
Alastor in the Multiverse *Restart*

This is a very Gentle RESTART! In Earth there are two words with two different meanings with two phrases Bad Luck and Good Luck People say "Karma is a Bitch" when they have bad luck People Also say "Good Luck is on My side today" when they have Good luck For Nichimura's Case. He has both Good and Bad luck Good because he passed the semester Bad because he died while watching the midnight Fireworks in Tokyo. Well Shit The God/Goddess pity him so she him. She felt sorry for him so she gave him three choices to enjoy two choices will not make Nochimura Enjoy but the last wish. Follow the (Restarted) Journey of Nichimura Nichina olaying Alastor because fuck it why not? You can follow him and bash shit in the comments but I don't care You can follow him for comedy but I don't care This is purely imagination and fucking friction so don't be serious Also Like this story or a Female version of Alastor will come at your bed at Midnight to 3 AM. GOOD LUCK! And Stay Safe! Also Pic not mine and Any Characters except OCs

Daoistmaster · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

The Noble Princess

Day one

It wasn't exciting to start a Journey

Nichimura doesn't know how to start a conversation more likely he doesn't like conversation that doesn't have any related subjects. He is more fond with Kimura talking about RPG and MMORPG games then talk shit about him for using a Crusader loadout without the proper equipment to use the crusader load out

Day Two

"Let's start a conversation. To liven up the mood a bit." Xie Ju said

"Agreed I think my mind is going numb without someone talking for a day" (Dong Ai)

"So what are we talking?" (Masaru)

"Let's talk about ourselves. First starting of with master. You help this bi- I mean miss Dong Ai breakthrough many many levels and now she is currently at Immortal Monarch." When Xie Ju said what realm Dong Ai. Masaru was shocked because she was first at the Extreme State in the Mortal realm then she made a breakthrough and became a Nirvana Martial while fighting Masaru in the fighting Tournament

And after that fight, Masaru knows that she will breakthrough the Immortal Realm

In just two in a half months she already broke through the Immortal realm and became a fucking Immortal Monarch while Masaru wasn't looking?

'Now that's what I call cheating through the heavens.' Nichimura thought to himself. He is the first one to notice Dong Ai being at Immortal Monarch

He made a training potential check that checks someone's potential

Once he checked Dong Ai, her full potential is just [Saint]. Just that

But No. Masaru gave her that "cursed" Good Luck Pendant and once he checked one more time her fucking potential just went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick

He did this while drinking Coffee and he just choked on his drink seeing that her full freaking potential is at


Why's this "Cursed" Good Luck Pendant only work on her but not Me (Nichimura)?

Somehow Nichimura had veins appearing on his forehead but control anger Nichimura. Don't brake character


God....... What sort of loopy land did we just enter?!

"Dong Ai..... Why didn't you tell me this?" Masaru ask and wanted to know answers

Dong Ai somehow nervously replied "Uhh..... Well..... I don't know Master will feel my Immortal Qi energy. And the reason I got to the Immortal Monarch stage is that you books you sent me. The spear techniques made me at this level."

"Well I expected that if I gave you those books you would probably break through the Immortal Realm and be an [Immortal Human]. My expectations are beyond when Xie Ju said you are now at the [Immortal Monarch]! I underestimated my expectations about you Dong Ai." Masaru said while massaging his head trying to process. How many techniques did he just give to her?

"Xie Ju, how can you tell that she is alread a [Immortal Monarch]? What stage are you?" (Masaru)

"My stage is [Immortal Monarch]. I can tell what stage that is above mine. Though I'm jealous master, why didn't you give me anything to cultivate?" The fox woman cutely pouted at Masaru

"Uhh... Well you are the recent one to join in. A-a-and because I don't what type of specialty you do. So I don't know what type of technique that is suitable for you." (Masaru)

"Well I'm good at seducing men~." She said flirting with Masaru and somehow Dong Ai got her Yandere switch automatically opened

"Damn Vixen! Don't you ever come near my master!" She threatened Xie Ju

"Ohh~? How aggressive are you to be the student of Master Masaru. You know he will not like it if we both fight?" She said and both look like they are ready to fight in the car

'Guuuuys! Don't fight in the fucking caaaaar! I am driving safe in this cursed dirt road!' (Nichimura)

"Ehh. Well anything good except seducing guys?" (Masaru)

"Well I am very fast so I am formidable at light and heavy offensive attacks." (Xie Ju)

"What type of weapon do you usually use to attack?" (Masaru)

"Well I am quite good in swordsmanship. And my usual weapon is a medium size sword." (Xie Ju)

"So a swordsman type huh? Well I think it's pretty easy to give you techniques I could think of."

