
Akishito Akato, what are you doing in Japan?

The story is about a boy named Akishito Akato, who came to Japan for a short rest, but due to some circumstances he had to stay here forever… What are these circumstances? The people who met Akishito are trying to figure them out. But he can't tell them the truth… Subsequently, however, someone gets to the truth and finds out the reasons for his actions, and then stranger and more serious events happen, besides, a chase begins for the main character...

FoxyAnd · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 24.5. The last battle in the empty world.

Chapter 24.5. The last battle in the empty world.

The trip to the city of Leins took quite a long time. During this very trip, it was time to discuss some details of arrival and also the order of disembarkation.

- Waka, do you live near the central part of the city? I asked to know exactly where to drop her off.

- No, on the outskirts, almost near the entrance to the city, there is a small house there, for me personally, and so my parents live in a huge house in the center.

- Okay, then, Rizl, we drop off the Waka at the entrance to the city, and we ourselves begin to search for the sword, do you understand?

At that moment, Rizl was looking into the distance and thinking about something and without hearing me, he just asked me about what I was saying.

I repeated what I had said to him, and he nodded, and again began to look somewhere into the void.

And after a couple of hours of such sitting , muon shouted to us :

- Here he is! The city we need!

And indeed, it was already noticeable quite a huge castle of this city and the walls. But unfortunately, everything was as muddy as before and in the same colors: black and white.

Approaching closer to the city, someone started waving at us and at that moment the Waka jumped up and also started waving her hands.

We drove up the horses and thus the journey to these people took only a few minutes.

Waka jumped off the cart and threw herself into the arms of her mother. Her mother picked her up in her arms and made the following speech:

- Dear traveler, thank you for bringing our daughter safe and sound, for this you are entitled to a good reward, please follow me.

And we headed to the central part of the city and everyone greeted us with solemnity, although I did not understand why such an honor, because I just brought a little girl to the city.

We went to the city to get our reward, although Rizl clearly hinted to me that it was time for us to go, and we could forget about the reward. But still, it wasn't for nothing that I saved that little girl and followed her to the city center. The king stood on the threshold of the castle and held a sword in his hand.

- Let me thank you, albeit with a modest, but still a gift, for saving my daughter. This sword has been lying on the threshold of our city for some time and so we decided to put it in order and give it to you. Thanks again for the help.

It so happened that Waka turned out to be the princess of this world, and I rescued her from a dangerous neighborhood. And the sword as a reward for us turned out to be the one that we need. But not everything is as simple as we would like.

From among the people, the very muzzle of the cat that Waka had appeared again. However, her entire muzzle was scratched and burned. And turning into a human, it was much more noticeable. Completely burnt green hair, scratched hands and feet, as well as all other parts of the body. It's immediately obvious that we've worked so hard on it.

— Didn't you have enough burning? Well, get ready to fight, you bastard! Rizzle said, pointing his sword at the false Punishment.

— Well, it's my time to take revenge on you for what you did to me.

Having said this, the false Karu rushed after the sword we needed, but I naturally did not let her go and restrained her blow towards the king, but she did not let me touch her sword and also restrained mine with her sword. I wonder where the cat got the sword from? Most likely someone was with her and threw her this sword.

Yes, that's how it was. The words were clearly heard from the crowd of people: May these thirsty for a peaceful life die! Let there be war!

They were silenced at the same moment by the guards of the royal castle, but it was me and Rizla who had to stop Kara.

With his golden blade, he was able to attach his "penetrating explosion" ability to Kara, but since it does not work immediately, I had to restrain the blow from the still resisting Kara for some time. By that time, the central street of the city was completely empty. This was just a plus for us, because we could disperse our strength to the full. I was finally able to break her sword when she abruptly jumped away towards one of the houses. So she had nothing to defend herself with.

— Well, what will be your last words, false Punishment? I said, pointing the blade of my sword straight at her face.

- Down with the world! Long live… At this point, I had already touched her with my sword, because it was useless to talk to her, she was subject to the desire of war. Eh, life does not teach her… At least let death teach you.

And now a lot of people have gathered again in the city center and again brought us this sword, which I gladly accepted and we went on horseback, somewhere away from the city, so as not to harm other residents and accidentally move them into our world.

Finally we got to someone in a muddy forest and at that place Rizzle cut through space with a sword and we finally saw a world that had not been visible to us for a long time. We crossed the line and were blinded by such a bright light, so for a while we could not see anything, but as soon as we moved we noticed that it was night outside and we were in someone's room. Feeling the wall, I turned on the light. And yes, how unexpected… We ended up in Akishito and Nila's room.

- Hey, who turned on the light, please turn it off, I want to sleep. Nila was saying, in a sleepy voice, without opening her eyes.

But after a couple of minutes, both Akishito and Nila got up.

- Kaji! And... and who are you? Akishito asked, looking at Rizl.

— I'm Matsu Kaato, nice to meet you, Akishito-san, I'm from a parallel class, so you don't know me.

- Why such formalities, Matsu? Just call me Akishito, I'm not much older than you…

Okay, let's tell what an empty world this is. And what happened to you in general.

I retold the full story from the moment I met Waqa, to the fact that there was a false Punishment in that empty world, which was full of the desire to kill everyone.

- It turns out that our Kara, her complete opposite, means she wants only peace and nothing more. Still, she's a wonderful person.

At that moment, Nila hit Akishito on the head.

— How can you say that about another girl in my presence?

— And what is not allowed? You're not supposed to be my girlfriend, so why did you hit me? - after that, Akishito hit her back.

And the cycle of such strikes continued for several more minutes. At that moment, Matsu and I or Rizl were sitting and laughing at these two.

Oh, they would make such a wonderful couple… But the reasoning over this needs to be postponed a little, because we are in an alternative world, where every day some kind of danger lies in wait for us.

Working on the chapter
