
Alchemist Chat Group

Hisashi, a very ordinary boy, is transported to the world of Naruto. His situation, however, is not the best. He does not have any power, such as Ocular Abilities or Kekkei Genkai. Everything seems to be lost until he receives a chat group that will change his situation. 『Ding! "Edward Newgate" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Goddess of Middle Two Diseases" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Mad Scientist" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Queen's Watchdog" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 Hisashi looked at these messages with amazement and happiness. "I won't have to be a civilian for the rest of my life!" a small tear left the eyes of Hisashi.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Group Announcement

Edward Newgate: "Leader? The title looks really strong! Gurarara!"

In the middle of the ocean, a whale-shaped ship stands still, showing all its splendor.

On this ship is the strongest man in the world, known as well as the infamous pirate Whitebeard. A man over six meters tall, his body is covered with injuries sustained during various fighting types.

The most peculiar thing about this giant man is all the tubes connected to his body, a sign that his physique, even if straight as a mountain and mighty, is not in its best shape.

After all, Whitebeard is a man over seventy years old.

Whitebeard was sitting on his seat, with his eyes closed, while around him, there were all those who were part of Whitebeard's pirate group, as well as his family.

Whitebeard slowly opened his eyes, yellow as the sun, symbolizing his warmth in his heart, warmth for his family.

After being opened, his eyes looked around, looked at these sons one by one, pausing for a few seconds over Portgas D. Ace, also known as Fire Fist Ace.

He noticed that none of them were baffled in any way, which means that only he can watch this "Chat Group."

However, at the bottom of his heart, Whitebeard is still mistrustful of this, but at the same time, he can't help but admire the strength of this leader. After all, connecting different worlds in a kind of conversation is something he has never heard of.

But if at the same time he is distrustful, at the bottom of his heart, he can only hope, hope that this Chat Group can offer him some chance to continue watching these reckless children of his.

He doesn't want to go before he sees their dreams come true.

Ace seems to have noticed his father's gaze. Turning around, he looked at Whitebeard as he watched him with his glassy eyes, almost full of tears.


"Ace ..."

"Are you OK?" Ace asked eagerly in his own tone of voice.

Whitebeard immediately showed a smile.

"Gurarara! Who do you think I am? I am the great Whitebeard!" Whitebeard shouted into the air, showing the most beautiful smile he could show.

Whitebeard's other sons immediately turned in the direction of their father. They, too, had various kinds of laughter facing the air.

"Hahaha, this is our Father!"

"That's right! Daddy is the strongest person in the world!"

Many voices filled Whitebeard's ears, leaving his smile in his mouth. Shortly after, he slowly closed his eyes again. The members of the large family, seeing this, gave Whitebeard room to rest. After all, his physique is something they know very well.

But hidden from each member and even from Whitebeard himself, a glance did not present that concern that the others had. His gaze was cold, calculating, a gaze that is just waiting for the right moment to attack and sink.

"Zehahaha, Daddy, you have no idea ..."

Immediately after, however, he turned his eyes and continued to observe the great ocean that surrounded the ship.

Whitebeard, instead, after closing his eyes, came back in the Chat Group again.

Goddess of Middle Two Diseases: "Strength? The group leader is definitely strong, I've lived for thousands of years, but I'm not at that level of strength at all. I can also manipulate space at will, but I can't connect two different dimensions as the leader does."

Mad Scientist: "Thousands ?!"

Goddess of Middle Two Diseases: "Is this ant scared of the idea that someone has lived thousands of years?"

Queen's Watchdog: "It's not something to be surprised about. My servant and pawn is, after all, a demon who has lived thousands of years too."

Mad Scientist: "I can't hear, blah blah blah!"

Hisashi couldn't help but show an embarrassed smile. What Othinus is saying has really embarrassed him, but at the same time, he can't help but raise a certain expectation in his heart. After all, being the leader of this group can be interesting.

Not to mention that this Chat Group will certainly feature points where you can get stronger, of that he is sure. So, without wasting too much time, Hisashi immediately began an in-depth search of the entire chat group.

Edward Newgate: "Anyway, can someone explain to me what a chat group is?"

Just when Whitebeard asked for that, an announcement came to all members. Immediately every single member put down what they were saying or doing to check.

The long list of words blinded the members.

This is precisely the announcement that Hisashi himself sent to all the members after researching the bottom of this chat group.

Every single function is essential in the long run from what he noticed, so he tried not to overlook anything, even the most 'stupid.'

In fact, in the announcement, he sent all the information without hiding one. After all, in a chat group, the first thing to do is get to have a certain relationship with the members. Of this, Hisashi is sure.

In any case, Hisashi spent almost thirty minutes just researching and writing, which he never expected to do. This means that he has taken this task seriously, even if not even an hour has passed.

The point is that each feature is unique, so Hisashi has categorized it seriously.

[Group Announcement: Explain the utilities of each feature in this "Dimensional Chat Group." Important, every member, please read carefully!

The "Dimensional Chat Group, connects various worlds with each other, and every member from these worlds has the opportunity to communicate with each other. No bad children, no questionable photos, and no fights between the members for the rules to be respected. After all, it's like being a big family now. As for the most important rule, don't provoke the leader of the group, Primo!

1) Chat Group Gifts: These are gifts that members give to a certain person in particular or share what they have sent with all the group members. But be careful that you have to be quick to take it. As for objects, everything can be sent, money, weapons, special objects, even living beings as long as they do not have an intelligence equal to the human level.

2) Chat Group Files: Each member can share photos and videos with other members.

3) Chat Group Points: Each day, each member has a chance to earn points ranging from 1 to 100 points, based on your luck. These points have many uses, so members are requested not to waste them ruthlessly.

4) Chat Group Travel: Each member, by spending a certain amount of points, has the opportunity to travel to the worlds of other members after obtaining permission from the group owner.

5) Chat Group Activities: Each time period, the chat group will trigger events in which each member can participate. This is to meet and get to know each other better so that closer bonds can be formed.

6) Chat Group Administrator: Except for the leader, some administrators have the task of managing the chat. The group leader assigns each administrator. (So ​​be good children, and maybe you can become administrators.)


Note: There is a possibility that some functions may not have been found yet. In case it is found in the future, I will modify the announcement as soon as possible, Chat Group Leader, Primo.]