"Ohh! I forgot. Dong Ai! I will give you a very special spear. I am sorry that I broke your spear when we are fighting in that fighting tournament." (Masaru)

"There's nothing to be sorry, Master. But I humble decline the offer to have a new spear from Master." Dong Ai rejected the offer

"Just think of it as a gift from me then we are even." (Masaru)

"Well... Then accept it." Dong Ai smiled

"Good. I will give it to you once we arrive at the capitol." (Masaru)

Nichimura sighed in relief that they didn't fucking fight in the car

"Also you asked about my personal life right? Well everything is that you don't wanna know. The only thing that you will know is that me in Nichi have been friends for a long time. Including the likes of Yoko and Kim." (Masaru)

Skipping Day 3

They have arrived at capitol

Honestly the guards at the Gate don't know what they are doing because a black box like thing is approaching fast.

They find it doesn't have any malicious intent but why is it speeding through here?

Once the black box like object come near. It has wheels and such that they thought it was a magical carriage. But where's the driver and the passenger?

Once the black box got near to the gate and suddenly stopped

One of the Guards got nervous but was forced to get near it

Once he got near to the Driver seat area

The black window that is covering every angle suddenly rolled down

"Sup." Just a classic response Nichimura. Or he did what Kakashi did Naruto, the Sup move

"Uhh... C-can I know w-what is your purpose on visiting Xianxu City?" The guard asked nervously because he is not the only one who got bombarded by the pressure that Xie Ju and Dong Ai is showing

"Just a friendly visit." He smiled politely "Noting unusual. I'm just the "drivier" of these three right here. And-" he then looked at the back

"These two fairies (I read a bunch of CH Novels and they this word to women that are very beautiful) right here are scaring you right?" Nichimura asked. Expecting a nod from the Guard

The guard doesn't want to be suspicious. I mean, these two at the back are beautiful fairies! And they are at a higher relam than them! Surely they are a bunch Immortals. But why can't he feel Qi energy from the people at the front?

So the Guard shook his head denying that his is not getting "scared" by the two fairies

"*Sigh* Maz! Fix it!" Nichimura demanded

Masaru then looked at both of them

"Xie Ju-san, Dong Ai-san. Would you not please?" (Masaru)

Xie Ju and Dong Ai got the message and they stopped emanating Pure Qi on the Poor Guard

The Guard sighed in relief

"I'm sorry that they acted that way. They are not disciplined yet." Masaru apologizes the Guard who is still sweating bullets

"N-no it's nothing." The Guard reassure. Did he just ordered these two to behave? God it's just my 4th day of the Job

"So are we permitted to go in? Do I have to sign some papers or Money?" (Nichimura)

"Oh Yes right! You have to pay at least 20 gold Coins. Nothing else. Senior." The Guard said

Nichimura went blank for a second and closes the window to discuss

"What does a spirit stone look like?" Nichimura asked Maz in Japanese

"I don't know? A stone shape very rainbowy color? And emanates a small or big amount of Qi? You pick." (Masaru)

Nichimura thinks for a second and then he starts to imagine what a spirit stone actually looks like

He then materializes a high-grade spirit stone

"Is that a spirit stone?" Dong Ai asked

"Yup." He then opens up the window again "Do you accept spirit stones, sir? I don't any gold coins in me so I really need to exchange some in a bank or something." He then shows the spirit stone

The Guard and the others who is spectating all went somewhat pale to Nichimura's observation

'By the Immortals! This is a very high-grade spirit stone! It's worth around 5000 gold coins! But this spirit stone is twice that amount! Mama come pick me up I'm scared!' the Guard thought to himself. He is in front of Experts!

