
Alchemist Of Dead

The Alchemist of Dead returns after 2000 years of imprisonment. He a finds very peculiar path ahead of him which consists of Drama, Romance, Adventure, Action and others. The man whose past is nothing but Pain and Suffering. The mission in front of him to end his suffering might cause his death but still he moves forward and fights with all he has.

Pledis_Prime · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Ch-67 Declaration of War

Rose and the others take Jaime to an Hospital Immediately

The doctors say that Jaime has to undergo A surgery

The surgery takes place for 5 hours

After the surgery the doctor talks to the others and tells that she is not stable

she is in coma due to heavy brain injury

David thanks the doctor

Rose Informs Joe about Jaime's condition

Joe tells them to be careful

Rose, Jon and David talk to each other

David-"We should Inform Sen"

Jon-"Yea we should"

Rose-"No he went to inazuma for an important mission he will come soon"

Sulthan-"This a pain now"

Jon-"AHh where did you come form"

Sulthan-"I just arrived here"

David-"Why are you here sulthan?"

Sulthan-"Sen sent me! We met when he was on his way to Ayodhya and asked me to keep and eye on you all"

Jon-"Sen did that?"

Sulthan-"Yes he did"

David-"You arrived a bit late"

Sulthan-"Yes I can see one of your team members is injured"

Rose-"Please don't tell Sen anything till he arrives"


David-"That's a good idea"

Sulthan-"I don't really know how you guys are so cool after your friend got hurt bad

I would have crashed his place"

David-"We cant really do that"

Jon-"Why though?"

David-"Dude Jaime nearly died while trying to survive 2 guys"

Sulthan-"Huh Jon if i am right follow me"

Jon-"Yes sir"

Sulthan-"We are going to crash his god damn place"

Jon takes sulthan to the Heinz building

Sulthan Breaks the door with his hammer

They both fight with the guards at the front

Slowly both of them make their way up to the top of the Heinz building

They crash the door of the apartment

They see a man relaxing in a chair in the huge balcony

Sulthan and Jon head to him

Sulthan-"So you are the Malicious Mercenary?"

Mercenary-"OH i see that you made it up here"

Jon-"What did you expect"

Mercenary-"Nothing much"

Sulthan-"You hurt their friend pretty bad"

Jon-"yeah very bad"

Mercenary-" I see but you guys started digging out about me first and my crow got angry"

Sulthan-"Your crow"

Mercenary-"so why are you here"

Jon-"We are here to beat the hell out of you"

Sulthan-"NO! He is far more stronger than us at the moment so dont even try attacking him"

Mercenary-"Oh Finally someone who acknowledges my powers"

Sulthan-"We will come back"

Mercenary-"oh don't worry i wont attack you until your leader comes to his city"

Sulthan-"SO this is your Declaration of war?"

Mercenary-"Well you can think of it like that"

Jon-"Goddamn it"

Jon and sulthan turn back to return

Mercnary-"I shall see you soon"

Sulthan-"We shall indeed"

Sulthan and Jon return to the hospital and explain what happened

David makes a report to Joe

David-"Now its all up to him"

Joe-"Yes it is"