
Alchemist Of Dead

The Alchemist of Dead returns after 2000 years of imprisonment. He a finds very peculiar path ahead of him which consists of Drama, Romance, Adventure, Action and others. The man whose past is nothing but Pain and Suffering. The mission in front of him to end his suffering might cause his death but still he moves forward and fights with all he has.

Pledis_Prime · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Ch-25 The Maslenitsa Festival

Sen and his team go to find the market once again

This time they see the market decorated with lights and flowers

Rose-"What is happening?"

Sen-"I have no idea but I guess it's some kind of festival"

Old woman-"Yes indeed it is the Maslenitsa Festival in 3 days"

The sudden voice of the woman freaks out sen and others

Free-"Holy crap! Where did you come from?"

Old woman-"Well i should ask that after you guys disappeared so suddenly i wanted to introduce you to my son!"

Sen-"Ah sorry we had some urgent work!"

Old woman-"Yes yes excuses heard a lot of them!'

Sen joins his hands

Sen-"I am really sorry for yesterday!!"

Old woman-"Anyway who is this young girl? She wasnt here yesterday?"

Sen-"Oh yeah she is a part of our crew she was sick yesterday, The motion sickness kicked in"

Rose-"Yes motion sickness"

Sen-"Anyway what's the Maslenitsa Festival?"

Old woman-" The Maslenitsa Festival is the festival we celebrate at the end of winter to celebrate its end

We celebrate the festival for a week

We bake pancakes everyday and celebrate the end of winter to welcome spring"


Old woman-"This is a very important festival so Kaiser even postponed the execution of the ayodhya guy to the last day of Maslenitsa Festival"

Sen-"He did? But why?"

Old woman-"because on the last day we burn a scarecrow made of straw and during that day the execution will take place"

Sen-"I see thanks for informing us about the festival"

Old woman laughs

Sen makes an excuse and comes out of the market with rose and free

They try to find Kakashi and the others

While trying to find them they find David alone

They approach David slowly and ask him why he was alone and where the rest of them were

David-"I have no idea i lost them"

Free-"Bro how could you lose them?"

Sen-"Just focus on finding them right now!"

They look for Jaime and Jon for hours but still couldn't find them

The team returns to the ship

Kakashi-"Finally you are back!"

Sen-"We lost Jaime and Jon"


David-"It was a huge crowd and they got lost"

Kakashi-"It's fine we can find them by tracking their rings"

Free-"Dude you put tracking devices in our rings?"

Kakashi-"Of course i did i have only 10 of those rings"

Kakshi opens up his map and trys to pin point Jaime and Jon

After a while their location is revealed

Kakashi-"Oh no!"


Kakshi-"They got caught by the local police"

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