"S-senior. This amount... Is too much.... Is there anything that can be exchange?" The Guard Asked

"I don't have any, Sir. This is what is in my pocket. Can we go in? I think we're holding up the line here." He said as he looked behind the car and there is a line of carriages

The Guard saw this and didn't hesitate to take the High-grade spirit stone

"Y-you may go in, seniors and fairies. P-please enjoy your stay in Xianxu city!" Then the Guard signals the other guards to open the gate

The Gate slowly opens up al

"Thanks M8! OK bye!" He then makesthe Car move forward suddenly making a slight screeching sound because of the tyres

Time skip

Nichimura and the rest exited the Car and Nichimura kept the car in his spacial storage

Small Time Skip

They have found another Inn. A luxury-class five star Inn. Nichimura purchased four Luxury-level rooms for 20 gold per hour. Nichimura gave another High-grade Spirit stone. So their time will be increased to roughly uncountable

Each of these rooms had a kitchen. But Masaru is too lazy to cook or most likely doesn't know how to

"You useless Cunt. Why am I the only one that knows how to cook better food that You, Kim, and Yoko?" (Nichimura)

"It's because you are the only guy in our cooking class group that knows how to fucking cook delicious food!" (Masaru)

"*Sigh* Well you are gonna come with me to buy food! You are extremely picky so why not you choose. Sumbitch." (Nichimura)


"No fucking buts. Why am I too you? You mum? You're mom is not even worse than my Big Sis!"

"Ok" Masaru agreed in defeat

10 minutes later

"Dong Ai! Xie Ju! Me and Nichi-kun will gonna buy food. So you can do whatever you guys want after I'm gone. Just don't reck anything that is deemed "valuable"." Both Dong Ai and Xie Ju nodded

Time skip

Them both are now in Xianxu's Marketplace. To be honest it's very big here

At the Meat section of the Marketplace

"Fish, Fish, Fish, Fish, Fish! So many goddamn fish!" Masaru exclaimed

"Mate it's a Wucia word. So you rarely see Beef or Pork being displayed here. Besides, what's wrong eating fish?" (Nichimura)

"But I hated fish. Also I'm scared of them." He slowly muttered the last part

"What like Asmodeus from Welcome to Demon School? Bro really? Kimura is more scared of Squid than fish!" (Nichimura)

"But you are scared of spiders!" (Masaru)

"That's what you fucking call "Arachnophobia" you dumb bitch!" (Nichimura)

"But still-" his words stopped as Nichi and Maz saw a bunch of people crowded

"What's going on?" Masary asked himself

"Is thwre a change of price of Fish?" (Nichimura)

Them both go towards the the scene

But the crowd was too many sotehy don't know what is going on

But Nichimura is very good at eavesdropping so he heard some words

"Look! It's Yi Jianhong! Future patriach of the Yi Family and a rising superstar of Xianxu!" Someone said

"Wait? Is that Li Zan? Future patriarch of the Li clan?" Another said

"Look it's fairy princess Fang Liuxian!"

"Are Li Zan and Yi Jianhong trying to please fairy Fang Liuxian? I think it's gonna be harder to please her"

All these things that they said. Aren't very interesting

Just to high rank Noble boys trying to please the princess of the empire. Nothing to exciting just a classic thing not only in Isekai worlds but Wuxia worlds

Nichimura just soghed and goes back to the fish stalls

"Where are you going, Nichi-san?" (Masaru)

"It's nothing interesting there, Maz. Just *sigh* something that I don't want to be part in." Nichimura replied

He was observing what fish they are and look what we got here?

'Holy shit! It's a fucking Salmon! How in the world that there is a Salmon fish in the middle of a Wuxia world? Surely there would be fantasy type fish but Why is there a fucking Salmon that is displayed?' he was shocked. Never gonna believe that there would be a Salmon fish in a Wuxia World

"Ohh! A fellow customer! You must be new here eh? You got a new face here. This fish right you are looking at is a Red Dragon scale fish! It is caught in the northern part of the Demon continent! They are very rare you know and hard to catch so the price is expensive! So how many do you need, very kind a Gentle customer? Also I only have 20 Red Dragon Scale fish left" The vendor asked

"*Slam!* I'll take your entire stock!" He then slammed a bag of Spirit stones

The vendor looked into Nichimura's and was shocked to see 50 Middle-grade spirit stones

"W-what? Dear Customer, the fish only sells at 1 Low-grade spirit stone. And you said you will take all no? That would be 20 Low-grade spirit stones! Not 50 middle-grade Spirit stones!" (The Fish Vendore)

"Keep the change!" Nichimira demanded. Why he is like this? Well he just loved to cook Salmon and it very rare for her Big Sister to buy Salmon in the Groceries in his old world

"O-ok." The Vendor was just dumbfounded. Well he made fortune!

