
Akvma One-shot


Story by Shiki Toshigami and (help from) Tōmasu Yeron

One-shot edition.

B.Blood+ A

X marks the spot, no, I don't think it does, X Marks your future, you choose the destination. I, Kirst Ouma, am starting to wonder what X on a map really is, is it the destination? Or is it the adventure? More of, I believe it's no mere adventure that you take. I turn towards the window, "Is life really just a long time? Or is it a tick of seconds before the life we knew is over?" I laugh, "I don't need to answer these questions in my own." I go to get up from my chair, but something stops me. I turn around and look, but nothings there. "Who's there?" No response, "Huh, must've been me." I run out of my room, down the stairs and out the door. I run towards the building I call school, except—"An Angel?" I turn around "What the—" I step back "Kid! The truck!" I dodge it, but I hear screams. And I look down, my right arm is missing and crimson soaks my clothes. The girls who were standing there yell "That Angel thing is gone!"— I faint from blood loss, all I hear is sirens, I think I'm done for the day.

B.Blood+ B

I wake up in a hospital bed, my father sitting in a chair next to me. "Kirst, you lost your right arm." He says, nearly crying. "Your mother would've fainted if she heard you nearly died walking to school." I frown, "Yeah... she would've." My dad gets up and leaves, but as soon as he does the lights go out. I run to the door. Darting to break open the door. I don't do it successfully, but I do it. But down the hall I hear "悪魔!悪魔!Make a deal with 悪魔!" Then I feel a door open, and I wake up. "Welcome to Akuma Express, the place to make a deal with the devil. Sign in here."They point at the table. I sign the sheet. Then I wake up again, but in my hospital bed. And on my wrist, there's a mark, it seems weird. I look over to the right, and.... My right.... arm.... is—on my body again. But....how? I get out of the bed, and walk towards the exit. I open the door. But there's no ground, nothing, just a black abyss to fall through... I see a desk, but it's so far away... that I can't grasp it... "悪魔! 悪魔!" Akuma? Akuma? What's he got to do with it?! But why?!! Why?!! I'm going insane over the brink of declaration! "AKUMA AKUMA, YES! AKUMA!" The voices peer back "THE BOY IS READY, HE IS READY!" I feel the mark on my wrist move, it moves to my hand, and my right arm gets one on the wrist of my hand. I don't feel any different, and I shouldn't, for; no 悪魔 is dead, until they're dead.