
Aladdin and The Magic Lamp

Magical Fantasy: The story transports readers to a realm of magic and wonder, following the captivating journey of the "ALADDIN AND THE MAGIC LAMP." Wishful Exploration: Discover the adventurous wishes, quests, and mysteries that the story unveils, inviting readers to embrace the fantastical elements of the narrative.

Abhay_Mishra_ji · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Fake Uncle

The next day, at the right time, Aladdin reached the place where he had met the merchant the day before. Aladdin started waiting for him. After some time that merchant also came there. As soon as he came, he took out sweets from his bag and gave them to Aladdin and said - "Why son, you told your mother about my greetings yesterday, didn't you?"

"Yes uncle dear." Aladdin said while eating sweets, "Mother has remembered you and called you home."

The merchant took out more sweets from his bag and gave them to Aladdin to eat and said - "Son, I have been thinking of meeting your mother for a long time. I will come to your house this evening to meet Bhabhi Jaan. Bhabhi Jaan Tell him to prepare food for me also. I will reach your house on time in the evening."

After saying this the merchant did not stop and left from there at that very moment. Aladdin also returned to his home. After coming home, he told everything to his mother and said that uncle Jaan will come here this evening. Cook food for them too. Aladdin's mother happily started cooking. He had arranged a good meal for Aladdin's uncle. Aladdin's uncle arrived there just in time for evening. As soon as he arrived, he started talking about Aladdin's father and started crying remembering his brother Mustafa. Aladdin's mother also started shedding tears remembering her husband. After a while of talking like this, it was time to eat.

Aladdin's mother served the food with great love. Seeing the food, Aladdin's uncle said, "I don't feel like eating because of the news of my brother's death." Aladdin and his mother convince him to eat the food. Then all three sat down to eat together. In some time all three finished eating. After finishing the meal, we started talking about other things.

Then as night fell, all three started resting. Then the merchant said to Aladdin - "I have heard that you do not do any work and are busy playing with children all day. You do not even pay any attention towards studies. I am very sad to know this. Yes. You must do some work. My brother Mustafa's soul must be feeling very sad due to your carelessness."

"If you use it for some work, it will be a great favor to me." Aladdin's mother spoke in a sad voice. "I'm thinking the same thing." Aladdin's uncle said - "I am thinking of opening a shop for him somewhere in this village. I have a silk business in other countries. I will send him new silk clothes from there, which he can sell here and earn four times the amount." Will do. He will keep doing shop here, I will keep sending him silk clothes from time to time." Aladdin's mother was very happy to hear this. She started thinking that God has now started blessing us. Now Aladdin's future will also be secured and he will also be saved from vagrancy.

The merchant stayed there that night. He entered the hearts of Aladdin and his mother in such a way that both of them started considering him as a member of their family. The next day the businessman changed the layout of his house. He himself bought every item needed for the house from the market and decorated it in the house neatly. He had also brought ration etc. from the market. After enrolling Aladdin in a school, he sent him to school on the same day and said to Aladdin's mother - "Business cannot be done without education, hence it is very important for Aladdin to study." Now the merchant became Aladdin's uncle and started living in his house. Aladdin and his mother started considering the merchant as a member of their family. Aladdin had started studying. Now he goes to school every day. Aladdin's mother was very happy with that merchant, because he used to bear all the expenses of the house. Time continued to pass like this and a few months passed. Aladdin started considering the merchant like his father. One day the merchant called Aladdin to him and said - "Son, we are bored of living at home. Why don't we both go for a walk in the forest today?" That day was Aladdin's school holiday. Aladdin liked his uncle's suggestion. He said- "Yes-yes, why not uncle darling?" Aladdin set out for a walk in the jungle with his uncle. While walking, both of them reached a dense forest. The forest there was dense and scary. Just then the merchant took out a paper from his pocket. Opened it and started looking at it very carefully. Aladdin saw that some horizontal lines were drawn on that paper. The merchant was looking at those lines very carefully. Aladdin stood silently. The merchant kept examining the paper for a few moments, then suddenly started shouting with joy.

"Got it...got it..."

Aladdin was surprised by this action of his uncle. Perhaps he could not understand what kind of paper it was and what his uncle had got? Surprised Aladdin asked his uncle - "What happened, uncle Jana, what did you find here?"