Masaru somehow came "Yo Nichi-kun. What are you buying?" He asked

Nichimura pointed at the fish he is buying

Masaru was a little bit shocked because he just saw a Salmon on sale. In a fucking Wuxia world

"Salmon?" (Masaru)

"No! "Red Dragon Scale Fish"." (Nichimura)

"Well that is a long name. Why?" (Masaru)

Nichimura then whispered to Masaru

"I somehow used appraisal. And of course it's a Salmon but they call it a Red Dragon Scale fish because of the fish's scale color. They are being catched in the northern part of a Demon Continent. Of course it would be dangerous to cathch these because there are bears! But what monsters who likes eating Salmon here?" Nichimura whispered

"Uhuh." Masaru nodded

Then the three noble people earlier came

"Hey! Fairy Liuxan! Can I buy you your favorite fish?" The Guy that has brown hair is Yi Jianhong.

"Yeah! I will buy you many of your favorite Fish, Fairy Liuxan!" The guy in Golden hair that is very rare to see an asian, specifically China has blonde hair is named Li Zan

The Beautiful Girl that is between these two has White hair, and a beautiful body is named Fang Liuxian

"Oh really? My father didn't buy any of those. Well I accept your offer." Fang Liuxian said

"But what is your favorite fish to eat?" Them both asked

"It's a fish called the "Red Dragon Scale Fish. I think you two can afford it." (Fang Liuxian)

The Two young masters then looked around if any fish stalls that has the Red Dragon Scale Fish that is on sale

Now they saw Nichimura and Masaru holding at least 10 pieces each of them in a bag

Yi Jianhong and Li Zan swiftly goes towards Nichimura and Masaru

"I'll be taking that thank you!" Yi Jianhong tried to snatch the bag from Masaru but failed

Li Zan did the same but Nichimura being 7 foot tall he just raised his hands up. Aslo do they really wanna fight a guy that is taller than them?

"What are you doing!?" Yi Jianhong arrogantly said

"NO! What the fuck are YOU two fucking doing hueh? Tryin' to snatch the fucking fishes WE FREAKING BOUGHT? You entitled arrogant Cunt!" Nichimura is superbly angry

One time where Masaru witness this. He was with him and his sister buying fish. When the store owner announced that the Salmon is out of stock. He silently got angry

But seeing someone stealing his favorite dish is something you don't wanna do

Especially being that he is a 7 foot monster or a Quick-to-be-angered secret Reality Warper

Masaru is hearing some words from the forming crowd

"I can't believe that this mortal is provoking one of the future patriarchs!"

"Yep. He's dead for sure."

Masaru just shrugged. Being the most "Pacifist" in the group he is just gonna watch this scene unfold. Besides Nobody would actually fight Nichimura even in his old world

Look! The beautiful princess is enjoying this argument!

"Wha? How dare you! Are you looking for death?" Li Zan said

"No! Are looking for an ass whooping you piece of useless shit that came from a fucking cum dump of a bitch!" Masaru just silently oofed there and Fang Liuxian was surprised by Nichimura's remark

Li Zan clenches his fist "O say this again. Hand over those fish you have "brought" and we will be on our way. Or else I'll make your life hell." He threatened Nichimura who just snickered

"It already is!" He then fixed his long sleeves and clenched his fist

"Well you leave me no choice. COURTING DEA- GUAAHCK!"

Somehow Nichimura didn't finish what he said but of course he knows what he will gonna say

Nichimura punched him square in the face knocking him to the ground

"H-hey I wasn't even gonna finish what I'm about to say!" Li Zan shouted

"*Mocking* F you m8. Saying courting death in front of me will not fucking work and stop with that shitty cliche shit! Dumb fuck!" (Nichimura)

Li Zan slowly gets up and then he emanated a lot of Qi

"I'm in the 9th level of [Saint]. How dare you look down on me puny mortal!" (Li Zan)




















"Yeah yeah sure. Go full on God mode. Nah that wont work against me. Try do a full strength punch." He said confidently

"So this is your desth wish? Very well." He then charges up to Nichimura full force

"He is dead"

"Defined Dead"

"Should've kept your mouth shut."

