
Alchemist Amongst Gods

How he got there, the memory of his death a blur but despite that was glad to be in the Danmachi world the only thing left for him was to rise, go on adventures and experience his new life. This is my first fanfic here sorry the first chapters are a bit rough but I'm improving. I hope you give this a try and give me a fair review.

LesserCodex · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

A day of clarity


On this beautiful morning, Moby did what he knew best: staying inside his home, training against the Jack bird. He was sure he improved slightly more, his movements more fluid and could see at certain times the damn green blur.


It appeared behind him, about to strike, when he twisted his body, forcing it to move back.

"Nice try, bitch," he grinned and dashed. This would be the routine for every morning until he could catch the damn thing.

Outside in the main area, Hestia sat down, her face in a frown. She had asked Bell if he wanted to go out and explore the city for a bit, but he refused.

"Stupid Bell," she mumbled, 'why won't he look at me like that?'

She was taken out of her thoughts when Moby entered the room. "Morning Hestia."

Having returned from a nice bath, he put on something simple since he wasn't going to the dungeon today, unlike Bell, who he believed was addicted to adventure.

"Hestia, can I get my Falna updated today as well?" He asked if he wasn't sure if it was necessary to do it daily or weekly.

The short goddess shrugged. "You can, but it would be better to do it after you feel some real growth. Also, I don't want to prick my finger every day."

Moby nodded. It was probably best not to make her do that so much at the same time he watched the short goddess sigh, having nothing to do.

"Cough, Hestia, heading to the tower to go shopping. Do you wanna join me?" he averted eye contact, flushing slightly.

'Is he asking me out?' her face turned smug at his flushed expression before he calmed down, but there was nothing for at the moment rather than wait till the comeback to make dinner for them.

"Mn okay let's go!" She jumped, her breasts jiggling with them. How those things stood up would sadly be the only mystery he will never solve.

Both got dressed in something more suitable: a long purple dress and Enki something more fitting for an outing.

"Hey, Hestia, can I ask what you know about my alchemy skill? Are there others like me in Orario?"

Hestia stiffened slightly before letting out a small chuckle. "Alchemists with the power to do things mages can without mana. There were alchemists in Orario, a familiar dedicated to them specifically, but now most are gone, in hiding or the Freya familia."

"What?" Moby's eyes opened. How did she not say anything? As if reading his mind, she chuckled further at his expression.

"I'll tell you more about that, but what are we looking for in the tower?"

He wanted to pry into the history but her smug looked told him she was going to love torturing him, "sigh, fine I'm looking for books on alchemy, potion making and forging, but now that you've said alchemy exists and there was a guild on that then do you know if we can find any books on my skill?"

Touching her chin she hummed, "forging and crafting are mostly done by the Hephaestus familia, and she doesn't let anyone have the books to learn their crafts, for potion making or alchemy related to that I'm sure we can find something on the higher floors but Miach might help if I ask him."

"The Miach familia isn't potion-making their purpose?"

"Hehe yeah but he's nice, if you see him greet him," she smiled.

"Cool," he nodded as they made their way up the tower. They browsed some shops but nothing important caught their eye. They kept on going.

"So... when are you going to tell Bell, no offence but seeing a non-existent romance is killing me," he looked to the side, 'now I know how that Jackbird feels.'

Puffing her cheeks, she countered with a light punch, "what do you mean? He loves me," she patted her chest proudly.

Rolling his eyes, he chuckles, 'sure, that's why he refused to share a bed with you.'

He said nothing, but Hestia read his thoughts, and although she hated it, he had a point.


Hestia looked down flushing, "hungry, are we? Ah, there's a food stall nearby. Let's grab a bite."

He was quick and pulled her along by the hand, "excuse me, sir, what do you offer here?" A man in an apron turned and smiled, offering them two seats. He handed a menu and turned back.

"Hm, what should we get, oh bread, meat and bread?" he looked down at the special before letting her speak, ordering two portions of it.

"You don't have to. I'm fine," she looked down.

"If you were, you would've asked to eat and relax," he flashed a warm smile at her.

Soon the meals came. It was flatbread and meatballs with a sauce like a dumpling, 'weird but delicious.'

He watched her eat it all in one go. "Do you think Bell would take me out like this?"

"Hm? I'm not a therapist, Hestia, nor a replacement, though that last bit has nothing to do with us enjoying the meal. That is until you brought him up. Seriously, is he all you think about?"

This was a legitimate question he had with the goddess, though she lived for so long had she never been like this before?

She patted her cheeks ordering seconds, "see you're not you when you're hungry better?" His hand moved by instinct, patting her head.

"Hey stop that I'm the one meant to pat you!"

"Oh, you can reach me short stack?" He grinned, bursting into small laughter.

Hestia's eye twitched before going to punch him repeatedly, feeling more like playful tapping. After a third plate, both left feeling satisfied. They kept on browsing and found a book on smithing and potion-making for dummies.

He took a quick skim. They had little, but he still took it.

"I can try to get Hephaestus to help teach you about forging, ah... no never mind it wouldn't work," she looked down, frowning, "in fact, she wouldn't want to be anywhere near you maybe, but. No."

She shook her head. "Is there a reason she wouldn't want to see me?"

"It's not you personally, but that you're an alchemist. I'm sure you know about her eye patch," that was all she said with s solemn look. Without a second, he easily saw what she meant and didn't push any further.


Despite the sour ending, they still had a pleasant time. Unknowingly from a crystal ball, a silver-haired goddess was watching them, too. Her eyes lingered on Moby's smiling face.

"So special, so unique. ah Hestia, why do you have the best luck as an alchemist too~ I can't wait to take you for myself, both you and Bell." Her silver eyes shined with a greedy glint, rubbing Moby's reflection in the crystal ball.

"But you're taking things slowly hm I need to see your soul shine in battle, your expressions when you're backed against a wall," she held herself, shivering.

"I can't wait to see how you struggle."


[Hestia Church]

"Ah," both sighed, returning home, "this was nice, Hestia. I'm gonna train with the Jackbird and maybe then Bell will come back."

The goddess wished him luck and went to relax on a couch. 'This was nice.' She looked out the windows of the church, her mind focused on Bell and what she was going to do.

Meanwhile, in the taming room.

"Hello bitch," Moby greeted the green rooster. It stood up out of its nest, scratching the floor with its talon. It was looking forward to scratching him up. Moby got into a stance, ready to catch this bird.



Hours go by of a painful game of tag and wall bashing and Bell finally returned from his dungeon dive. Moby also left the room after feeding the Jackbird's food and water pen, looking more roughed up than Bell.

-Scratch -Scratch

"Seriously, its talons are like a poison I'm burning alive here!" He hurried to the storage, downing a potion to get rid of the light scars. It didn't lessen his burning sensation, and for that, he needed a bath.

Good thing too, because it was getting late. The group hung out to know each other some more. And eventually went to sleep.

While Moby was sprawled across him in a blissful dream.


"Fireball! Fireball! Bwahahaha, burn all of you! Hahaahaha!" He launched endless fireballs, burning everything in sight.

"I am the ender of the world Ba-fucking-hamut!"


"Mn~" he had the most joyful smile on his face. Yes, a beautiful dream "no mercy...."

Besides his wonderful dream, the night had other plans as Hestia woke up and walked to Bell's room. She stopped at the door, taking a deep breath before knocking.

A good chapter I think? Let me know in the comments and see ya next week.

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