Hearing this, the merchant jumped with joy and said - "Son, today we have found such a thing, with the help of which we can become the greatest man in the whole world. The whole world will bow at our feet." Aladdin could not understand anything yet. He found his uncle's actions mysterious. , Caught in confusion, he asked, "Will we become the world's greatest man? But how?"

"Enough son, now you keep watching my miracle." Saying this the merchant took out a bundle of papers from his pocket and opened it. There was red colored powder in the packet. He threw that red powder in the air. As the red powder flew into the air, there was a huge explosion and the ground in front of them split into two with a hiss. Now a small iron door was clearly visible inside the ground. Aladdin was watching his uncle's strange miracles in a astonished manner. He still could not understand what was happening? The merchant again put his hand in his pocket and took out a ring from the pocket. Giving the ring to Aladdin, he said - "Take this son, wear this ring and remember God, enter this gate. After crossing this gate, you will find a beautiful crow, there is a huge temple in that garden, you Enter the temple without any hesitation. You will see a lamp burning inside. You extinguish that lamp, keep it in your pocket and come back immediately. This ring will protect you." Aladdin got scared after hearing about going inside that tunnel. He refused from the merchant, but finally he had to agree when the merchant put more pressure on him. He wore the ring given by the merchant and gathered courage and entered the underground tunnel. The tunnel was very dark. Aladdin was afraid to move forward in the darkness, but the merchant's ring was spreading light in the darkness. Due to which Aladdin was getting comfortable in moving forward. Aladdin kept moving further into the tunnel. After crossing the tunnel, Aladdin found himself standing in a magnificent and beautiful garden. There were different types of trees planted in that garden, which were laden with fruits and flowers. There were colorful stones scattered all around which were shining. Overall the scene around him was very beautiful. Aladdin kept admiring the beauty of the garden for a few moments. There was day-like light in the garden. Aladdin also saw the huge temple that the merchant had told about. He filled many colorful stones in his pockets.

After that he proceeded towards the temple with heavy steps. After entering the temple he looked inside. Inside he saw a lamp burning. In whose light the entire room was illuminating. As soon as Aladdin looked at the lamp, the merchant's words echoed in his ears - "Extinguish that lamp and keep it in your pocket and immediately run away from there. If you delay, you will be buried there." Aladdin immediately extinguished the burning lamp by blowing on it.

And putting it in his pocket, he ran outside. After a few moments he was at the main gate. Outside the tunnel, his uncle, the merchant, was anxiously waiting for Aladdin. There was no limit to his happiness when he saw Aladdin coming.

"Well done son." The merchant jumped with joy, "Bring it, give me the lamp."

"First take me out. "I'm suffocating here."

Aladdin was literally suffocating in the tunnel. He was experiencing great difficulty in breathing.

"Hey, first give me the lamp." The merchant said uneasily, "I will definitely take you out."

Aladdin did not understand his uncle's motive. He could not understand why his uncle was not throwing him out? The worm of doubt began to gnaw in Aladdin's mind. He understood that whatever it may be, there is definitely some secret in this lamp. Otherwise his uncle would have thrown him out by now. Aladdin again requested the merchant, but the merchant gave the same rote reply that first give me the lamp, only then I will take you out. Now Aladdin's suspicions were confirmed. He understood that there is definitely some secret in this lamp. He decided that he would not give the lamp first. He was also suspicious of the merchant's intentions, so he said in a blunt voice - "Now I will give you this lamp only when you take me out safely, otherwise I will never give you this lamp." Hearing this, the merchant became very angry. His eyes turned red with anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "You fool, give me the lamp, otherwise the tunnel itself will become your grave."

"Never." Aladdin spoke in a loud and flat voice - "Unless you take me out, you will not get the lamp."

Now the merchant was even more irritated. Due to anger he started trembling and gritted his teeth and said - "Enough is enough. Now you will be buried in this tunnel forever."

After saying this the merchant started chanting the mantra. The mantra was about to be chanted when the door of the tunnel started closing. Seeing this, Aladdin got horrified. He started calling the merchant by shouting 'Chacha Jaan, Chacha Jaan', but to no avail and the door of the tunnel was completely closed. Aladdin was now literally buried in the tunnel. There was complete darkness in the entire tunnel.

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Translator: Abhay Mishra

Editor: Abhay Mishra

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