"This is interesting." Fang Liuxian said in facination


Li Zan landed a hit into Nichimura's chest



The smoke cleared


"No way!?"

"How in the world?!


Many spectators are in disbelief

How did Nichimura survived that?

"You done?" (Nichimura)

"Wha?" Li Zan was confused

"As I said. Make your punch with your full strength. What was that baby shit move? As if was just touched rather than being punched. You have to try a little bit harder to punch me." Nichimura said

"Don't look down on me!" Li Zan shouted then did another powerful punch

"*BAM!* God *BAM!* Why *BAM!*"

Nichimura was repeatedly punched over and over again. Still to no affect

"*Sigh* I will teach you what a real punch is." He then dodges Li Zan's attack then was uppercutted and was sent flying to the Air

Nichimura then used his super jump and kicked Li Zan's back mid air

Li Zan landed on the ground hard

Yi Jianhong saw this as a perfect chance to attack him and did a sneak attack

To no fucking avail Nichimura saw this cliche sneak attack then he elbowed his stomach so hard that he was also sent flying through the Air then Nichimura did the same thing like Li Zan

Yi Jianhong landed next to the unconscious Li Zan

Surprisingly Yi Jianhong wasn't unconscious

*Coughing* "How are you still alive!?" Yi Jianhong demanded

"By the power of not giving a fuck I am stronger than you witty shits. Now. What type of fucking people are you to fight over a fish?" Nichimura asked but Jianhong didn't answer

Nichimira was still angry and stressed so he kicked Yi Jianhong's face. Knocking him out cold

"This is just a quarter of my power. If I used all of it. You both delinquents would be dead in seconds! Now. I will take my leave. Thank you for your "entertainment"." Nichimura said as he signaled to Masaru that they are leaving

The princess on the other hand

She was entirely impressed by the scene. No shocked

This the first time that a person stands up for themselves to Yi Jianhong and Li Zan. Considering they both are the sons of the teo Dukes

'How interesting. These two people, I mean this tall person easily beaten up these two idiots up like it was nothing. Jianhong, Zan and I are currently in the 9th stage of the [Saint] level. Maybe these two are hiding their true powers? I must asked!' she then approaches to Nichimura and Masaru

"Hello! May I talk to you for a second?" She asked then suddenly she was bombarded by strange aura

She forgot that Nichimura was still angry

"What?" Nichimura said with an serious but angry tone

"May I ask what are your names are?" Fang Liuxian asked

"Really? If I remember are you with those two bigots? Why are you asking our names huh? Are you gonna tell our names to their fathers? Heh! I like to see them try!" (Nichimura)

'His strength I think is way above my level. Maybe he is a Secret and rare Experts fromtl the Immortal planes? I must know!' Fang Liuxian thought to herself "I will not gonna tell your names. I promise." She smiled politely

Masary spoke Japanese "Yo Nichi-kun. I think you alone can just wiped the floor easily no? I am just here to buy food. AND train by two disciples to be stronger. Not to mess around. I can mess around a bit but not too much. I am OK for her to tell our names."

Nichimura crossed his arms and also spoke japanese "OH really huh? Well I just want you to see how good is your teaching skills, "Master Maz"."

"Just do it Nichi-sama! I don't care. I can also wipe the floor easily because you know. I am currently GOJO SATORU right now! So just tell her man. I don't care." (Masaru)

"*Sigh* fine!" He then looks at Fang Liuxian "My name is Nichimura Nichina. Just call me Nichi because both of them have the word "Nichi" in them. I am 20 years old. Born in Kyoto, Japan. Grew up in Tokyo, Japan." He introduced himself (I searched in google "Nichi" means Sunday. It's a noun)

"My name is Masaru Ito! Nichi-kun and the others call me Maz in short! So call me Maz." Masary also introduced himself

'These names are very word and very foreign. Are they foreigners? Most importantly their names sounded very noble. Having both Nichi is very weird. Maz? Is that a nickname?' Fang Liuxian was bombarded by a lot of questions

