
Alchemist Of Dead

The Alchemist of Dead returns after 2000 years of imprisonment. He a finds very peculiar path ahead of him which consists of Drama, Romance, Adventure, Action and others. The man whose past is nothing but Pain and Suffering. The mission in front of him to end his suffering might cause his death but still he moves forward and fights with all he has.

Pledis_Prime · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Ch-104 Tempest

Kazuha-"Yea i still remember about kigiri"

Sulthan-"Then you should know better than anyone that he won't get away with scaring me like this"

3 Years ago

Kigiri, Asai

Sulthan and Kazuha went on a mission to find a man in the forests of kigiri! He had a bounty on his head for murder and these two went to capture him and collect that money

Sulthan and Kazuha wander through the misty forests of kigiri

Sulthan-"Shit i can't see anything"

Kazuha-"Well there is a reason they call it the misty forest"

Sulthan-"So much for a forest in the middle of a small country"

Kauzha gives a small laugh

But in that mist they see a person wandering

Sulthan and kazuha get alert

But before they can realise the man stabs Sulthan in the stomach area and disappears into the mist

Kazuha catches Sulthan

Kazuha-"Are you all right?"

Sulthan -"Yea i am, can't you do something with your wind magic"

Kazuha-"I could Do that"

Sulthan -"Then do it for god's sake"

Kazuha uses his wind magic to disperse the mist

And as soon as the wind clears out they look at the man running

Sulthan looks at him and rushes towards him with his hammer

He jumps in the air and lands right in front of the man

The man gets scared

Sulthan hits him in the chest and the man lands on a wall

Kauzha catches up to him

Kazuha-"You must have broken some of his bones"

Sulthan-"Yeah well he deserves it"

Kazuha-"Whatever let's just take him, And by the way your stab wound?"

Sulthan-"I'm bleeding but i will be fine"

Sulthan faints as soon as he says those words

Back to the present

Kazuha-"Well you fainted and I had to take you to the hospital didn't I"


Before either of them could move Adler appears behind Sulthan with his fire fist on top of sulthans neck

Adler-"I'm sorry I tought we were fighting not gossiping"

Kazuha is suprised to see Adler and swings his blade at adlers hand

Adler Jumps back

Adler-"Next time you do that I will kill you for real"

Kazuha-"He isn't Joking"

Sulthan stands up and says "You think i don't know"

Kazuha-"Take the staff guy i will handle him"

Adler-"Oh this seems rather intresting"

Kazuha opens his arms wide and the winds start flowing towards Him

A light green aura covers him

The blade in his hand breaks apart

A blade made out of wind forms in kazuhas hand

Kauzha-"Elemental aura! Tempest!"

Adler-"If you think this will change the tide of your battle it won't"

Kauzha sends a huge wave of wind that pushes Adler away

Adler uses his fire fist to ignite the wind and sends it back to kazuha

Kazuha cuts the fire with his wind blade

Kauzha rushes Adler with the speed of wind

Adler guards himself but kazuha manages to get behind Adler and as he ties to cut him Adler uses his blade to stop the attack

Kauzha-"Flexible I see"

Adler turns around and says "Well you might have made a point but You aren't winning this one"