of people that were flooding the streets splitting like the red sea upon seeing it.

Even if they didn't know who was in the coach, only a few extremely powerful people were allowed to ride in one. After all, night mares were extremely hard to keep in control as mounts, let alone as a pair pulling a carriage or coach.

When the coach finally arrived at the fortress entrance, Rain hopped out.

"Tell Cromwell that I'll go meet him after reporting to the lord."

Kavi nodded in agreement and Rain headed straight for the throne room where his current lord, his former lord's son, was waiting. Along the way, upon recognizing his identity, the guards patrolling the fortress would bow, then continue on their way, not stopping him.

Lord Olivir Ashthorn was a man who could only be described as a tyrant. Although he was a decent ruler towards the people he considered "ordinary" or "harmless", he was extremely paranoid about betrayers and traitors. Even the slightest bit of suspicion could cause him to turn to bloodshed.

One time, a new recruit questioned Olivir's way of doing things and also tried to spread rumors and gossip among the other soldiers of his team. According to the rumors, Olivir killed his own father, the former lord, to take over the city.

After Olivir found out, the recruit was flayed alive, while the recruit's teammates who also participated in the gossip were executed by decapitation.

And this tyrant who was also Rain's current master was seated on his obsidian throne, with an expression of boredom or perhaps displeasure on his face as he stared at Rain.

Olivir's long hair the color of gold and his piercing blue eyes gave him the appearance of an angel, but everyone who knew him or knew of him would know that he was anything but.

"Lord Olivir."

Rain raised his left hand to his chest and bowed his head towards the lord express his loyalty.

Based on previous experience, the lord would become extremely angry if the proper greeting etiquette was not followed.

Suddenly, as he was bowing, the lord raised a hand and made a gesture towards Rain.

Before Rain could react, a group of soldiers rushed to surround him, swords and spears pointed at him.

Rain is not the city lord, he's just the city lord's military advisor and the commander of a good portion of the fortress's military forces.

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