Nichimura then crouch down and summons a plastic bag

He then puts five Salmon in the Plastic bag

"Here." Nichimura gave the five Salmon to Fang Liuxian that was confused by his actions

"What are you doing? And why?" Fang Liuxian asked

"I heard that you love Salm- i mean Red Dragon Scale Fish. So why not sharing five to you?" (Nichimura)

"You are giving me these? Are you trying to flirt with me?" She asked

"If I say yes, that's a lie. If I say no then that's true. Besides. I like people who love to eat the Red Dragon Scale fish. I love this fish and that is why I cook my favorite dishes with these fishes. Also the flirting part. That is whacky nonsense, girl. Don't try to go straight. Paths are just wonky as hell so don't go to straight. Now I will take our leave. We told you our names, i gave you the fish. Then what? If nothing then we will be on our way now." Nichimura suddenly turned back and is walking away. Literally going with a huff

"Sorry miss Fang. Nichi isn't like this. Well he IS polite but not friendly. I'm sorry for waisting your time." He then did a 90 degree bow

Masaru also left

Now Fang Liuxian is left by a bunch of spectators. And a Unconscious Yi Jianhong and Li Zan

"*Sigh* These idiots!" She lightly kicked the two of them for provoking a person that is so strong as hell and nearly was killed by them

'I meet these two again! I'm sure!' she promised herself

Meanwhile Nichimura

Awkward Silence~

"*Sigh* Yo, Nichi-san?" (Masaru)

"What?" (Nichimura)

"Since ugh.... Since when and what type of person are you to get so angry by someone who just nearly steal a bunch of fish?" (Masaru)

"Oi! These two are arrogant Young Masters! If I tell the guards this story they wouldn't do two shits of an action they did! They wiuld just let them steal the fucking Salmon! I mean I love to eat Salmon. And they say it's expensive. Sure! I know they are a little bit expensive but hell! It's worth it!" (Nichimura)

"I surely doubt that's what Yoko would probably say when his favorite food was stolen. And I say this again. I am just hear to teach my students." (Masaru)

"Since when did you became a teacher?" (Nichimura)

"Nichi. How in the world you manage to teach 40+ people to pass the exam back in our world? Even I given up easily when you try to teach me complex fucking math! I mean I like teaching people fighting techniques to defend themselves or more. Not giving knowledge." (Masaru)

"Well! You are good in Biology because thats your main favorite subject. So that doesn't count on "Not Giving Knowledge". Besides. I like beating people up without in trouble." (Nichimura)

"Are you useing the Self Defense technique?" (Masaru)

"Yup! "Let the enemy strike first so you will look like you are the one defending. Then steike back so that counts as Self defense.". It surely works wonders! I don't know why you and Yoko-kun don't want to use that method?" (Nichimura)

"Well it doesn't work for us. The method only did work on you because you're a fast puncher, fast at reacting and has a powerful kicking power. Yoko is tall enough that he only uses his feet in most fights. Me on the other hand, I am like a Heavy hitter. Like a tank successfully penetrated another tanks armor. So I mostly do heavy punches." (Masaru)

"Huh? I don't understand?" (Nichimura)

"It means that you are fast, Yoko uses the high ground, me is a heavy hitter. That's why our strength combined would just be a slaughter." (Masaru)

"Aye. You already know me. I'm quick tempered. And even I agreed that I myself is a Hot Tempered Idiot." (Nichimura)

"Just- *sigh* Come on. Let's go home. I am hungry and maybe Xie Ju and Dong Ai too are hungry. Also it's getting late." Masary said as Nichimura saw its almost gonna be night time

"Yeah your right." They both go to the Inn. Nichimura cooks sushi and some Chinese dishes he knows how to cook. Masaru only ate pork because he doesn't like eating fish even sushi

Then the next day the fighting tournament is about to start again!

To be continued

Next Chapter "Is this the start of a Misunderstanding Story?"

Author note: hello!

You notice there is the word "M8", "Cunts", "Bigots"

Well because I left parts of the chapter to my British friend because I am sure. He is good at making comedy. even though he doesn't know where the fuck is the plot going

So enjoy :D

As Nichimura said. Paths are wonky as Hell. So does the plot. Sorry I don't have any ideas on what plot I am hoing to give. So I may copy some ideas

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