
Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Mana finally arrived in our world after being delayed for unknown reasons, causing the evolution of everything that had life. Humans, plants, and monsters all evolved, ushering the planet into a new era in which old laws no longer applied and the only law in the world was the rule of the jungle, where the strong preyed on the weak. It was a question of whether we, the 'rulers' of the land, would be able to maintain our position and adapt to whatever came after our planet's awakening, and if we did, was that the end? ............. Disclaimer: The 'planet' in this novel is not the same planet we are currently living on so do not use our common sense for this novel. This is pure fantasy, after all. Discord: Emmanuel_Peter203#1227 #Apocalypse #Alchemy #Magic #Weaktostrong #Romance #Superpower #System #Levelup #Action #Evolution #Adventure

Emmanuel_Peter203 · Fantasy
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462 Chs

New World Kingdoms[1]

New World Kingdoms[1]

[Ace POV],

Looking at the four a distance away who were cautiously and slowly approaching the rocky hill riddled with holes, I made my move as well, but still trailed at a distance that should be enough to remain undetected.

And because the rocky hill wasn't far from either of our locations, we didn't have to walk far to get there.

I couldn't be as close to the hill as they were because I was trailing them, so I had to keep a safe distance to observe.

While I was curious about what these people wanted in this particular rock hill, I had no expectations about what they really wanted.

Perhaps going into the lions' ...perhaps going into the earth rats' den and putting their lives in danger means what they're looking for is important, but that doesn't mean what's important to them is also important to me.

One example is the rank 1 health potion Chris obtained from his orb.