
Alchemist Chat Group

Hisashi, a very ordinary boy, is transported to the world of Naruto. His situation, however, is not the best. He does not have any power, such as Ocular Abilities or Kekkei Genkai. Everything seems to be lost until he receives a chat group that will change his situation. 『Ding! "Edward Newgate" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Goddess of Middle Two Diseases" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Mad Scientist" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 『Ding! "Queen's Watchdog" has joined the Dimensional Chat Group!』 Hisashi looked at these messages with amazement and happiness. "I won't have to be a civilian for the rest of my life!" a small tear left the eyes of Hisashi.

Bymo · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


Hisashi's expression immediately twisted. His mind has gone blank. He can't think of anything else.

Hisashi's face began to change colors like a rainbow, first green, then blue, to purple later.

He never expected Devil Fruit to taste like this. He has never eaten anything like it. It is as if all the foods that he hates have been united in a single point.

Remembering that he just ate a Devil Fruit, Hisashi tried to calm his stomach.

"Argh ... what a taste!"

Hisashi can't help but cry tears of pain at the mere memory of that taste.

"Whitebeard, you could have told me that that taste is all I hate most!"

Immediately "tears" of "pain" fell from Hisashi's eyes.

Sitting on one of the most famous ships in the world, Whitebeard immediately sneezed.

"Strange, I hardly ever sneeze. Is it true that getting older one is more prone to disease? Strange, I feel fine after all ..."

But he didn't think too much about it. He continued to look at the ocean that stretched far and wide before his eyes.

Only that without him expecting it, a chain reaction broke out on the ship.

"Pops is sick!"

(Did you like my d-a-d-d-y in the 3rd chapter? >:) )

"Call the doctors!"

"Oh, God!"

Chaos has descended on the ship that takes the name of Moby Dick.

Whitebeard looked at all this with a confused expression. He can't understand why all his children have been doing this, what the heck is going on.

Did they get into this mess just because of his sneeze?

"Gurarara! I'm fine, thank you for your concern, but I'm wonderful! Gurarara!"

Going back to Hisashi, as soon as he recovered, he couldn't help but feel this new power he just gained.

"What a strange feeling!"

Hisashi looked at his hands with two big eyes. He would never have imagined that, as soon as he "digested" the Devil Fruit, his body, a bit like instinct, told him how to activate this new power.

He never expected this. After all, Devil Fruits are powers that people need to understand for themselves. Look at Brook. He never knew of his power until he died.

Without thinking too much, he activated this new power.

In not even a blink of an eye, the one who came out of a horror movie appeared in this little house.

A broad, flattened body with a really shiny black coloring. Skinny legs are covered with what appear to be thorns. Also, it has small antennae positioned above the head.

Hisashi looked around until he saw a mirror. What he saw left him with his eyes open.

Without him being able to say a word, his eyes went behind him, leaving room only for the white.


Oh crap, wrong script, my bad! ...

Hisashi looked at his hands as soon as he activated this power. He can't figure out why, but he doesn't see any power being activated or power with special effects.

He immediately got his hands in his hair. He can't help but think that his Devil Fruit is like Brook's.

"What the hell do I do now!"

But just then, Hisashi understood the structure of his hair, something he never imagined to know.

This has done nothing but confusion to his mind. After all, knowing the composition of things? What will he do, an alchemist?

"Wait for a second..."

As soon as he thought of the word "alchemist," Hisashi's expression almost lit up with immense.

If that's what he thinks it is, this fruit is something monstrous. Its potential is something the others could never imagine.

Without thinking about anything else, he took some chopsticks made entirely of wood. The composition immediately appeared in his mind. Taking a knife, he touched the metal part with his fingers, the same happened.

"As I thought..."

Hisashi's expression could only get brighter and brighter.

Hisashi immediately after touched the chopsticks again, as if by instinct, a process that was not even clear to him followed.

Between adrenaline, excitement, and the beginner's luck, Hisashi has entered a state of trance.

From the point where he touched, the chopstick's material started to deform. Instead of wood, a metal appeared, replacing a part.

Only now that that process was over, Hisashi regained "consciousness."

Looking at this result, Hisashi is delighted. He understood what just happened, just as he fully understood the power of this fruit he just ate.

It is the fruit that allows one to possess the skills of an alchemist.

That's right, Alchemy.

An ancient mystical art that allows the person to manipulate and alter the material. This art is then divided into three main points: comprehension, deconstruction, and finally, reconstruction.

This did nothing but remind him of what alchemy at the highest levels can do.

It allows to manipulate concepts, energy, every form of matter, transform it, destroy it—basically everything.

Hisashi can not help but imagine himself reaching those levels.

Immediately after, Hisashi slapped himself on the cheek, a bit as if to recover. This thing is in the future. He can't even transform chopsticks, already thinking about creating life?

Hisashi can't help but join the chat group. He would never have imagined receiving such a fruit. For this reason, he must absolutely thank Whitebeard.

But at the same time, he can't help but imagine where this fruit originally went. After all, no one has ever shown a fruit related to alchemy. This only means one thing, and that is that it was lost sometime in the future.

Primo: "I hop in!"

Primo: "@Edward Newgate, thanks for this. The power I got is exceptional. I never expected it."

Whitebeard, who was drinking some wine, heard the sound of a bell in his head. Without thinking twice, he entered the chat group with his own consciousness and saw the leader's message, Primo, who thanked him.

Edward Newgate: "Gurarara! Don't worry about that."

Mad Scientist: "What power is it?"

Primo: "Alchemy related Devil Fruit."

Mad Scientist: "Alchemy ?! The science that allows you to transmute everything into gold ?!"

Primo: "Yes, that's it."

Goddess of Middle Two Diseases: "Interesting, Alchemy can, after all, mold the world to their own liking. In fact, my abilities can be compared to alchemy to its full stage."

Hisashi, after saying this, left the chat group. After all, dinner time has arrived, and he needs to eat too.

But throughout the cooking process, he couldn't help but keep a smile on his mouth. He is too satisfied. Precisely for this reason, he cannot calm down.

It's like when you get excited about something and can't control yourself, always with a smile fixed on your face; Hisashi is feeling this. Although he would like to return to a serious look, this experience has been too strong for him. If he doesn't control himself, Hisashi feels he might laugh without care about anything.

I have a question for those who read my story. What do you think if, for a miss of words from Hisashi, the members realize that the leader knows them, who they are, or at least their situation?

Bymocreators' thoughts