
Alchemist Chat Group

Hisashi, a very ordinary boy, is transported to the world of Naruto. His situation, however, is not the best. He does not have any power, such as Ocular Abilities or Kekkei Genkai. Everything seems to be lost until he receives a chat group that will change his situation. 『Ding! "Edward Newgate" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Goddess of Middle Two Diseases" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Mad Scientist" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Queen's Watchdog" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 Hisashi looked at these messages with amazement and happiness. "I won't have to be a civilian for the rest of my life!" a small tear left the eyes of Hisashi.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


Mad Scientist: "What a video quality! I've never seen anything like this! Is this a feature of the Dimensional Chat Group? It looks like I'm experiencing this in person!"

Mad Scientist: "But it's all a bit dark. Is this what it's like to travel?!"

Queen's Watchdog: "The light at the end of this space must be the exit. It's fascinating to be able to see what other members see!"

Primo: "Yes, that little bright spot is the exit, basically Whitebeard's world."

Primo: "I just wouldn't have expected that it wasn't an instant transfer! You need to walk for a few hundred meters before arriving there!"

After sending this message, Hisashi withdrew from the chat group. This is because he reached this "bright spot" that the chat group members talked about.

Hisashi would not have really expected that he would have to walk. Where has he ever seen a transfer where you have to walk.

Getting closer and closer, Hisashi saw clearly this "bright spot." A white vortex that continuously rotated.

Hisashi did not stop here for even a second. As soon as he entered this vortex, a strange feeling like dizziness assailed him, but it didn't last for a second that it went away.

Immediately after, warm light reached onto his face.

Hisashi recognized this light, the sun.

Finally ... the world of One Piece!

Along with this light, Hisashi smelled the salt in the air. That sea breeze that is impossible to feel in Konoha! Opening his eyes, he observed what was around him.

The first thing that he saw, for chance, it was the same white portal from which he came.

But different from him, from that portal, came out Othinus.

A little girl with long wavy blonde hair. She's wearing a really revealing dress on her body, and together with it, there is a long cloak.

If Hisashi has to say something, the style of this suit, apart from the really revealing part, looks like that of a witch, due to her pointy hair and cloak, all in a deep black color.

If there's one thing that stunned Hisashi, though, it's Othinus's face. After all, she wasn't as relaxed as he thought she would be.

Her face was slightly pale, as if she had just lost something important to herself.

Hisashi is confused; he doesn't know what happened. For this reason, he doesn't know what to do.

After a few seconds, Othinus looked up. This made both of them meet with their eyes—her green eyes with Hisashi's teal ones.

Meanwhile, all the pirates around have stood at attention, ready to attack as soon as someone does something they deem dangerous.

They've just got through a tough time, and suddenly two mysterious characters appear on their ship.

Precisely for this reason, they showed hostility and vigilance.

These two people who appeared out of nowhere are truly recognizable, their way of dressing as well as their faces.

Marco the Phoenix immediately laid his eyes on the little girl. His instincts are yelling at him that she is a monster.

Marco has never felt such a great weakness. He couldn't help but grit his teeth and with it his fists.

They managed to get on this ship without anyone noticing, which means that both are at the level of a general, no, much stronger, especially this little girl.

Hisashi opened his eyes. Seeing this crowd gathered around him, especially their fierce gaze, confused him slightly.

Suddenly, a tense atmosphere settled on the ship.

"Interesting, I never expected to see such a welcome. No one has ever dared to look up at me like this ..."

Othinus narrowed her single emerald green eye slightly. Her enchanting voice came out of her mouth. Only that, the words she said, made every single person on that ship tense even more.

After that, Othinus turned her gaze from Hisashi to Whitebeard.

Only, that if anyone were to pay attention to the expression, they might see some surprise on Othinus's slightly pale face.

This is because she is totally unable to see through this leader, unable to see anything at all.

Just as if he were a normal person, with nothing of note.

Is this the person who invited everyone to the chat group? ... Othinus must admit that he is not a simple character.

Even though Othinus has shifted her gaze, Hisashi has continued to look at her. After all, this is the first time he has seen Othinus in the flesh. He has always watched the fictional version, but now when faced with the real one, how could he not be excited?

At the same time, Hisashi is a bit worried. Did Othinus perhaps understand who he is?

However, seeing how she didn't say anything, in particular, Hisashi let it go. It's not the time to think about that.

If that happens, he can't do anything about it.

Hisashi would jump for joy should he learn that Othinus has mistaken his strength for someone so strong she can't see through.

Whitebeard, who in the meantime has remained silent to the side, has finally opened his mouth.

"Marco, Ace, everyone else, you don't have to be so nervous! They are not enemies at all. In fact, they are my old friends! I told you about them even before they came on this ship."

Hearing their father's words, each pirate on the ship immediately took off their vigilance. Whitebeard's words are absolute, after all. If he says so, it means it's the truth.

But for this very reason, they can not help but look at these two people. After all, being called "old friends" by Whitebeard is something strange.

They can't even connect the "old friends" with those two people. For this reason, they were ready to attack.

After that, Whitebeard looked at Othinus and Hisashi, respectively, to only stop above Hisashi.

"I never expected Othinus and the leader to arrive so fast on my ship!"

At the same time, Whitebeard cannot help but marvel at the youth of both!

Othinus said she lived for thousands of years. Whitebeard would have expected someone old, just like him, but he would never have expected someone so ... young, the same for the leader.

Whitebeard is really in doubt right now. If a person is powerful and has lived a long time, will they always look young?!

Otherwise, this thing can not be explained!

Othinus, looking at Whitebeard, said, "So you would be Whitebeard ..."

Whitebeard didn't argue for this direct tone at all. After all, he knows the disparity in power levels between the two now, not to mention that he can be considered a baby in front of her, both in power and age.

Hisashi also looked at Whitebeard in this way. After all, this character is too famous, everyone knows him, whether you've seen One Piece or have never seen it.

In fact, Whitebeard in front of himself is just like his animated version.

Even his symbol, his curved "beard," is the same.

One thing Hisashi has always wondered when watching One Piece is why Whitebeard calls that, beard! It's not a beard at all. It's a mustache!

Hisashi knows he's not here to joke with Whitebeard. He's here to solve a mission.