
Alchemist Chat Group

Hisashi, a very ordinary boy, is transported to the world of Naruto. His situation, however, is not the best. He does not have any power, such as Ocular Abilities or Kekkei Genkai. Everything seems to be lost until he receives a chat group that will change his situation. 『Ding! "Edward Newgate" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Goddess of Middle Two Diseases" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Mad Scientist" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Queen's Watchdog" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 Hisashi looked at these messages with amazement and happiness. "I won't have to be a civilian for the rest of my life!" a small tear left the eyes of Hisashi.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Dimensional Chat Group

Konohagakure, in a small house.

A young man stood looking out the window through which a small breeze came. A rural world was located outside the window, a world that the young man was not used to. His expression compared with the people's expressions on the street walking with a smile on their mouth demonstrated this.

The boy's name is Hisashi, a 17-year-old boy. So far, so good. The problem is that he "crossed over" while watching Naruto, right in this so cold-blooded anime. A world where only the strong have the right to speak, to prove themselves.

He had a normal, average family background; his look was average too.

After the crossing, however, his appearance is not that ordinary. He has medium length light brown hair, which tends towards an ashy blonde. His hair rests softly on his shoulders. His face is soft yet serious at the same time, with his teal colored eyes that appeared to be teal sapphire.

At first, he thought that arriving in this world would be the turning point in his life. Become strong and live as he wanted, but what welcomed him was a painful fate that he could not help but accept with a bad heart.

Other people cross and become members of the Hyuga family, activating the Byakugan and evolving it into the Tenseigan. Others become members of the Uchiha family, taking the 'infamous' Sharingan as a power.

But what about Hisashi?

A normal civilian, without any noteworthy particularities.

Even though this is painful, he can't help but sigh in relief, thinking about it. After all, those with special powers are always targeted.

In this way, being normal, he runs no risks of any kind, at least so he thinks.

"This year is Konoha's 47th year. According to the development of the original plot, the following year is the day Uzumaki Naruto will be born, which is when the tragedy of the nine-tailed fox will occur in Konoha."

"Why do I have to arrive in such a bad time period?" Hisashi can't help but sigh.

Hisashi thought about what would happen in Naruto story's later years.

Suddenly the whole person felt bad.

This is pushing him above the fire pit!

He crossed to the village of Konohagakure. His eyes do not suffer from cataracts, he does not have red eyes, and he also has no bone hyperplasia symptoms.

This means he just a regular civilian. He's not even a civilian ninja as Sakura in the future, and as many others are.

Simply put, he is the absolute zero currently.

The point is, next year is Konoha's 48th year. The year when the nine-tailed fox called "Kurama" will attack Konoha.

He doesn't even know how many people will die that night.

Maybe ... maybe he will die that day too.

This thought made his whole body shiver. He immediately closed the window that overlooked one of Konoha's main streets.

He immediately went to the bedroom to lay down on his own bed.

Lying on his bed, Hisashi murmured, looking at the ceiling, "Why don't I go away from Konoha to avoid these catastrophic events? I'll wait for two or three years to come back. That way, I'll get through the hardest time."

However, as soon as this idea came up, it was immediately denied by himself.

The area around Konoha village is no safer than Konoha, at least these years!

After all, even if the war has just ended and the various ninja villages have signed peace agreements, that doesn't mean it's safe outside.

In fact, it's not safe outside at all!

It can be said that the danger is on a par with the attack of the nine-tailed fox.

After all, there are rebel ninjas who have abandoned their village, or at least other ninjas on specific missions.

When Hisashi could not help but be distressed by this idea, a line of text suddenly appeared in his mind.

He didn't notice at first, but after a few seconds, he couldn't help but notice it.

It's as if all the confusing thoughts he was dealing with at that moment have been moved to another part of his mind, leaving only that unusual line of text.

[Do you want to join the Dimensional Chat Group? Yes / No]

As soon as he saw this, Hisashi showed an expression of amazement and bewilderment.

His first reaction to this was - is there a ninja making jokes like that ?!

His second reaction was - couldn't this thing be true ?!

This line of text stayed there, fixed. It didn't matter if he tried to think of something else; it just kept staying fixed. There is no way to cancel it.

Hisashi immediately thought that only after making a choice would this text disappear.

Without thinking twice, he chose the "Yes" option.

Either way, he's just an ordinary civilian. He doesn't know ninjutsu, and he doesn't even have a Kekkei Genkai, he doesn't even have a certain noteworthy identity, just a normal family background, and a normal identity.

In this situation, a ninja can't make fun of him. It is also quite unlikely for a ninja to know about the existence of a chat group unless other people like him have reincarnated or have gone through.

So there is only a single possibility.

That this so-called "Dimensional Chat Group" ...

It is most likely true!

[Congratulations, you have successfully joined the Dimensional Chat Group and became the first member to join. Edit and set the nickname that will be visible to other users! Note: The nickname can only be changed once a month; please change it carefully!]

Can I change the nickname? "Looking" into his mind at the chat group interface, Hisashi was lost in thought ...

Since it's a nickname, I absolutely can't use my real name, Hisashi thought.

After all, it is impossible to rule out the possibility that there is another person within this chat group from this world, and in case they know him for some strange reason, then it is the end.

He is weak, too weak.

He immediately changed his name to the nickname he always used in his previous life, Primo.

"Since I can change my nickname right now, does that mean I'm not the only one in this group?"

Hisashi immediately clicked on the column that said "group members."

Not believing what was in front of him, Hisashi rubbed his eyes. Opening them, he tried to look with clearer eyes, but what was written there did not change one iota.

Hisashi is pretty sure, in this Dimensional Chat Group ... there's only one member, and that's him!

If he's the only one, what good is this chat group ?!

Hisashi has read such novels on earth or fanfiction, yet there have always been members. Why is there no one this time? Could it be that he is the most unfortunate person of all ?!

Just when Hisashi was perplexed, several messages suddenly appeared on the group's interface.

These messages immediately caught Hisashi's attention, so he checked them in less than a 'millisecond.'

[Ding! "Edward Newgate" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! "Goddess of Middle Two Diseases" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! "Mad Scientist" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!]

[Ding! "Queen's Watchdog" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!]